

 Produce more cases of epistaxis for high blood pressure, and severe coughing. The result in the long presence of sunlight, as well as traffic accidents, epistaxis, too. And severe injuries from traffic accidents, which lead to rupture of the tissue in the face, causing severe bleeding that may lead to death. However, skull fractures may cause recurrent bleeding after injury be caused by rupture of the large branches of the basilar artery and ethmoid and palatine arteries that irrigate the nasal cavity.

And remove the crust by hand, or other the Otrh mucosa, may cause nosebleeds, because the repeated removal of husks may lead to the erosion of mucous anthelix, and reveal cartilage, lead to Nkhozh, which helps to repeat the bleeding. What also helps some surgical interventions in the nose, and benign tumors, and polyps dripping, hemangioma, and Hilmi tumor, malignant tumors, fibrous and vascular tumors in the nasopharynx, and a syphilis sore, as well as tuberculosis ulcer.

General causes

Foregoing it seems clear that many causes of epistaxis, and many cases of it caused by vascular disease, and blood diseases. One of the first symptoms of sudden high blood pressure, or combined with the overall stiffness. As well as the stagnation of blood in cases of heart deformity, and swelling of the lungs, and diseases of the liver and spleen, in some pregnancies. However, be severe and threatening the safety of the patient in cases of hemorrhagic necrosis, and in the haemophilia, or thrombosis, and thrombocytopenia, and vascular Alverwaria, and vascular inflammation, and telangiectasia. The reasons for bleeding in all these cases is not the same as one, because each is disorder in the blood clotting factors, while lies others in changing the walls of blood vessels, such as leukemia, increased endothelial cells retina, tumor of the nose, as well as some diets such as measles and explanations, typhoid, influenza .

Other reasons:

Besides all the above, other factors may lead to a nosebleed, including little or no vitamins, especially vitamin C. And this nosebleed associated with menstruation, or low air pressure. The excessive body heat and great physical effort, could be a reason for it.


Nosebleed when some patients suddenly without warning, while there may be preceded by when others headaches or ringing in the ears, or dizziness and itching, as well as nose زغزغة. It must be taken into account that the blood coming from the nose can be from upper respiratory tract (pharynx, larynx, Reed Bags, lungs). In rare cases of middle ear, through the Eustachian tube. And epistaxis resulting from the nose is where blood ruby ​​color and clean, and well be visible on the back wall of the pharynx, in the case of raising the patient's head to the back. While the resulting blood from the lungs, or the lower sections of the respiratory tract, is mixed, usually, with foam or butter. And when laparoscopy pharynx not find a barrage on the back wall.

May be bleeding in some cases from the nasopharynx, gives the wrong picture of the bleeding is from the rear parts of the nose, causing an error in the diagnosis and then treatment. In other cases, the nosebleed from one side of the nose, and blood comes out from the right side of the other, moving through the nasopharynx, and this is what causes the front using your father point the error without sound justification.

As for the abundance of epistaxis, it may be a simple, average, and may be thickly. Simple and epistaxis from Kislbacha area, usually an amount of blood a few millimeters, and graduated in the form of drops in a short time. Depending nature without outside help and one-time, has been constantly repeated several times. If the nosebleed more abundant, ranging from the amount of blood lost a few dozens Almellimtrut, but no more than love when adults .. Which in his case this is average Raava. In this case, changes in the blood within normal limits, and the patient needs to stop the bleeding quickly and complete. Exit of blood from the nose in children and the elderly, both, does not give the correct picture about the real amount of blood lost, to blood Aptlallm when percolated through the pharynx to the stomach, and then drops of blood and rushed pulse and vomiting patient blood swallowed. If the amount of blood lost, within twenty-four hours, 200-1000 g, this bleeding is thickly and threaten the patient's life, where blood pressure falls and rush heart rate, accompanied by general weakness, weakness and sweating. Upon repeated bleeding infected patient's mental disorder appears in the form of messing up and not knowing the time, or the whereabouts of the patient. As well as muscle spasms and panic due to a lack of blood supply to the brain. In such case, the blood is transferred to the patient, while working to stop the bleeding immediately and simultaneously.


Epistaxis in general is a difficult diagnosis, and can find out where the bleeding. If was very difficult, especially if severe or thickly, depends diagnosis to collect medical history (when and after anything started bleeding, and the strength and the amount of blood lost) then so they can be anterior rhinoscopy, pharynx, بأجزائه three (nasal, oral, and laryngeal), Endoscopy ears, and blood pressure measurement, and calculate the pulse, and blood analysis and measurement of hemoglobin and hematocrit, and blood Brutherugen. In cases of repeated bleeding work scheme clotting. In case rhinoscopy and accuracy of the interventions, we must be careful because a strong movements inside the nose can add another injury to the mucous membrane, and this raises trouble for the doctor and patient alike.


Must be for the treatment of two goals: stop the bleeding and prevent its recurrence in the future. Interventions are divided into topical interventions, and other public, and often complex. The simplest types of ways to stop a nosebleed is bleeding finger pressure point for ten minutes. If you do not stop we put a small piece of cotton or gauze mixed solution substance medical oxygen (3%) in the nose front for 15-20 minutes, with finger pressure on the point of bleeding, and the patient is in a sitting position praising his head slightly forward. And placed on the outer surface of the nose a small bag containing ice or a wet towel with cold water. This method is used if bleeding from the area front of Otrh. In the case of repeated bleeding from the same area, can be injected into the patient about (1%) of the solution Alfugonyin topically in the same area of ​​bleeding, or Key survey area textured Klorastic, or chromic acid, and is, of course, after local anesthesia, and the use of dressing of cotton wool mixed with textured cocaine by 5%, and epinephrine 001% solution, where your hand nose with gauze tape length of 60-70 cm and 1 cm wide, that moisturizes tape Zilukaúan ointment with adrenaline, and by a special forceps. And have your father in a regular situation gauze tape on the bottom of the nasal cavity, from the front nostril and even internal aperture, and placed in the form of layers on top of each other towards the top. The bar can remain gauze inside the nose for a period of 24-48 hours. And then pull the gauze tape from the nose, after the material is moistened with a solution of oxygen. If the bleeding is severe, you can leave gauze tape, before your father in the nose for more (up to 6-7 days) under the cover of antibiotics by mouth or intramuscularly, as well as the development of antibiotics acid Alaminkbron in layers of gauze in the nose. Instead of gauze tape at KD nose front, can use a rubber finger stuffed with gauze or cotton wool, as well as bags, rubber inflatable contain within a breathing tube.

In the event that the heavier bleeding, your father did not give front desired results, we turn back to your father for 48 hours, and in some cases 7-8 days, under the cover of antibiotics. The patient should be placed under the comprehensive medical care, and gives a soothing of low doses of morphine sulphate, and riding him Kuniola in a reported case of any emergency. Nor must points are examined to study the blood clotting, and the percentage of hemoglobin. If the rate of the latter is less than 40%, or income of the patient trauma, conveys his blood through a vein, and in the case has found a lack of clotting in the case can be given intravenous vitamin K also

Surgical treatment:

If you do not find all of these procedures (KD filler front and rear, and sedatives), then we resort to surgery, which boils down to linking arteries adjacent to the bleeding area

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