

Some people termed migraine (migraine) migraine to describe any form of severe headaches. However, all forms of severe headaches are not migraines, and not all types of severe migraine headaches, although many of them lead to severe pain.

Here are questions and answers about this disease disturbing:

What are the manifestations of migraine headaches?

Precedes migraine attacks "traditional", cases appear halo visual aura, usually consist of visual forms confused strange - lines chipped, flashes of light, and from time to time, temporary loss of vision, numbness and tingling affecting one side of the lips, tongue, and face, as well as Sometimes in the hand is located on the same side. However, about one-third of migraine sufferers suffer from the visual appearance of the areola, and less than this percentage suffer from appearing in each migraine headache.

And leads the headaches caused by the disease, whether accompanied Bahalh or not, to the emergence of pain that starts (and sometimes still) in one side of the head. And derive the word "migraine" of the words "hemi" which means (half), and "kranion" (skull) in Greek. , Characterized pain impulses, also suffers a lot of people with nausea, high sensitivity to light or sound, or both.

But, as is the case with the aura visual, we have to stop the circular: it found some studies that 40 per cent of migraine sufferers suffer from pain in the 2/2 head both, not in one half, and Children with migraine pain in 2/2 head.

Also likely occurrence of confusion between the rest of the other forms of headache with migraine headaches. Valsaddaa migraine may cause congestion nose and Silanh, and therefore sometimes diagnosed his condition as headache caused by sinus. Normal and headaches suffered by the majority of people have similar attributes migraines, such as regional headache and nausea.

So far there is no test for blood tests to diagnose migraine. This disease does not cause distortions in the structure of the brain devices can class scans or magnetic resonance imaging detection, although doctors seeking to conduct such tests to diagnose problems that cause severe headache, such as detection of cases of bleeding in the brain.

And help epidemiological studies on the prevalence of migraines to remove doubts about it. The documented results indicate that women experience migraines more than men at a rate three times, and that the disease spread among the affected families, and that his appearance less with age. However, these results are only indicators rather than criteria for diagnosis.

In short words, reaching a specific definition or accurate diagnosis of migraine headaches, a complex issue. However, the writing simple diary to record headaches and factors that may have spurred on his appearance, may assist in the diagnosis process.

What are the causes?

With doctors believed for many years that the origin of migraine headaches due to the blood vessels, especially those that supply blood, the meninges of the brain (meninges), any thin membranes that surround the brain inside the skull. It was believed that those blood vessels to expand - and thus they put pressure on pain receptors in the nerve network tatting triangular twins trigeminal nerves that serve meningitis and other parts of the brain.

According to the theory of these blood vessels, the corona occur due to lack of blood flow as a result of the narrowing of blood vessels before expanding to lead to pain. This theory is attractive thanks to the presence of pulse shape for migraine pain. Some doctors developed this theory, to link different types of pain occurring in various blood vessels.

However, there is almost complete consensus now that migraines originally arises within the brain, and not in the surrounding blood vessels. One of the prevailing theories suggest that the relative headaches caused by the emergence of fast waves generated by the activity of brain cells. These waves penetrate the bark of the brain, any thin outer layer of brain tissue, and then followed by periods of inactivity.The monitoring for the first time Brazilian world Aristides to Aawa, 1944, in the brains of rats, has proved a lot of studies and the existence of this phenomenon in humans as well.

The look of the "compression diffuse cortical reasonable" as a reason for a halo, but the researchers linked it also happen pains. The defenders of this theory the results of experiments that assume stimulate this phenomenon on the occurrence of infections and other operations, in turn stimulates pain receptors on nerves twins trilogy. These infections "within the nerves" and the presence of some other factors make these receptors - and parts of the brain that receives signals - very sensitive, so it happens migraines.

However, some of the leading researchers have expressed skepticism in the migraine because of "compression cortical spreading." Has been developed experimental drugs inhibit diffuse cortical compression, were tested and one of the best, a drug "Tounnapersat" (tonabersat), which actually showed the effects of a halo-proof, but it failed to prevent the occurrence of migraines.

For this, some researchers say migraines can be explained best as possible from the bottom of the brain from the brain stem. This part "primitive" of the brain controls the basic functions such as breathing and responses to pain, as it is adapted and modified a lot of other functions such as information received from the senses. The theory here is that if he stopped certain areas of the brain stem from work or provoke justified easily, they begin to carry out consecutive events including nerve compression Barky Manshar, which leads to the appearance of the various symptoms of migraine headaches.

What is Mahfsath?

There are quite a lot of triggers the migraine that can not be accounted for. Many migraine sufferers are sensitive to sensory stimuli such strong: bright lights, noise and strong, and strong smells. Insomnia is considered one of the stimuli, and also sleep for a long time. The waking up from a deep sleep because of headache is one of the characteristic symptoms of migraine headaches. And a lot of women suffer from migraines associated with the menstrual cycle linked to the low level of estrogen in the days preceding the beginning of the menstrual cycle or tracked. The alcohol can and certain types of food stimulate the migraine.

The tension is one of the most common triggers for a migraine, which you can not control it. It is noted here that migraine does not happen at the top of the tension, but when the tension begins to recede.

What role in stroke?

Several studies have shown that the accompanying migraine aura, is a risk factor for a stroke. The scientists also found that people with migraine accompanied by an aura, have a greater risk in the accumulation of small infestations (areas of brain tissue dies due to lack of blood supply). However, the scientists refrain from advertising that migraines cause stroke for sure. And may be the link between the two caused by a common cause. Therefore, recommendations for people with migraines associated halo, focused on directing them to avoid other factors that cause stroke, such as smoking or the use of contraceptives, which are taken by mouth.

How ندرأ migraines?

Migraine does not resemble heart disease, the medical conditions associated with many risk factors can people avoid or reduce their effects. With the exception of reducing the excess weight of obese there is no known any recommendations on how to prevent migraine headaches for people who did not become infected with the disease. But, if you are at risk of migraines, there are a lot of steps to ward off a seizure.

The first step is often to identify catalysts, so that can be avoided. This may take some time and think.

A systematic approach devoid of tension, including getting some sleep, and balanced meals, and exercise, may facilitate things. In fact, any step reduces tension, whether yoga, or meditation, or exercise .. Will help.

People Al_husason of light are more sensitive to red light in the solar spectrum, and therefore wear blue or green glasses help to resist the seizure.

If not benefit from non-pharmacological changes, medicines comes into play. And beta blocker drugs beta blockers, and tricyclic antidepressants tricyclic antidepressants, antispasmodics anticonvulsants, are the most common medicines prescribed medically. And all have side effects, and therefore must be taken in small doses and in cases of repeated migraine attacks only.

How to stop seizures?

It was customary to not have migraine sufferers only one option which is to resort to a quiet dark place in the pending demise of Nubia. The drugs available to abort the Nuba effective enough, and have bad side effects. Now, a lot of people able to stop drugs Nubia "Treptan" triptan, a class of drugs includes drugs "Elitreptan" eletriptan (Rallbecks Relpax), "Sametreptan" sumatriptan (the Aimitrix Imitrex), and "Zulmitreptan" zolmitriptan (Zumig Zomig). It seems that triptans performs its task to stop the pain signals in the brain stem. They are also making the blood vessels constrict. For that reason directs advice for people who have a medical history of heart disease and vascular (heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure is controlled), not to take these drugs.

The pain relievers such as "ibuprofen" (Advl, Motrin) and "naproxen" (pet) has stopped Nuba light, only to repeat addressed leads to recurrent bouts of headache. He spoke these recurrent seizures of headaches when the body gets used to these medicines. And when they do not find the heart appears. The migraine headache turns into a rapidly growing pains, and so it is important to address the headache immediately, regardless of the type of drugs used.

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