Urination during sleep, a common disease in males (female weakness). There are about 15 percent of the children, aged five years, they have a smooth night, landing this ratio to become seven percent, aged seven years, up five percent ten years old, and fade to become one percent age of puberty.
And begin to control urination in children (girls earlier than boys) up to the age of two years, and are during the day first, then to become a complete control of night and day more than two years of age normally, and develop this process to become a urinary control four years old.
The development of the natural maturation of urinary control depends on the safety of cerebral conformations retina, and spinal cord, and the maturity of the bladder muscle, and moderation in the production of urine at night, as a result of anti-hormone generation polycarbonate. It is known that the fetus is asleep by 60 percent, during the day (during uterine life), and pee by 40 percent during the day. Because urinating spinal reflexive process, as are the winepress urethral and bladder under control medullary full.
And newborn, and even one year old, pee 20 times a day, may extend this model until the age of 2-3 years. The greater the volume of urine (all urinate) whenever the lack of frequency (number of times) urination.
Control of the clouds
The evolution of maturity and control the clouds passing through the following stages:
Night control of defecation.
Control defecation daytime.
Daytime control of urination.
Control bedwetting.
All of this is carried out through spinal reflex to urinate, and be completed in four years of age, usually.
Studies have confirmed that deep sleep and sleep disorders (dreams and nightmares) are not a cause the night to urinate, but are the result of immaturity disorder causing retinal conformations smooth too. And make sure that the proposed treatments for incontinence night cures of these disorders, as well, which confirms that they accompany the smooth, but not its cause.
The mean urinary control involuntary contractions vesicales inhibition, and increase bladder capacity, on the one hand, and reduce the volume of urine output from the other side. Hence, the importance of antidiuretic hormone pituitary generation.
Antidiuretic hormone generating smooth means that patients have a nightly rate of production of poly larger than their peers without disabilities, and this urine minus pantheism, and this opened the door wide to start this effective treatment .. And delayed motor spiritual development, and delayed skeletal maturity, of the causal factors and important for smooth. And more than that psycho-social worker, in addition to the presence of a family history. These factors increase the likelihood of disease, about three times, although age between 2-4 years is the age-sensitive influenced by these factors.
Importance of hereditary factors
In nocturnal enuresis
Studies show that one-third of children infected, they have a story urinary incontinence following when the father, and five patients with a history of urinate following the mother. This occurrence suggests that the children will develop urinary incontinence by 77 percent, if the parents have a smooth story follows. Even so, about 15 percent of children with incontinence, not having to have a family history.
The organic Vmsúlh factors for ten percent of the cases smooth night and the most common of these reasons are urinary infections and infectious parasitic infections (Aharqs) and external urinary meatus stenosis.
The psychological factor remained for a long time is the key factor, but now, after understanding the physiology of ischemic retinal formation became less important, although it should not be neglected at all, which is the role of instigator.
Assess disease and night incontinence:
Clinical examination integrated nervous and psychological.
Laboratory investigations (urine test and jobs Aekoah).
Radiographic examination ('s Mini Urological and lumbar spine for spinal deformities finding) or associated factors (ultrasound to measure urinary Alnmalh).
Complementary examinations (imaging urinary Zlili and references for bladder imaging in the event of a reason for such quality surveys.
Parental awareness of the need to apply medical instructions, and not punish the child, or تأنيبه front of his brothers or his family, and to deal with the situation like any other disease.
Mention of the importance of the role of the mother in determining fluid intake for children evening, as advised to sleep early evening, and that pisses child before.
And the mother to awaken the child after about an hour of sleep to urinate again, and requests to wake him before sleeping parents also am early. We emphasize that the mother to make sure Clear child completely, and to contribute to the training of the child on the lookout.
The pharmaceutical treatments are multiple, and most important of some influential vehicles in the network configurations, in addition to the drugs affecting the secretion of antidiuretic hormone generation, which is the exclusive use of a specialist doctor.
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