
Neck Pain

Contributed to modern life, and scientific achievements, exacerbating the problems of neck pain in great shape. Especially in people, people who are self-office, and the school and university students.
What is the cause of this disease? Is there any cure?
Before answering these questions, point out that doctors jurisdiction assert that neck pain disease Hamid and transient, and it can be controlled, but in some cases may produce these pains for certain diseases in the muscles, or the spine, and cartilage in the neck.
And the causes of neck pain, almost combines orthopedic Alyan mainly be caused by stress on the neck area and the bottom of the head and the top of the shoulders, as a result of sitting for long periods the wrong way, when you study, or when writing, or when using the computer. The use of bad pillow when you sleep, contributes to the emergence of neck pain. In addition, the use of cell phone and landline phone for long periods of time, with the neck bent hand shoulder, adds unusual stress on the neck.
Neck pain may be, in some cases, resulting from chronic muscle inflammation, or as a result of the presence of roughness in the paragraphs, which is located in the neck area, or for a herniated disc in the cervical spine. In these cases, it may pain extends to the shoulder, arm and forearm and fingers. Was accompanied by numbness and tingling.
 In addition to all of the foregoing reasons, the traffic accidents may be the cause of the sudden appearance of neck pain and severe, especially when the driver of the vehicle exposed to bumping another vehicle from behind, leading to muscle strain is known to the doctors in the name of Whip lash Injury.
In rare cases may be neck pain caused by bacterial infections in the cervical spine, or in the cervical cartilage, as a result of infection by bacteria such as TB bacteria. And there is a category of patients to have cancerous tumors, or non-cancerous, affecting the cervical spine, and lead to excruciating pain in this region. The latter causes are rare.
Symptoms and diagnosis
Adopt symptoms - as doctors - on the underlying cause of the emergence of neck pain. In the vast majority of patients who suffer from neck pain offices resulting from chronic stress, summed up their symptoms in pain at the bottom of the head, from the back, stretching of the neck and to the top of the shoulders, and increase with stress, and the effort and sitting for long periods, and less during periods of leave and holidays weekly. This may be accompanied pains type of headache, which affects the back of the head.
It is known that in this group of patients, the pain intensity increases with exposure to physical or psychological pressure, or with the vagaries of climate, such as the onset of winter, and in women fueled further with the entry of the menstrual cycle.
In patients suffering from shortness of the spinal canal and put pressure on the spinal cord, or who suffer from a herniated disc in the cervical spine, the pain is concentrated in the neck area and then extend to one or both arms by the nerves that are under pressure. This pain may be excruciating, has similarities Sikha of fire in the hands of the patient and his arm, has prevented him from doing the simplest daily tasks. In some cases, it may accompany numb pain and numbness in the fingers. In advanced cases there may be a weakness in the muscles, and affect the function of the legs as well. And in patients who have pain caused by bacterial infections or tumors, this category suffer from pain, even in times of comfort, or at night, or during sleep, and even with the lack of movement in the neck, which is characteristic of this category of patients, and call attention and scrutiny by a physician. When the patient complains of pain when lying relaxed on the bed, it must take this very seriously. If the owner of this pain feeling Balrgevh, or a rise in temperature of the body as a whole, or loss of appetite or weight loss, they are all indicators of the seriousness of the situation.
As for diagnosis, it usually starts with physical examination, which may indicate the presence of stretch in the movement of the cervical spine and the presence of tension and contraction in the muscles around the neck and shoulders. The shows as well as the presence of neurological deficits in the hands or feet such as neural reflexes change or loss of feeling in some fingers. After that comes the role of X-rays, which may indicate the presence of a strained neck muscles or having stiffness in the neck. The best way and later for the diagnosis of cervical spine problems, it is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that show the precision and clarity of any changes Rthwaih or any cartilage slips or any traces of infections or tumors in the cervical spine. Doctor may need to ask for some lab tests blood Kthaleil and so on. And must alert here to the need for precision when diagnosing these cases, many of the patients may have problems in the shoulders, affecting the neck or they may have problems in the neck, which could affect the shoulders. It is therefore necessary to examine the shoulder joint when examining this group of patients.
Pain treatment depends neck and shoulders, according to Dr. Yasser Beheiri specialist bone disease, the underlying cause of patients. For example, if there are problems, such as spinal canal stenosis, or slipped discs, or the presence of bacterial infections or tumors, surgical intervention may be necessary. In cases resulting from benign pain, caused by stress and sore muscles, the treatment plan, proposed by Dr. Beheiri, begins in ways conservative treatment consists of the following:
Take enough rest, especially when the people who require their use of computers or writing for long periods of time.
Maintain the proper position when you sit down to study, or if you use a computer so that they are deliberating on a table, chair and using healthy, and not deliberating on the ground or on the couch or on the bed, as do many students.
Try taking a break every quarter of an hour, or every half hour, with the work of simple exercises for the muscles of the neck.
Action physiotherapy sessions for rehabilitation and education for the correct postures to maintain the integrity of the neck, as well as lengthening exercises work for neck muscles and strengthening exercises for these muscles, which leads to long-term rehabilitation and strengthen them and make them able to cope with everyday pressures.
Use anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medications and muscle relaxants drugs for short periods of time under the supervision of a physician.
Medical use the pillow at bedtime, and medical pillow when you sit down, in order to maintain the right texture to the cervical vertebrae and appeared generally.
Use ointments and hot or cold compresses each according to his condition when necessary.
The patient must know the things that affect one's health and increase the status and avoid, such as stress and cold stress.
In the event of continuing pain in a specific area, it can give localized injection containing Aldepomdrol anti-inflammatory, in order to eliminate the inflammation in the muscle.
And the vast majority of patients, the plan that I mentioned earlier to be successful in the extrication of chronic or acute pain in the neck and upper back and shoulders. It must be pointed out that new habits and assistive devices and exercises learned by the patient or the patient during treatment, must be continuous, permanent and be a part of his life and his daily program in order to ensure that the return of these pains.
In cases where the result of a herniated disc or a narrow spinal canal do not respond to previous treatment plan, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Surgical intervention:
Doctors advised jurisdiction when the pain is caused by landslides chondrocytes in the cervical spine pressing on nerves and affects the arm does not respond to treatment Althvza, surgical intervention becomes necessary. This surgical intervention is through surgery to remove slipped discs in the cervical spine and the liberalization of nerve and raise pressure on the spinal cord, a process routinely performed usually by slot does not exceed a few centimeters at the top of the neck, and during which the use of the microscope, medical and takes about an hour or hour and a half The percentage of success ninety-five percent. After eradication Spondylolisthesis in the cervical spine, it can put artificial bone graft place cartilage to merge paragraphs together, or you can use what is known as artificial cartilage, which is placed anywhere the patient's cartilage, which has been eradicated. And industrial cartilage interest is that instead of integrating paragraphs and lack of movement between them, it will lead to the preservation movement between paragraphs that the patient's cartilage was removed from them. In fact, the industrial cartilage in the cervical spine is-the-art techniques in the treatment of this problem. Despite the high price of this relatively industrial cartilage, but many patients prefer it because as we mentioned earlier, keeps the movement in the neck, especially in the category of patients a relatively young age.
In cases that are caused by bacterial infections in the cervical spine, the surgical intervention may be necessary to remove any pools Sididip, and the work of cleaning paragraphs Almtsush and installed if the inflammation has led to loosening in these paragraphs. They are then given to the patient concentrated doses of antibiotics intravenously for a period may last a few weeks with the aim of eliminating the bacteria that cause bacterial infection. For the few cases where the pain is caused by benign tumors or cancerous tumors, the treatment depends on the type and severity of the tumor, and bad and his place in the paragraph, and varies from one patient to another.

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