
Chronic cough

Starts coughing first Bashhik pulls air deep into the lungs, then take Alzerdma (oboe-glottis) to work, taking cover impasse over the trachea (main bronchus). The third step is the strong contraction of the muscles of the rib cage, abdomen, and diaphragm.
In the case of normal breathing you mentioned these muscles drive gently air from the lungs through the nose and mouth. But when close Alzerdma (oboe), the air is limited, thus generating tremendous pressure within the airways. Finally, Alzerdma open to air out strongly exuberant. This rush of a robust, amounting air speed in the case of strong cough almost to the speed of sound, causing a howl or whistling, we call "cough".
The cough can occur consciously or involuntary event, or as a result of involuntary reaction is uncontrolled. In the latter case, stimulating nerves throat and respiratory tract is which plays a role in the start of each operation. It can Taathaj these nerves due to infection, allergy, cold air, and the presence of tumors where, and chemicals such as those caused by smoking, and factors mechanical such as the entry-minute dust, or because body fluids usual such as mucus from the nose, or stomach acids. So it is not surprising to say that there are different reasons for a cough.
Chronic cough
We may be a cough, not a fear of coughing from time to time. And a lot of acute illnesses - which stretches between hay fever and common cold to pneumonia - generate recurring bouts of coughing. However, this cough associated with acute diseases go away within a few days or weeks.
In contrast, there is a chronic cough which is defined as a cough that lasts for more than eight weeks, and sometimes lasts for months and even for years.
The chronic cough is a common condition, which is frequent so that is the most common reasons to go to the doctor's office. Although patients and physicians, alike, pour their attention on finding the causes coughing - something they are right where - the cough itself is responsible for significant problems.
In addition to patient concerns of the results of diagnosis, it also suffers from frustration and anxiety, especially if long-term diagnosis and treatment for several weeks, which is what usually happens. The cough leads to sleep disturbance and create stress and lead to disorder in the concentration of the mind and to the poor performance at work. In modern times frightening Verosath new, many of the social relations will be affected because of a cough.
It may also cough physical consequences ranging from a case of incontinence to fainting and broken bones of the rib cage. Finally, the cough costly problem.
Causes of chronic cough:
In this case, the responsibility cough irritability chemical, but the same toxic substances that cause smoker's cough simple can lead to health problems more serious, such as bronchitis (bronchitis), emphysema (emphysema), and pneumonia (pneumonia), and lung cancer. Therefore, chronic cough is one of the concerns that worry smokers.
The ongoing cough also raises concerns among non-smokers. Fortunately, the health problems offices are responsible for most cases of chronic cough in non-smokers. But, no matter how kind, benign or malignant, chronic cough concern and embarrassment, fatigue, and even more than that. For this reason, it should be diagnosed and treatment of chronic cough before it continues for a long time.
The cause dozens of diseases in a recurring bouts of coughing or coughing continued, but five of them occupies the lion's share: the cold nasal retrovirus (postnasal drip), asthma (asthma), reflux acid reflux a (gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) a, and inflammation chronic bronchitis (chronic bronchitis) and treatment with drugs inhibitors angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE inhibitors) used to treat high blood pressure. There are several causes of these cases have a lot of people but the cases of the first three spread individually or collectively among non-smokers as well, which constitute all cases chronic cough have.
The doctors can perform various tests in order to diagnose with chronic cough. Although these tests are accurate and successful it except X-ray imaging, it is not usually necessary. This is due to the infected persons are coming to their own reasons. But, before proceeding to make the diagnosis yourself, you check the danger signs that call to go immediately to seek medical advice instead of doing it yourself.
If you're the type of person with persistent cough, you should consider the following main reasons for it.
Runny nose retrovirus
Runny nose retrovirus (which is also called cough syndrome in the upper trachea): not only the work of the human nose to smell only function, it is the gate to the lower respiratory tract. In this role, he has to adjust air passing through it toward the lungs, it warms the cold air, and adds moisture to dry air, and removes airborne minutes is pure. And implement the mucous membranes of the nose all these functions three Bafrazha mentioned mucus warm, wet, and sticky.
Although the nose is the protector of the lungs Alriqiktin it had exposed himself to the problems. Valverosat, allergies, sinusitis, and minute dust, volatile chemicals, are all in a position to irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose. Membrane and respond to all those irritants Bafrazha more amounts of mucus, but this mucus is different from normal mucus that thin, watery, and means.
And mucus leak somewhere, and so it may come out of the nose exciting for the inconvenience, but it might seep toward the pharynx, which irritates the nerves in the nasopharynx (nasopharynx), causing coughing. In some cases the reason for this to the nose itself (allergic rhinitis - rhinitis), but in other cases happening cough due to cold nasal retrovirus, which lasts for a long time after injury upper respiratory viral infection, and therefore cough caused him called here sometimes to "cough after infection. "
In standard cases, the patients with a cold nasal retrovirus suffer more from coughing at night, as they often feel a sense of annoying in the back of the throat. However, they suffer from cough during the day also may be Belaomanm Mthija or natural.
And the best ways to discover that chronic cough is actually the result of nasal cold retrovirus is to resort to treatment. The drugs that are sold without a prescription to remove congestion or anti-histamine first steps. As the most contains material decongestants such as "سودوإفيدرين" (pseudoephedrine), or "phenylephrine" (phenylephrine), or anti-histamine materials such as "chlorpheniramine" (chlorpheniramine) or "Devinedramin" (diphenhydramine) or both. These drugs are effective and safe in any of its forms, but some people complain of accelerated heart rate, or force (because of decongestants) or drowsiness (because antihistamines). May find people with benign prostatic enlargement more difficult to urinate with eating decongestants, while others may result in taking antihistamines to stimulate a glaucoma (glaucoma). So you should read labels definition medicines well.
As domestic means can also help, Fastnchaq steam from bathroom Marcash or jug ​​of boiling water and easy way, as well as nasal irrigation, which may help in cleaning irritating secretions. And can be purchased Marcashat salt water, or making this water locally. And for making homemade salt water, take a clean cloth, and placed in a tub of water contains the price (8/1) teaspoon of salt per one cup of water. Then near the wet piece of nose Mnkhar, take salt inhalation solution. Though salt water irrigation seems useful, repeated one to three times a day.
If not succeed decongestants and nasal irrigation means to stop the cough, you may not be infected with a cold nasal retrovirus. In any case, you should not give up, and you can experience nose Marcashat. But avoid buy Almarcashat without a prescription such as those that contain "phenylephrine" (phenylephrine) and "Oksimitasulan" (oxymetazoline), because they serve a day or two but it is annoying when used for a long time.

Although he can prescribe antibiotics for continuous cough caused by a cold nasal retrovirus, it is useful. While responding to most cases of sinusitis to decongestants and nasal moisturizers, some cases need to antibiotics. However, it is easy to monitor the status of nasal cold retrovirus caused by sinusitis. This cold be a thick, viscous liquid form with a nasty taste in most cases. In addition, many people with sinusitis feel pain behind their eyes Jbhatthm, or and جناتهم while some of them suffer from fever.
The nasal cold retrovirus main reason for persistent cough, but it is not the only reason.
Cough associated with asthma
The wheezing and breathlessness of asthma symptoms. But whistling is not an offer for all asthmatics, and actually some of them just coughing.
And asthma is caused by shrinking towns, a temporary condition, (reversible), tightened the medium-sized towns that carry air to the lungs. In most cases, issued the air whistling as it moved across bronchi المتضيقة. Symptoms include other traditional heavy mucus secretion asthma, shortness of breath, and coughing.
But, in the case of cough associated with asthma, this cough is the only bidder for the disease. A situation that is not rare, as that asthma accounts for approximately a quarter of all cases of chronic cough.
In most cases, generates a cough caused by asthma coughing dry throughout the day, but it may start at night. Often leads Allergy exposure, dust, cold air, as well as exercise, to stimulate coughing.
The doctor suspects that asthma is responsible for chronic cough, the able to request a test on lung function to confirm the diagnosis, but the test results are inconclusive may be asked inhaling small amounts of medication "Mithacolin" methacholine)) which generates wheezing in patients with asthma.
Another premise of diagnosing coughing caused by asthma cough is seeing a response to anti-asthma therapy. In most cases, inhaled steroids such as "Treimsnolon" (triamcinolone), (Ozmakort-Azmacort) or "Badisonid" (budesonide), (Balmikort-Pulmicort) will lead the task. Otherwise you should go to experience Almarcashat expanded tubing such as "Albatirol" (albuterol), (Provental - Proventil, Ventolin - Ventolin).
Acid reflux cough
Surprised a lot of people when they know that asthma may cause coughing without whistling, but many of them are shocked when they learn that acid reflux able causing coughing without causing heartburn.
Acid reflux occurs when moving the contents of the stomach around the esophagus instead of heading to the intestine. And the usual presentation here is heartburn (acidity), and belching, acid taste in the mouth, and bad breath are common symptoms of him. The acid reflux also irritate nerves in the bottom of the esophagus, and can stimulate the cough even without the appearance of any sign of pain. In fact, third of Ppalartjaa patients acid reflux do not feel any pain, but they complain instead of coughing and throat irritation, or inflammation of the throat, which can not be explained.
And difficult to diagnose acid reflux if not accompanied pain. May help here X-ray imaging after swallowing barium, as well as esophagoscopy, but the gold standard is to monitor the laboratories acidity (pH) esophageal, a process in which the patient swallowing probe remains at the bottom of the esophagus to a 24-hour period in order to monitor DNA was present. This process is not as annoying as it sounds, but it is expensive and uncomfortable.
As is the case with other causes of persistent cough, the most basic premises about the diagnosis is to try to treat cough. You can initiate it yourself: avoid alcohol and foods, which often stimulates acid reflux, including those containing chocolate, peppermint, coffee, garlic, onions, citrus fruits, tomato sauce, or large amounts of fat. And eating small meals or Tstlq out of bed after a meal, as well as liquid antacids, especially in times of sleep, the thought of lifting pillows to pouring the contents of your stomach down through the night.
If you cough after a week or so, you must add drugs antacid without a prescription such as "ranitidine" (ranitidine), (Zntak - Zantac), "Cimetidine" (cimetidine), (Tagamet-Tagamet), or "famotidine" (famotidine ), (بيبسيد-Pepcid) In most cases, doctors can describe anti stronger antacid such as "Ançobrazaul" (lansoprazole), (Brifaced-Prevacid), "Rabibrazaul" (rabeprazole) (Oseviks-Aciphex), or "omeprazole" (omeprazole), (Prelosak - Prilosec), or generic medicine.
There may be a need for a period of between 3 and 4 weeks to gradually increase therapy to control acid reflux esophageal. The treatment did not lead his cough may be caused by other reasons.
Bronchial infection
Chronic bronchitis, which is inherent to infection pneumatic tubing, usually caused by tobacco use and exposure for a long time to industrial air pollutants. The bronchiectasis is a chronic infection leads to damage in the walls of the bronchi, has decreased the past decade since the advent of antibiotic drugs.
The leading chronic infection in both these diseases to the emergence of a chronic cough. However, unlike the other major causes of constant cough it is easy to detect this cough because it leads to the secretion of copious amounts of phlegm thick dark color. Unlike other cases, you should go to your doctor from the beginning instead of starting treatment profile, because the diseases require a course of antibiotics.
Therapeutic drugs
Treatment with drugs inhibitors angiotensin-converting enzyme. The role of the physician becomes important here, because the drug causes coughing. The authorized use of these drugs since the eighties of the last century, including drugs "Aanabral" enalapril (Vazotk - Vasotec, generic medicine), "for Lisinopril" lisinopril (Brenneval - Prinivil, Zistre - Zestril, generic medicine), in addition to other drugs played a role remarkable in treatment of high blood pressure, and in the nineties turned to the treatment of heart failure and heart attacks.
Although they are expensive, the doctors prefer prescribing drugs inhibitors angiotensin converting enzyme because it provides good results with few side effects. Unfortunately, the cough and one of those symptoms that appear in between 3 and 20 per cent of patients. And the cough is dry and may appear after three weeks or a year of taking the medications. Unfortunately also the cough lasts continuously since its inception.
Though mild cough patients may choose to continue to take medication or may have a lower cough when their conversion to another type of this class of drugs. However, the only way to get rid of acute cough is to abandon the drugs and replacement of other drugs, and including blockers angiotensin receptor blockers, such as "Osartan" losartan (كوزار-Cozaar) and "Valsatran" valsartan (Daiovann - Diovan), which performs its task, such as inhibitors of without causing a cough.
Other causes of coughing
And in non-smokers, these main reasons account for 90 per cent of the incidence of chronic cough, but there are other problems that may cause - but actually cause - a persistent cough.
 Pulmonary infection leads to cough:
And require most cases of pneumonia (pneumonia) caused by acute infection, diagnosis and medical treatment quickly. The pulmonary infection caused by injury Balmikoppelazema (mycoplasma) or chlamydia (Chlamydia) or tuberculosis (TB - tuberculosis) could cause a persistent cough. And be a very important sign of fever to identify continuous cough caused by infection. As shown in patients infected sputum bacterial thick dark sometimes be mixed with blood.
Whooping cough:
An infection of the respiratory tract that can cause serious problems in children who had not been properly vaccinated against diphtheria vaccine - pertussis - tetanus. Whooping cough has taken to emerge among adolescents and adults because adults injection enhanced post-tetanus vaccine - diphtheria original did not include anti vaccine for whooping cough.
Heart Disease:
Could be camouflaged in the form of lung disease that main symptoms were coughing and difficulty breathing. It is a common symptom in heart failure patients. These patients usually have a long history in heart disease. And shows Saalhm and very clear when lying on their backs without a pillow, and so they often resort to the use of three or four pillows. Cough may be living with heart failure Java, and be spit white Rguia. The swelling of the man, stress, and exercise intolerance, is one of the symptoms of heart failure.
Abnormal swallowing:
Can lead to persistent coughing, food led to stimulate coughing after entering into the trachea instead of the esophagus. This occurs primarily in suffering from a stroke or other neurological diseases hinder the correct swallowing.
Environmental irritants:
Able to stimulate a cough with every gasp sometimes the same take her rights of air contaminated Balkimaaúaat or outstanding minutes ranging from compounds of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide dust to minutes, and even minutes mold. Even fresh air can stimulate the cough that was cool.
Lung Cancer:
Certainly falls within the list of causes of persistent cough, but it does not occupy the first rank, especially for non-smokers. Therefore, it should control the appearance of sputum associated with blood or chest pain associated with the presence of a tumor in the lung.
 One of the psychological factors that may lead to the appearance of physical symptoms, including coughing. And increased cough caused by psychological reasons during periods of tension and then disappears during sleep. This type of cough is harmless,

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