

Acne common disease case satisfactory cosmetic skin infection which skin lesions are common and chronic, exposed 90% of young people under the age of twenty often than males and females alike, knowing that often begins to enact bully with puberty, but some cases may begin to enact the earliest Years of and that some cases also a late start in the late youth and began adulthood. An increase article Alseboum (sebum) and Ahtkanaa lead to oily skin inflammation. And infect sebaceous follicles active in the face, chest, shoulders, and back.

There are many factors involved in causing this increase in the excretion of seborrheic including: sexual hormonal reasons for increased androgen secretion from the adrenal glands, and genetic factors with the participation of other factors Kjerathim and ambient effects, psychological and otherwise. Note that acne appears in various forms and degrees of simple and more complex and severe (baghouse). It is noticeable that the more severe frequent in males than females, and in the white race with sensitive skin.
And acne being known many shapes Alokayevah (in its open form black white and CSS). Tares nozzle is clogged follicle seborrheic poetic, and the accumulation of sebum and Ahtbash be in the form of white heads oxidized when exposed to air. May seem white Zoanat or black heads.

The microbial interfere Some bacteria in inflammatory conditions (Kancodeat). And play a role in the creation of forms cluster Albthoria and was followed by cystic forms of cicatricial and Jdria or atrophic, and these events vary in severity and spread.

Other factors: climate impact observed on acne, moisture and high temperatures help a sharp Ahjmyat for these warts. The ultraviolet rays of the sun moderate have a good effect on these pills, and there is the effect of some medicines and treatments in the internal and external incitement to occur and increase pimples like: hormonal drugs, and other signs, and some cosmetics business. For some types of food Kalshokulath, nuts and spices and sweets, the increase undesirable effect, especially absurd in these pills increase the spread and harm her.


Acne treatment must be quickly and seriously, where treatment aims to improve the status and reduce its re, and to avoid the ill-effects and complications resulting from negligent treatment and aggravate the injury. They should be aware of the patient the possibility of continuing injury for a limited period and the necessity of perseverance on the treatment and prevention to avoid worsening the situation and develop into grains cystic, or to advanced stage of acne and that leads to leaving traces and scars chronic Jdria or atrophic, and vary these forms Bashdtha, proliferation and distribution and continuity.

The treatment varies depending on what type of acne and unit status and the presence of this love, where love on the face need special attention and concentration topical treatments differ from used for the back and shoulders because the facial skin is more sensitive.

Note that the topical treatment of State enough alone light in simple cases, often appear at the first sign of puberty, and advised the victim to these mitigation phase of the sebaceous secretions through periodic cleaning of the skin and washed twice a day with average water temperatures, and the use of soap so special. And it should be remembered that a very important night to be skin clean to help her to function correctly.

Of topical treatments many treatments, including:

Vitamin compounds (A) acid (acid Alroithwaik) can help restore keratoses. Antibiotics topical Kalidasin, and Alaarthurocn, tetracycline, and peroxide Albanzuel compounds which antibacterial property.

Finally, many use fruit acids the, Almakecrat (AHA) Alpha Hydroxy lion in treatment and in more severe cases of simple treatments may need to take by mouth, such as antibiotics, Kalminocklin, tetracycline, and and other Ertherocn that are used in this area.

In many ways the treatment of acne and this depends on what kind of love, including: liquid nitrogen treatment, ultraviolet, laser, and hormone and vitamin (A), Traetenon.
And used to treat the effects and scars, stains or love craters, surgery, Sanding (Sa skin), and skin peeling.

Clean skin:

Clean tares any empty small cysts and excess fat black and white tares necessary to be in the hands of an expert and followed by special care lest produce spots color Almtsbgh.

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