

Klorvinramen is an anti-histamine inhibits link histamine H 1 receptors are competitive reversible. Reduces vasodilation on Balhustamin and increased capillary permeability. Is well absorbed after giving oral and widely distributed all over the body, including the central nervous system. Used for cases of upper respiratory allergy include sinusitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, nausea, vomiting and calm.


Aldquiströmthorfan inhibits bulbar centers cough. They drugs occasional used to calm and soothe dry cough, when severe Mkhrcha tired of the patient Ptotrh and severity. And pay attention to the non-use of these drugs when coughing produces phlegm; Because the goal of cough tossed sputum and phlegm; may cause retention of mucus and sputum, which may be harmful patients with chronic bronchitis.


Codeine inhibits centers cough bulbar. Which drugs cross used to calm and soothe coughs, when severe Mkhrcha tired of the patient Ptotrh and severity. And pay attention to the non-use of these drugs when coughing product targeted to fling sputum; may cause retention of mucus and sputum, which may be harmful in patients with Hepatitischronic bronchitis. Codeine, effective enough to be effective in acute cough; but cause constipation.


Adversely affect the action of histamine receptors in H-1, reduces vasodilation on Balhustamin and increased capillary permeability. They have impact against receptor Almscaren, and cause mild drowsiness. Found in many medicines used to relieve symptoms of colds and flu.


Also called cromolyn, proves mast cells, which release histamine and other substances that cause allergies like Akotren. Do not touch the dropper either by hand or eye is sterile and touching it may cause infection of the eye, after putting eye drops must pressure slightly on the edge of the eye (near the nose) to prevent the loss of the dose. Used to treat inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva Rubaie, conjunctivitis Rubaie, the sensitivity of the eyes


Stimulates alpha and beta receptors (alpha-receptors in high doses; beta receptors 1 and 2 in moderate doses) within the sympathetic nervous system. Cause relaxation of smooth muscle in the bronchi and the iris of the eye, and is one of the antihistamines.


Reflectors action of acetylcholine on the future of choline, cause bronchiectasis, his anti-secreting properties, and when used topically inhibits secretion of the glands in the lining of the nasal mucosa. Not relieve nasal congestion or sneezing


Tarebeotalin cause relaxation of the smooth muscles in the bronchial tubes and uterus by working on the beta-2 receptor with less effect on heart rate. So Kmusa uses pneumatic tubing in the event of airway obstruction and in cases of bronchial asthma.


Surround receptor Allukutran (a receptor for Uchitran Sistnal, which raises the muscle contractions and inflammation caused by the secretion Article Allukutran).


Reduces inflammation of the bronchial cells so used to treat inflammation of the bronchial cells, in the maintenance treatment in case of permanent asthma. This medicine is used in asthma every day, even if Haralamarb better; and does not reduce the dose or stop this medication unless otherwise telling your doctor.


Reduces inflammation of the bronchial cells so used to treat inflammation of the bronchial cells, in the maintenance treatment in case of permanent asthma treatment croup, laryngitis and acute bronchitis. This medicine is used in asthma every day, even if Haralamarb better; and does not reduce the dose or stop this drug unless the doctor tells


Mechanism of Action: reduces inflammation of the bronchial cells so used to treat inflammation of the bronchial cells, and in the maintenance treatment of asthma Permanent In severe cases worsening repeated. This medicine is used in asthma every day, even if Haralamarb better; and does not reduce the dose or stop this medication unless otherwise telling your doctor.


Used Kmusa tubing because it is surrounded choline receptors. - Do not reduce the or inhaled Alchortkowsteroad stop even if you feel better after starting this drug. - Do not leave the spray solution enters the eyes, close your eyes or wear anything to protect the eye. - Tell your doctor if you feel any pain or discomfort in the eyes, interference with vision or visual halos.


Medication similar to the receptor beta 2 Aladernerjeeh short-acting, reduces shrinking muscles bronchitis smooth stimulates receptors beta 2. Use in the treatment of severe asthma and relief of symptoms during treatment maintenance of asthma. Protection against asthma updated exercises. Aattabrastamalh single to relax bronchial inadequate to control asthma and processing pollutants. Shouldbe dose inhaler omnidirectional with a patient who used continuously for use when needed.


A drug similar to beta 2 receptors Aladeranerjeeh a long (long) effect, relieves smooth muscle contraction in the bronchi stimulate beta 2 receptors.Used in the treatment and preventive maintenance of asthma (in particular, nocturnal asthma and asthma updated of any exercise that results from the exercise of activities) in the cases of patients who use their hormone Kortcosteroyd oral or by inhaling it, and used to treat bronchial stenosis associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A Vlotkazon added: for the maintenance treatment of asthma in patients uncontrolled fully with inhaled Alchortkowsteroad or in patients who have asthma previously settled on Salmtrul and Vlotkazon. Not be used to relieve acute symptoms or in the treatment of severe asthma.


A drug similar to beta 2 receptors Aladeranerjeeh a long (long) effect, relieves smooth muscle contraction in the bronchi stimulate beta 2 receptors. Used in the treatment and preventive maintenance of asthma (in particular, nocturnal asthma and asthma updated of any exercise that results from the exercise of activities) in the cases of patients who use their hormone Kortcosteroyd oral or by inhaling. - Maintenance therapy to relieve signs of asthma in patients using Kortcosteroyd inhaled twice a day. So you may be giving with Alboudsonid if maintenance treatment of asthma. - Protection against asthma updated exercises. - In the case of asthma, Formotrul not an alternative to treatment for Kortcosteroyd inhaled, so it should not be their use together. - Should not be used to ease the signs or in the treatment of acute severe asthma.


That adrenaline or the so-called self-Balabnfren evolution directly affects both receptors alpha and beta adrenergic nerve cells friendly, but the effect on at beta receptors to be more and especially when few doses. Effects Alabnfren in the body and which depend on the dose: • Increase the speed and strength constriction heart (low doses it leads to Ziad clicking systolic and decrease diastolic pressure because of the low resistance of the arteries terminal, but with high doses increases both (systolic blood pressure and diastolic) due to activation receptors alpha and increased resistance in the peripheral arteries. • increase blood flow to the skeletal muscle (This effect decreases with higher doses); also decrease blood flow to the kidneys, mucous membrane, and skin. • smooth muscle relaxation in the airways • hyperglycemia and increased oxygen consumption due to increased metabolic processes. Alabnfren has an important role in the treatment of allergies severe (anaphylactic) and can save the lives of patients in cases of anaphylaxis and shock Anaphylactic. It is also used when the heart stops. has used adrenaline in the treatment of severe asthma, and has no role in the treatment of chronic asthma. considered Aalabnfren treatment of choice for serious emergencies or other severe although this product contains a preservative is sodium bisulfite, and Salfit may cause serious allergic reactions


That Alabnfren and also called epinephrine self-evolution directly affects both receptors alpha and beta adrenergic nerve cells friendly, but the effect on at beta receptors to be more and especially when few doses. Effects Alabnfren in the body and which depend on the dose: • Increase the speed and strength constriction heart (low doses it leads to Ziad clicking systolic and decrease diastolic pressure because of the low resistance of the arteries terminal, but with high doses increases both (systolic blood pressure and diastolic) due to activation receptors alpha and increased resistance in the peripheral arteries. • increase blood flow to the skeletal muscle (This effect decreases with higher doses); also decrease blood flow to the kidneys, mucous membrane, and skin. • smooth muscle relaxation in the airways • hyperglycemia and increased oxygen consumption due to increased metabolic processes. Alabnfren has an important role in the treatment of allergies severe (anaphylactic) and can save the lives of patients in cases of anaphylaxis and shock Anaphylactic. It is also used when the heart stops. has used adrenaline in the treatment of severe asthma, and has no role in the treatment of chronic asthma. considered Aalabnfren treatment of choice for serious emergencies or other severe although this product contains a preservative is sodium bisulfite, and Salfit may cause serious allergic reactions

Parkinson's disease

Deep brain stimulation a safe and effective treatment for Parkinson's disease

Marks the eleventh month of April in each year as the World Day to raise awareness of Parkinson's disease or Parkinson's disease. The awareness campaign includes the disease every day of the month to define the extent of effects on individuals, families and society because of it, and raise awareness to reduce the stigma associated with the disease.

And Parkinson's or Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder that progressively degenerative associated with symptoms of motor core, suffered about 1.2 million people in Europe alone by "the World Association of Parkinson's disease", and there are at least 10 million patients in Europe suffer from atrial and more than 500 thousand European suffer from dystonia, 80 thousand of them are suffering from primary dystonia.

Disease occurs as a result of the loss of nerve cells that produce a chemical called 'dopamine', فيتعطل work basic nerve cells and the patient becomes unable to control his movements.

For further clarification about the disease, said Dr. Ahmed Khani, Surgery Consultant brain and nerves, Department of Neuroscience at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Riyadh, first, that the exact cause of ill Parkinson is still unknown although it is due probably to a group of genetic factors ( oligo), and the risk among first-degree relatives (17 percent), and environmental factors (including viruses, toxins, vitamin E, and smoking). Are diagnosed about 15 per cent of cases of people with Parkinson's illness before the age of fifty, and incidence increases with age, which affects men and women alike.

In the Middle East, it is estimated that about 2 - 3 out of 1,000 people infected with Parkinson's illness, and that the equivalent of 2 - 3 per cent of people aged over 60 years are infected with the disease, taking into account that most of the population in the Middle East are young with 6 per cent of the population are over the age of sixty.


Motor symptoms associated with Parkinson's illness, namely:

 • sclerosis: remain constantly tense muscles, leading to rigidity or stiffness of the limbs and joints, especially in the neck and legs.

 • Atrial: involuntary movements can be seen as a normal tremor in one of the parties or the head or the whole body.

 • Slow movements: it can develop in many cases to a curved position, walking slowly and lumbered. In some cases (after a number of years), muscles can stop moving at the end.

 • non-motor symptoms associated with the disorder include sleep disturbance, depression, difficulty speaking or swallowing and memory loss.

 • can be for patients who suffer from Parkinson's ill vouch severe fluctuations in the control of movement, it is periods where almost normal motor function to full episodes of inertia within a few hours or even minutes.

The effects of Parkinson's disease

As the illness progresses Parkinson's disease, the cause of more deficit, which makes routine activities such as bathing, dressing or eating without the help of a difficult or impossible. And can lead inability patient care itself to the loss of self-confidence and depression (he suffers about 30 - 40 percent of patients in the United Kingdom from depression during infection with the disease), and not to leave the house (whether to go to work or to do daily activities normal) Because of these effects, in addition to the side effects of drug treatment substitutes for dopamine.

Treatment Options

He added. Ahmad Khani, there are a number of medical treatments available to manage the symptoms of Parkinson's illness, including pharmaceutical and other surgical and each of which is described by reasons of the condition:

• drug treatment: levodopa levodopa is the standard for the treatment of Parkinson's illness, has been used since more than 30 years, and is taken by mouth, or by injection pump in the advanced stages.

And just as effective substitutes for dopamine drugs usually within four to five years. After 5 to 10 years, may result in increases in the calibration of the dosage of the drug to side effects can not be controlled and intolerable, and become often worse than the disease itself. Additional treatments include dopamine agonists and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

• Surgical treatment: and can be divided into two main groups, namely, surgical removal of the lesion lesional surgery and deep brain stimulation deep brain stimulation DBS both targeting specific areas of the brain such as the thalamus, pale body globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus subthalamic nucleus.

• surgical removal of the lesion lesional surgery: surgery to eradicate specific cells in the brain (forming the scourge of this disease), such as the thalamus and internal pale body and thalamic nucleus under to reduce the effects of dyskinesia and dystonia.

And is usually performed this type of surgery as a last resort as the cause wounds in the brain to eradicate some of its cells is a procedure can not be returned and may result in side effects such as loss of speech that can not be reversed or modified.

• stimulation deep brain (DBS): The stimulus deep brain Deep Brain Stimulation more means surgical use and the most effective in improving the quality of life in patients who suffer from ill Parkinson, and saw patients who were treated with stimulation deep brain improvement in the quality of their daily lives for a period of not less than Five years after treatment, which provides electrical stimulation to block signals in the brain that cause motor symptoms associated with Parkinson's illness basic. And when the catalyst is implanted surgically nervous under the skin in the chest or in the abdominal area and linking electric بأقطاب placed in parts of the brain that control movement.

This treatment requires the involvement of a multidisciplinary team specializing in movement disorders and deep brain stimulation (neurologist, neurosurgeon and a specialist radiograph nervous and Physiology neurological specialist). The team conducted tests to assess the effectiveness of the system before planting to make sure that the patient's symptoms will respond appropriately, it prevents unnecessary costs and surgery and possible side effects.

This way is advised for patients who suffer from troublesome symptoms despite optimal drug therapy. It must be these patients may have received a clear diagnosis of Parkinson's ill lasted for more than five years as well as a good response to the drug levodopa.

Deep brain stimulation

The main advantages of this type of treatment:

• very effective for the symptoms of Parkinson's ill when they are described with the drug compared with medication alone.

• patients saw an improvement in the quality of sleep and longer periods of sleep with deep brain stimulation, and this also leads to an improvement in the quality of life of caregivers.

• The treatment of deep brain stimulation leads to reduced anxiety and maintain cognition.

• One of the latest hardware (ACTIVA RC) is the first and smallest device deep brain stimulation is subject to recharge, and the only one in the world can allow the use of the device itself for almost ten years. This reduces the number of surgical operations over the life, which is particularly useful for young patients in the Age

Effectiveness of treatment

The effectiveness of the treatment deep brain stimulation has shown the following:

• The researchers found that electrical impulses hinder signals in the brain that cause the symptoms of Parkinson's ill and atrial and dystonia.

• constant stimulation of the thalamic nucleus under internal or pale body or ventricular nucleus of thalamus middle of the brain is of fundamental interest in the treatment.

• does not require patients to further surgical interventions when these devices were planted that are programmed and maintained from the outside.

Studies have shown that Parkinson's patients who were treated with deep brain stimulation showed improvement in motor function, allowing patients to be more able to accomplish everyday activities or even return to work. And can be performed deep brain stimulation also improves the quality of sleep in patients. And reduces deep brain stimulation significantly the duration and intensity of involuntary movements (called dyskinesia) and severity of disability associated with it.

And saw patients who were treated with deep brain stimulation a decline of up to 70 per cent in involuntary movements and an improvement of up to 56 per cent in motor function. After 12 months, saw patients who suffer from Parkinson's ill rate increase in periods of good motor function and alleviate the symptoms was 6.1 hours per day.

Also saw patients who were treated with deep brain stimulation, as well as oral medications, a significant improvement in their quality of life compared with patients who were treated with the best medical management and who have not seen any improvement. Studies have shown that deep brain stimulation allows a substantial reduction in the daily dose of levodopa equivalent, and this may help reduce the side effects of oral medications.

Patients with atrial

For the effect of this treatment on patients with atrial that the improvement has emerged after laying a deep brain stimulation is in the long term, Patients witnessed a significant decrease in the defibrillator for up to seven years. The treatment of deep brain stimulation to improve the quality of life of patients significantly and enable them to carry out tasks such as shopping, cooking and feed themselves independently.

In the case of the effect of treatment on the cases of primary dystonia may improve deep brain stimulation of the severity of the disease and reduces the deficit associated at least three years.

And reduces deep brain stimulation effectively the symptoms of dystonia related, which improves the quality of life significantly. When determining the perfect choice for the treatment of deep brain stimulation of the patient, must make some changes and as such patients need to do only the minimum of visits to their doctor.

Safety treatment

Were studied deep brain stimulation widely in different diseases. And usually the side effects of deep brain stimulation are reversible and transient, and can be solved by non-surgical interventions to change data and stimulus options.

Research has shown consistently that deep brain stimulation is a safe and effective treatment and lasting. It is possible to reverse deep brain stimulation, which does not cause any damage in the brain tissue. As is the case with all treatments, the stability necessary to get used to the deep brain stimulation. And long-term care is relatively simple in most cases.



Recent studies attribute it to the presence of the body's resistance to the hormone insulin receptor which is produced by the pancreas. This resistance has caused an increase in the percentage of secretion of this hormone, which in turn causes hormonal imbalance in the body. As some say was genetic and genetic causes, but the real reason is not yet known. Also that there is a strong relationship between weight gain and polycystic ovarian disease in some women. I may lead to the second, and vice versa. Increased weight adversely affect the hormone system in the body and cause the Fifty, leads to polycystic ovaries.
As you may be hormonal disorders resulting from PCOS women behind obesity. But in both cases, the weight loss and a healthy diet plays a major role in the control of the disease and its treatment.

Symptoms and signs

Irregular menstrual cycle with excessive hair growth on the face and other parts of the body. The cause of the disease stem obesity in the central region of the body with increased body mass index (BMI) to more than 30. In some cases, the patient does not suffer from any symptoms, and it is discovered by chance during routine examinations or when conducting analyzes of delayed pregnancy or infertility.


Of the most important methods of treatment diet to lose weight with exercise, and lifestyle change to become healthy. After that, we give hormones to induce ovulation in the form of pills or needles noting its impact in the ovaries through a "sonar".
And when drug treatment fails, the doctor may to surgical intervention through the telescope make holes in the ovaries and the success rate of this process is significant.
The problem of excess hair growth may be treated by laser treatment by a specialist dermatologist.


PCOS may cause delay pregnancy or infertility in other cases. And when pregnancy occurs, it causes complications such as high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia. Therefore recommended treating the disease as soon as the early diagnosis and follow-up of pregnancy to avoid complications.

immune system

Part of the immune system affects weight

Medical News. The researchers identified a molecule in the immune system, which may affect hunger and satiety. The researchers hope that the new treatments for obesity will benefit from these results.

The interleukin - 6 Transmission chemical in the immune system, which plays an important role in resistance to infection. And recent research has shown that this molecule might also targeted weight loss. The researchers in the verification of knowledge of specific types of brain cells and that are targeted to a molecule interleukin - 6.

The results showed that the cells that affected Balentrlukin - 6 produces substances that affect only in the sense of hunger and satiety, but also affect the control of the body's ability to burn fat. The researchers said the interleukin - 6 increases the levels of these substances in the brain that target weight loss, which may explain how the high levels of these molecules to weight loss.

The researchers said these findings may suggest that interleukin - 6 may play an important role in the organization of metabolism in healthy people.

Studies indicate that mice lacking interleukin - 6 they have fat and metabolism in mice when injected molecules interleukin - 6 directly in Damav has increased.

The researchers said that people who secrete their brains a lot of interleukin - 6 may have protection from injury overweight.
جزيء في الجهاز المناعي يؤثر على الوزن


Varicose veins are dilated and twisted near the surface of the skin. And are more common in the legs and ankles, and are usually not serious, but it can sometimes lead to other problems.

Causes of varicose veins:

Varicose veins are usually caused by weakness in the valves in the veins, normal blood These valves move in one direction only from the feet to the heart, and in the event of a disruption, blood clots in the legs, increasing the pressure and veins become weak, large, and twisted.

Factors that increase the risk of varicose veins:

Some factors may help to aggravate varicose veins through increased pressure on the veins, or because of impaired blood flow, of these factors:

• Pregnancy: Pregnancy causes changes in blood circulation to the holder and in order to support the growth of the fetus, but may cause side effects, including varicose veins, especially when increased pressure on the veins. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may also play a role. Varicose veins may develop during pregnancy generally improve without medical treatment within three months to a year after birth.

• Increased Age: In general, most older individuals may suffer from varicose veins, with increasing age veins lose their flexibility and expand, and weaken the valves causing the blood flow in both directions and a varicose.

• Overweight: overweight increases the pressure on the veins of the legs, and may cause varicose veins.

• sit or stand for long periods of time: stay in a specific position for a long time may cause an imbalance in the flow of blood.

Symptoms of varicose veins:

Mostly varicose veins do not cause any pain, and varicose veins appear dark blue, swollen and twisted under the skin.

But sometimes may cause a feeling of heaviness, burning, fatigue, and pain in the legs. Symptoms may be worse after standing or sitting for long periods of time.

When should I see a doctor:

Varicose veins are common and not a serious problem. But in some cases, it can be a sign of varicose veins and a deep vein thrombosis, which needs to be addressed.

Self-care for varicose veins, such as exercise, lifting legs and wear Jerarb medical pressing play a big role in alleviating the symptoms of varicose veins and prevent it from getting worse, but if you had varicose bother view patient or were placed getting worse in this case, you should check with your doctor.


Self-care is the foundation in the treatment of the symptoms of varicose veins and prevent it from getting worse or that Taatsubh worse off.

There are several steps you can take and which help alleviate symptoms of varicose veins and help prevent or delay its development:

- Compression stockings: wearing compression stockings be the first options available, can be worn along today and pressing continuously on the legs, helping veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently.

- Exercise: the movement of the legs and walk and an excellent way to encourage blood circulation in the legs.

- Weight control, diet and trying to lose weight and reduce salt in the food.

- Avoid wearing tight clothes and high heels shoes.

- Raise the legs: to improve circulation in the legs, prefer to take short breaks several times a day to raise the legs higher than the level of the heart.

- Avoid long periods of sitting or standing, and change the situation in many cases to encourage blood flow. Trying to move at least every 30 minutes.

- Do not sit down and put a leg over the other. Some doctors believe that it can increase circulation problems.

The very severe varicose veins, and that symptoms get worse even with self-care, doctor may surgery, or laser treatment or treatment Sclerotherapy (Sclerotherapy).

Heart Disease

Cardiovascular disease, which is often called a cardiovascular disease is a group of different diseases of the heart and affect its function, which is usually diseases include muscle Kulbouaph, and surrounding tissue, valves, and blood vessels that nourish or relate to the heart, diseases such as coronary artery and aortic and pulmonary, and arrhythmias Electrical Heart Disease, which can result from multiple causes, including what is acquired كالإلتهابات or infection or trauma, and some of which is congenital or due to genetic defects, has been characterized by disorder structural or limited to a malfunction, and that results in disability or disable the normal work of the heart, and in the often if not treated properly, they lead to disability or death, and may be recalled that in 2007 were heart disease is the leading cause of death in both England and Canada and Wales, in addition to the percentage of 25.4% of the total mortality United States dating to this diseases, that is, they lead to the death of one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone, nearly 2,400 Americans die every day due to various heart disease.
It is the most common heart disease:
1 - coronary heart disease;
Which means the inability of coronary session for delivering the proper amount of blood to the heart muscle, and may result from coronary vascular spasm, or because of coronary artery disease (arteriopathy resulting from the accumulation of plaque or plaques Alashehadah within the walls of the arteries that feed the heart muscle), or any another reason resulting in blockage of the blood vessel and therefore the non-arrival of the oxygen-carrying blood to the heart muscle, and usually appears in the form of angina (chest pain) or myocardial infarction (heart attack).

2 - cardiomyopathy;
Is a term literally means disease of the heart muscle, and is intended palaces heart muscle not function properly for any reason, whether the cause externally or internally related structure muscle itself, and Class I recall cases cardiomyopathy caused by ischemia, and cases of cardiomyopathy Heart alcoholic, and cardiomyopathy caused by congenital defects, and cardiomyopathy caused by malnutrition, and cardiomyopathy caused by hypertension, and cardiomyopathy valvular, cardiomyopathy inflammatory, and cardiomyopathy resulting from a metabolic disease,
The cardiomyopathy internal any conditions characterized by weakness of the heart muscle, but can not be classified within the known cases causes Kalmzkorh earlier, and these cases: cardiomyopathy expansionist, it is most common among these varieties, and cardiomyopathy inflationary, and cardiomyopathy Allanzemi which arises from disorder electrocardiogram, and is usually the right ventricle is the part most affected this type (where also called cirrhosis right ventricle of the heart), and cardiomyopathy Alachtnaqa less cases cardiomyopathy common, and the walls of the right ventricle and the left ventricle stiff, but not increasing thickness, and spongiform cardiomyopathy characterized by the growth of the walls of the left ventricle properly since the birth of the patient, making them look spongy shape when cardiac imaging ultrasound.

3 - heart disease resulting from high blood pressure;
Is a heart disease resulting from complications of systemic hypertension can lead to left ventricular hypertrophy, and coronary heart disease, and heart failure (congestive).

4 - inflammatory heart disease;
It includes inflammation of the tissue surrounding the Bakulbah (pericardium), or the lining of the heart, the inner layer from which called Bcgav (interior lining of the heart), or valves, or heart muscle itself.

5 - disease of the heart valves;
Is a possible disease to be acquired can be congenital, and that can affect valve and one or more of the four heart valves (tricuspid valve and aortic valve and mitral and LED Alriaa).

6 - vascular diseases, whether acquired aortic blood mother, or congenital aortic Ktadhaq

The treatment of heart disease is usually includes preventive treatment, and pharmacological and surgical according to the type of injury and nature, and can avoid or prevent many forms of heart disease through a healthy lifestyle, and through positive changes in lifestyle, where it can be useful In many of these cases especially coronary heart disease, and these changes include:
Control weight and avoid obesity.
Quit smoking, and other harmful substances.
Regular exercise.
Proper diet, as recommended by the doctors over the past fifty years, a reduction of animal foods especially the fat ones, and the increase in plant foods and fish oil to increase the amount of omega-3.

Glandular fever

Readers may be surprised (and especially those working in the field of medicine) at first glance when giving to address this issue, and specifically the relationship antibiotic "amoxicillin" Amoxicillin glandular fever. It is known that glandular fever is a viral disease does not benefit antibiotics in the treatment, on the one hand, while on the other hand, how to use this antibiotic in the diagnosis of the disease?!

All studies indicated that approximately 82-92 percent of patients with glandular fever Glandular Fever and also called the disease "monocytes nucleus Alkh." Infectious Mononucleosis appears on their bodies rash when eating the antibiotic "Amoxicillin" What is glandular fever? And how is it diagnosed?
Known disease and monocytes nucleus (glandular fever) as an infectious disease, acute viral, and widespread. One of the main symptoms and signs: high body temperature (fever), pain in the throat as a result of pharyngitis Pharyngitis, ill glandular lymphocytic Lymphadenopathy and the high number of abnormal lymph leukocytes (not typical) in the blood Atypical Lymphocytosis.
And the causative agent of disease and monocytes nucleus, is a virus Epstein-Barr Virus (and symbolizes his EBV). A type of herpes viruses Herpes Virus.
Methods of infection
Infection disease and monocytes kernel in the first place by mouth, and when it enters the saliva of the person carrying the virus (or patient) oral cavity proper person by direct intimate contact between them (kiss). Hence the name of this disease in the vernacular "kissing disease" Kissing Disease.
And also may be transmitted the disease through contact indirect, through the use of a spoon or cup sick person or pregnant for the virus (known as the person carrying the virus that that individual who carries the virus without showing symptoms and signs of the disease, but can infect people sound).
The children specifically talked infection in case of exchange of children candy or fruit from mouth to mouth.
Well it is likely that the infection transmitted through mucous secretions from the nose and throat during coughing and sneezing, and sometimes through tears.
The recorded some rare cases in which the infection through direct sexual contact with the female reproductive tract, and that the presence of the virus in the cells of the cervix. Let alone documented some cases in which the infection through blood.
After entering EBV virus mouth of a healthy person, the attacking white blood cells lymphocytes Lymphocytes Type B in the epithelium Epithelium of the mouth, pharynx and salivary glands, and signs of infection appear. And then you lymphocytes deployment and delivery of infection by blood circulation to the reticulo-endothelial system Reticular Endothelial System (liver, spleen, peripheral lymph nodes).
And leads the immune response against infection by the virus to high body temperature, and the emergence of large white ball size, not to mention that the invasion of the virus to cells of the type B specifically leads to change shape model to a new format is typical breed in great numbers.
And back high white blood cell count in lymph reticulo-endothelial system in general, to the proliferation of lymphocytes of type B virus infected. While sore throat due to the proliferation of the same pellets within lymphoid tissue in the mouth and throat area.
On the other hand, as a reaction to the virus entering the body the immune system produces antibodies to attack the virus and eliminate the intruder or weakening. The remainder of these antibodies in the body and gives a person immunity against the same virus for life.
However, after the improvement remains latent virus within the body until re-activated from time to time (like the rest of viruses Lhala - see the chicken pox and the Ring of Fire - two cases Mredatan are Espbhma different single virus - Dr. Gabi Kevorkian www.Altibbi.com). Thus a person becomes a carrier of the virus and will pass the disease to people who have never and infected.
Diffuse ratio
Glandular fever and widespread and very common, have studies indicated that more than 93 percent of adults (on a global scale) have been subjected during their lives of infection with EBV, and enjoy immunity against the virus, but they carrying him (and know the person carrying the virus that it the person who harbors the virus, without showing signs and symptoms of the disease, and that person is able to pass on the infection to healthy people who do not enjoy immunity against the virus).
The studies indicated also that most people are exposed to EBV virus in childhood, and the symptoms and signs of disease have a very simple, or it may be similar to infection upper respiratory tract, Owalthab tonsils, which may lead some doctors to diagnose this case as a bacterial infection of the respiratory system top, and they give the patient antibiotics unnecessary, and that the viral situation does not benefit the antibiotic in this case. It is important here to recall and emphasize that if the antibiotic used is Amoxicillin or Augmentin it in 92 percent of cases appear on the patient after two or four days of his handling of the antibiotic characteristic rash (will explain later) leads to believing parents error (and sometimes doctors) that this reaction is the sensitivity of Allergy to these antibiotics. However, many doctors take advantage of this phenomenon to confirm that the patient is suffering from glandular fever.
It is worth noting that in developing countries (non-advanced) people are exposed to glandular fever infection in childhood, while exposed a large percentage of people in the developed countries of the infection at the age of adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, doctors in developed countries are viewing the classical clinical picture of the disease (while in developing countries with the situation over the customers).
The estimated annual percentage extensive glandular fever (injuries during the 12-month period) by about 20-70 people from every hundred thousand people. While adolescents this percentage will increase to up to one person out of every thousand people.
Clinical picture
The incubation period for glandular fever than a month to two months (incubation period is defined as the time period from the moment of entry of the virus into the human body, and even the appearance of the first signs and symptoms of the disease).
In our country are so many people to the virus in childhood, as he does not show signs and symptoms of disease are evident and clear, and be in the form of a sore throat and a slight increase of temperature.
As if a person is exposed to infection at the age of adolescence or adolescence, the signs and symptoms are more obvious and classic.
And characterized the early symptoms of the disease, including the following: fatigue, malaise and pain in the skeletal muscles of the body. The last of these symptoms than a week to two weeks, followed by symptoms and signs clearer and more distinct fever glandular, are: high body temperature, pain in the throat area (due to sore throat or tonsillitis) and morbidity and swollen lymph nodes in general and in the neck area in particular.
Important Notes
Be an acute onset of the disease - a sudden, the show has several distinctive symptoms and signs, (previously mentioned), but I would like the expansion of the clinical picture is showing interest to do so.
Symptoms: supply is defined as self-directory (feeling) of the disease, and who feel or felt by the patient and informs the doctor. Example of this patient's complaint of pain in the throat or fatigue.
I would like to stress the following in regards to glandular fever patients:
• All patients suffer from fatigue and long-term malaise.
• sensation of pain in the throat area comes in second place after the fatigue and malaise.
• Do not exceed the oral temperature about 38 degrees Celsius Low Grade Fever.
• joint pain and skeletal muscle occurs less compared with other infectious diseases.
• often the patient suffers from loss of appetite Anorexia and nausea (without vomiting).
• the patient may suffer from cough and pain in the chest area and photophobia Photophobia (intolerance to his eyes to light).
Tags: brand is defined as a local directory (non-self) of the disease, and who feel or felt or noticed by the patient's doctor during the examination. An example of this Note doctor patient redness shave or a sense of the size of the lymph glands inflation in the neck area while he put his hand on this region.
Here, I would like also to emphasize some observations:
• First signs of the disease include: high body temperature, poor lymphatic glandular, sore throat (pharynx) and swelling around the eye and sometimes rash may appear.
• Then notes enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice, and red spots in the roof of the oral cavity Palatal Petechiae in rare cases may lead an enlarged spleen to torn (1-2 percent of cases), especially in the case of a patient lift something heavy or suffering from constipation (what lead to the lifting of the pressure within the abdominal cavity during defecation).
• The classic signs and symptoms of the disease in children and adolescents, including the following: high body temperature, sore throat and ill lymph glands. Whereas the clinical picture in older persons and the elderly, without the emergence of hepatitis jaundice. In the case of his appearance in general, it appears when young by only 11 percent of the cases, while in the elderly than this percentage, 29 percent.
• often enlarged tonsils, and may even be to clog the patient's tonsils shaved consequent difficulty swallowing or shortness of breath.
• at the beginning of the disease may appear rash all over the body without itching, and fading fast.
I would like to take this paragraph to draw the attention of parents and doctors that if diagnosed case an error on the basis that it sore throat caused by bacteria Streptococcus and give the patient a antibiotics following Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Augmentin, it may appear a rash on the chest, abdomen and back area (without head and the parties) and that after taking antibiotics three or four days. And this rash disappears completely after you stop giving these antibiotics. It is not known why this rash appears, is that many doctors and parents mistakenly believe that this rash caused by allergies Allergy to antibiotics three previously mentioned.
Thus recorded on the patient suffers from allergies towards it, and this fatal error (as the rash caused by sensitivity to antibiotics appear very quickly and suddenly after eating counter for less than an hour).
• enlarged spleen occurs in the late stage of the disease, and its size due to the normal size after 3 weeks of Note amplified.
• rarely patient suffers from anemia (anemia).
• increase the number of leukocytes (rather than decrease, as is the case in most viral infectious diseases) and because of the relatively high remarkable number of leukocytes lymph Lymphocytes Alanmozjah and characteristic of this disease.
Often diagnosed disease and monocytes core teen, and be top of the infection and the incidence of the disease at the age of 15-17 years. It also noted in childhood, but it has similar symptoms with symptoms of other common childhood diseases, and this explains the lack of or lack of diagnosis and monocytes nucleus in infancy.
Complications of the disease
In very rare cases complications may arise as a result of the disease monocytes nucleus, namely:
- Anemia Anemia: a shortage of hemoglobin Hemoglobin level and the number of red blood cells.
- The lack of platelets Thrombocytopenia: decreased number of blood platelets responsible for blood clotting.
- Myocarditis Myocarditis.
- Meningitis Meningitis.
- Encephalitis Encephalitis.
- Pancreatitis Pancreatitis.
- Cholecystitis Cholecystitis.
- Glomerular nephritis Glomerular Nephritis.
- Myositis Myositis.
- Inflammation of the mesenteric lymph glands Mesenteric Adenitis: The case inflamed lymph nodes that combine lymphatic fluid Lymph from the intestine in the abdominal area. A condition similar symptoms and markings of acute appendicitis.
- Optic neuritis Optic Neuritis.
- Inflammation of the spinal cord browser Transverse Myelitis.
- Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis.
Lab tests
Antibodies: as a result of resistance the body's immune system, antibodies are produced Antibodies against EBV virus which can be detected in the blood of the patient in the first week after the onset of symptoms.
White blood cells: increase the percentage of leukocytes from lymphatic type Lymphocytes. It may be noted the high number of atypical lymphoid leukocytes.
Prevention and treatment
Since the only way to move disease and monocytes nucleus is through saliva, so you should not the person who is sick or pregnant for the virus (during activation virus), kissing others by mouth (is it allowed that the Baandanam), also should not share with others the same dish food, spoon or cup, until the demise of fever and after a week or two. There is no vaccine Vaccine for the prevention of disease and monocytes nucleus.
And also there is no special treatment for the treatment and control of disease and monocytes nucleus, and the antibiotics Antibiotics not useful here at all, because the viral disease. The treatment (after proper diagnosis) sticking bedding and drinking enough fluids.
As in the case of the emergence of a secondary bacterial infection, especially in the throat area, it is possible to use antibiotics provided away from "amoxicillin" and "Alaugmenten", since as I mentioned earlier may appear as a result dealt with a rash particular (note that the use of the antibiotic "ampicillin" may Overall halted since over 26 years).
In a study by the author of this article (d. Gabi Kevorkian) in the occupied city of Jerusalem and its environs, in 2006 found that 79.2 percent of children with diabetes and monocytes nucleus, diagnose fault that they suffer from allergies adversaries vital "amoxicillin" "Alaugmenten" if eating them during the treatment period, and thus deprived of taking these antibiotics throughout their lives.


A disease caused by a single cell parasite called toxoplasmosis Alguendah Toxoplasma gondii, spread throughout the world and in all climates and estimated incidence in Syria about 60 - 90% and for this disease are two forms two Sreryan:
Figure syndrome: usually passes without bed and cautioned phenomena generally sound.
Congenital form: cause serious injuries when the fetus, giving it great importance.
The form of the pathogen:
There Mqosat Alguendah three forms:
Alotarev Trophozoite: crescent-shaped measuring 5-10 × 1-3 microns, has a large rounded end where the nucleus is located, and the front end more accurately contain a seat installation for breach tissue, see Alotarev within cells, macrophages Macrophages when the host is resistant to digestion of cellular mechanism did not know After, and multiply, including a proliferation asexually in two different ways: the first is binary fission, and the second Balbrama internal Endodyogenie which you do not see except in toxoplasmosis, as treaded cell nucleus arched mother is divided into two parts and the remaining cytoplasm without fission, then shaped membrane Sitoblasmi new inside the mother cell forming Mqostin The Ftitin, tear after the mother cell membrane editor of the new cells.

Bags Cysts: a spherical or oval Shilluk measure of 30-300 microns, and containing several hundred Alotarev resulting from asexual reproduction and that colonize gradually entire cell الثوي and be compressed on each other and surrounded by a membrane thick and resistant, and turns to the so-called Balabuag slow Bradizoite because breeding Slow البرعمة brokered the Interior is responsible for the increase in the size of the bag with the times.
Oocyte Oocyste: oval surrounded by thick and resistant casing, measuring 9.14 microns, resulting from sexual reproduction, which is in Alkhlaa under is Alzaraah intestine cats, containing oocyte inside four Boaúg divided into eight Mqosat.
Epidemiology and Infection:
See toxoplasmosis when all warm-blooded animals, and infection occurs in two ways, either eat the meat raw or poorly cooked and Mkhmuj bags or as a result of eating human and herbivorous animals such as cattle contaminated vegetables or fruits egg cell.
And is the mechanism of infection first ruptured casing bag ulcer digestive infectious and liberate spores slow resistance to sap infectious for 3-6 hours, and resist these bags temperature of 45 m for a period of one hour and 60 C for 20 minutes while you die mainly 66 m and remain alive for two months mainly 4 p.m. and are destroyed freezing - 20 m within 18-24 hours.
The infection cell ovale resistance to hydrochloric acid gastro are Ptzk cover in the intestine and edit Alboaúg eight existing including, resist oocyte mature for more than a year in the aqueous medium and more than a month in the humidity 100% and a week in the humidity 50%.
Irresistible also Alotarev acidity where are destroyed rapidly in gastric hydrochloric acid so you do not swallow lead to injury.
Life cycle:

It is divided into two sessions of sexual اجنسية and within several hosts of.
Session asexual: There toxoplasmosis in bags in woven herbivores that form الثوي mediator, and Humans result bush meat these infected animals, where liberated Alotarev them and multiply divide asexually to form bags inside human cells or carnivores, do not exist in this session Thuy final , as it is a human Thwaia intermediary and life cycle be blocked while suffering because it can not be eaten by animals.
Session Nationality: infected cat capturing the meat infected animal, was freed Alotarev of bags and intervention in the cells under epithelial to intestine where it multiplies division asexual giving cells Wedding memorandum small and mobile brokered three whips and Wedding feminine large immobile, resulting from mating these Aersin oocyte (sexual reproduction) which poses with the cat's stool to the middle and outer after 3 - 5 days of infection and continue for 1 - 3 weeks, and is matured oocyte in the middle and outer within 3 - 5 days, if the percentage of moisture and oxygen enough, the problem oocyte mature and infectious contain eight Mqosat.
Physiology and pathogenesis:
Develop toxoplasmosis Alguendah in the cells of the tissue web, which could incite form lesions in all tissues poor antibodies and particularly the central nervous system and retina and lymph glands and muscles.
Multiply toxoplasmosis Alguendah in Figure syndrome during a very short time since the toxoplasmosis girls resulting from asexual reproduction undergoing free outside the cells and for a short time span between the blast cell الثوي infected and access to another cell intact, then formed after 7-10 from the beginning of infection antibodies roving Blood stop the spread and multiplication toxoplasmosis Vtaatdf Alotrovat some tissue to form bags therefore not only keeps the shape fibrosis live inside the cells.
The survival bags live distinguishes injury slow and chronic for this disease, because of continuous production of antigens that express membrane these bags and incite form lasting immunity and protective, preventing injury following is toxoplasmosis disease parasite only constitute the immune system and can these bags inherent in tissue poor antibody such as textiles and nervous retina rupture editor spores that are slow cause recurrent injury when the patient himself.
Formed the primary lesion Mqosat granuloma identical in all tissues and turns of this tumor in some cases to focus Tnkria later Taatkls.
The congenital form resulting in the injury of the fetus toxoplasmic Alguendah through the placenta from an infected mother is rare because it:
Must be the mother can develop toxoplasmic for the first time after the start of pregnancy, and there is a very short period (7-10) days during which allows the passage of toxoplasmosis, which are free in the mother's blood to the fetus before its transformation into bags difficult passage through the placenta, and do not forget that an infected mother before pregnancy are toxoplasmosis encysted then.
In the first four months of pregnancy: prevent the placenta sound holes minute passage of toxoplasmosis to the fetus because Qatar parasite greater than Thagoppea, and if there is traffic because of the potential for fetal malformation be great.
In the next four months of pregnancy becomes placental barrier less effective and Msamath largest allowed then over toxoplasmosis to the fetus, leading to his lightly or with clinical symptoms of clinical late to appear or do not show any symptoms until birth, and explains the two points: first that the fetus has been completed indistinguishable, and the second antibody, which entered with toxoplasmosis from the mother to the fetus quickly limit the spread of the parasite in the body of the fetus is less incidence of deformity.
Clinical symptoms:
Figure syndrome: is caused by toxoplasmosis infection in humans after eating infected meat or vegetables contaminated bags egg cells.
And tend to this pattern forms or under clinical phenomenon, and that can not be diagnosed by asking the patient or examined clinically accurate.
In cases which show clinical symptoms, form lumpy is the most watch and usually affects children and young people, pretending to three major symptom is: fever - the magnitude of a lymphocyte - they, as the temperature rises 38.5 for several weeks and then return to natural state spontaneously, and swells the contract cervical Background often large medium and pain mild, can also be infected lymph nodes other (axillary - حالبية) has become the decade of deep (abdominal and mediastinal), but weakness remains long after the demise of the magnitude of the lymph nodes, develops this form towards spontaneous without treatment and without leaving sequelae.
The acquired forms are rare and serious infection occurs enter toxoplasmosis directly to the body in the course of laboratory work or tick bite infected When immune heterosexual or see when you Mthbti blind immunity such as AIDS who were infected traditional and pretend these forms on three clinical patterns:
First: exanthematous forms with injuries of meningiomas or heart attack or a pulmonary sometimes fatal evolution.
Second: Meningitis single Mqosj where cerebrospinal fluid serene, and automatically recover in most cases, but can develop encephalitis or symptoms in kind.
Third: the shapes in kind: like lesions seen in the bottom of what is happening in the eye inflammation of the retina and choroid congenital, with injuries in the home front of the eye.
Congenital form: the fetus is infected from his mother, who was hit for the first time during pregnancy, and pretending to four clinical forms, namely:
Great shape: very rare and is caused by toxoplasmosis transmission from the pregnant mother to the fetus in early pregnancy and clinical notes symptoms since the first hours of birth in the form of encephalitis toxoplasmic cerebrospinal meningitis, and pretending four main symptoms:
Change the shape and size of the skull: the magnitude and hydrocephalus, front تقبب and cranial expansion Druze.
Various neurological signs: controlled generalized convulsions and muscle booster disorders (increase or decrease), and disorder in the tendon reflexes, and dysphagia and irregular breathing, and thermal balance disorder.
In the soles of intracranial calcifications: a hallmark of congenital toxoplasmosis great, you see on the form of a contract either isolated or combined blocks in a lobar brain, and sometimes curved like an egg shell about Albtiniat.
Signs in kind: eye Ksgr and squint and nystagmus, cataracts and inflammation of the retina and choroid pigmentary macular reveals examine the bottom of the eye, which is either a single side or on both sides (which is very distinctive mark for toxoplasmosis).
Develops this form cerebral spinal meningitis towards death usually within the first few weeks of a newborn's life, and if there is no death case moves to chronicity, and a child is late spiritual development of motor where it is difficult to teach.
Forms visceral: and caused an infection inside the uterus in the second trimester of pregnancy, and is characterized by either the occurrence jaundice and the Valley with enlarged liver and spleen and bleeding in the mucous membranes, or injury digestive sharp sore Marri, or ulcerative colitis recreation, and evolving forms of visceral usually about death.
Forms late or isolated: They infection inside the uterus in the last third of pregnancy, and can be diagnosed immediately after birth or do not reveal only after several years of a child's life and includes a following symptoms: late spiritual and kinesthetic, or increase perimeter skull faster than normal , or convulsions, or pigmentary retinitis placental late.
Phenomenon shapes or under clinical: It is most common in congenital toxoplasmosis and constitute 80% of the form, and serological tests reveal only, and should be exposed and treated early to avoid late transformation into shapes.
Can congenital toxoplasmosis cause miscarriage or preterm birth.
Diagnostic bio:
Diagnosis Prompt:

And relies on the observation clinical signs such as fever and the magnitude of the lymph nodes and weakness in the disease syndrome, and retinitis and placental and debris in the bottom of intracranial in disease congenital, diagnosis is made in most cases to detect immunity acquired when a young woman to avoid the dangers of congenital toxoplasmosis, and in these cases being asked Find Antibodies routinely at every young maiden.
Diagnosis is certain:
Investigating the parasite by direct examination: detect the parasite either in the pathology biopsy or perhaps pathological sample injection in experimental animals the White كالفأر, and these methods are of the most proven ways to diagnose routine but rarely used to the difficulty of the application.
Antibody screening examination is direct: it looks for antibodies in the serum of the patient number of serological tests, include the following:
Test Sabine - Feldman Sabin-Feldman test or pigment dye-test or test decay: The tenet of decay qualitative Mqosat live there serum impervious (حاو antibodies specific) where change cytoplasm toxoplasmosis and become non-staining Bzarkh Almtelin, measured result titre quality loneliness International ml, and this becomes a positive test starting on day 4 - 20 after infection.
Test indirect immunofluorescence: reveals specific IgM antibodies in the first months of pregnancy that indicate a recent injury, measured titre when international unity in ml Also, starts Zarōha in serum after 7 - 10 days after exposure.
Test hemagglutination indirect: This test positive starting from titre 64:1, and in order to differentiate infection effective modern injury old (having immunity) we can have the test before and after the addition of 2 - Over Kaptwightanol that damage antibody IgM in injury confirmed must be the difference between bullets Ptdhaafhma at least twice, and there other tests that can be used in the detection of antibodies Kalachtbar immune enzymatic ELISA and agglutination test direct and test latex, which is a quick way to detect infection within minutes but should be calibrated serum ways previous to know caliber and focus antibodies.

Development of antibodies in toxoplasmosis acquired or congenital and interpretation of the results:
Develop IgG antibodies in disease syndrome as follows: begin to appear between days seventh and tenth of infection, a period in which the parasite free outside the cells, and then they get concentrated to quickly reach of 3 - 400 IU / ml after a month of injury, and rises in the month third to reach its peak of 600 - 3200 IU / ml, begin antibodies after the third month decline rapidly up to 1000 IU / ml, and continue positive interaction this value until the end of the first year of infection, after the first year remain IgG antibodies positive life worth ranging between 4 - 5 IU / ml, and this explains the presence of eternal immunity against toxoplasmosis.
IgM antibodies develop in the disease syndrome in the following form.
Begin to appear at the beginning of the infection, peaking after a month and a half and remain positive during the first three months of injury. (Figure 5)
Difficult to interpret the results of serological tests in the newborn suspect his disease toxoplasmosis Congenital: If negative it confirmed the absence of an injury, but if positive must distinguish between antibodies from the mother to the fetus and antibodies liberated by fetal himself as the antibodies that crossed the placenta to the fetus decreases to half a month after birth and disappear public after 4 - 5 months including, but this theoretically, we wait until the month the fourth or fifth after birth where disappear antibodies from the mother and the remaining antibodies liberated by Alwaleed himself, but this time delay treatment if the child was injured actually, so you must practice that Nair antibodies specific IgM, which indicates the presence of his disease toxoplasmosis Congenital because these antibodies do not pass through the placenta from mother to fetus, and can in injury-kind look for these antibodies quality in cerebrospinal fluid and in the aqueous humor of the eye, but the way difficult application and interpretation of the results is not accurate.
Normal in Figure syndrome: given Sbaramesan Spiramycin while having weakness and the magnitude of the lymph nodes and by 50 mg / kg of body weight daily for a month and could be involved with Ascorbic Acid ascorbic acid, and it is rarely given cortisone derivatives when the continuation of the magnitude of the lymph nodes.

In Figure kind relapsing: handles for one month as in the previous form, but added to address derivatives cortisone road year, being blood count in twice a month to monitor the side effects of treatment, and follow up treatment observation clinical signs and the evolution titre serological especially in neonates and young children.
Before pregnancy: being investigated antibodies toxoplasmosis in women before pregnancy, if titre has more than 8 units tested immunofluorescence indirect or more of the 64/1 test hemagglutination indirect indicates that the existence of immunity acquired permanent has, there is no need to re-tests serological in the future, but if negative serological reactions must retest worshiper of women every year and at the beginning of every pregnancy.

During pregnancy: It can encounter three types of results are:
If serological tests negative antibodies, advises pregnant not to eat raw meat or undercooked, washing raw vegetables well, splitting from the cat if she has a cat, unless fed meat canning because it sterile, and to make sure these precautions should monitor serum conduct serological tests every month until birth.
If the antibody positive strongly any more than 800 IU test immunofluorescence indirect or found antibodies IgM quality this indicates injury pregnant, there is no need for abortion, but treated by giving Sbaramesan by 3 g per day until delivery, and stress to say that the mother is toxoplasmic Do not be a medical reason to terminate the pregnancy.
If positive serological tests poorly re-made after 2-3 weeks to determine if the injury was old and women Mmnah, or that a modern and effective injury.
At birth:
Given Alwaleed proper clinically positive mother Mdaoh chemical Sbaramesan for two months, and given newborn if proven injury clinical examination and serological tests and radiographs preventive treatment for a year: Balsberamesan, and derivatives sulfa post with folinic acid, allow prevention therapeutic chemical avoiding thirds of the cases, which delayed the appearance of Clinical symptoms and must be conducted serological surveillance, and examine the bottom of the eye and brain electrical layout until the tenth year of age.


Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis Acute bronchitis is an infection and inflammation of the lining of the popular arcade, the air large airways between the windpipe and lungs.
Although bronchitis makes you cough, but it withered as a lung infection such as pneumonia, but when the situation does not improve bronchitis it may turn into pneumonia.

And often start with acute bronchitis infected with the upper section of the respiratory tract (including the nose and sinuses, ears and throat) and is usually caused by a virus, bacterial infection may come sometimes in the wake of a viral infection.

Infants, children and the elderly and smokers and those with lung and heart disease are the most susceptible to acute public as a result of infection of the upper part of the respiratory tract. They also are more prone to pneumonia caused by worsening case of bronchitis.

When symptoms persist or returning at intervals (which is usually what happens in smokers) This condition is called chronic bronchitis.


Cough most prominent symptoms of bronchitis, cough may be dry or accompanied Bbulgm, (sputum is a grouping of mucus and pus like material containing white blood cells that fight infection).
When the color is green phlegm tainted Basferrar be a bacterial infection is most likely.
Fatigue and chest Tzaik and false inflammation and low-grade fever and chest tightness are the most common symptoms.
You may feel shortness of breath, too.
Even after the demise of infection, may persist in some cases intermittent dry cough for several weeks because the lining of the airways is still irritated.

Quick diagnosis and treatment

Usually disappears acute bronchitis after 4 to 5 days without antibiotics.
If I got a fever, take aspirin or any alternative.
Rest and drink more fluids - from 8 to 12 Cuba a day - to relieve blindness of sputum and make Acer parcel with cough.
Breathing in the warm humid air also helps to dismantle secretions, and if you do not have evaporated or moisturizer, Vagaf in the bathroom and open the hot shower or bathtub water or hot tub Wolf head with a towel during breathing steam.
If you are a smoker, avoid smoking for the duration of your illness, at least, and the most important step you can take is to quit smoking forever!

Contact your doctor if you get a fever for more than 3 days or high fever does not subside intensity aspirin or if your risk jerk her body shuddered against you.
Well you should contact your doctor if you get shortness of breath or if the cough becomes worse and was accompanied by blood or smelly.

The symptoms of acute bronchitis that occur in children, the elderly and people with chronic illness (especially heart or lung patients) should remember the doctor immediately.

Your doctor will be organically examination includes listening to the sound of your chest through the speaker and take samples of mucus so can be checked ميكروسكوبيآ in search of bacteria.
If you suspect a bacterial infection does not appear it will be gone soon, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic (usually in the form of tablets) to help in the treatment of infection.

In some cases of acute bronchitis, may be prescribed medication for an enlarged people, usually in the form of spray, to open the breathing passages.

Atrophic rhinitis

Definition and symptoms:

One type of nose infections, and this case is infrequent, and where the patient suffers from atrophy of the nasal cartilage and mucous membrane lining of the nasal cavity as a result of circulatory insufficiency.

It loses mucosa cells ciliary and mucous glands and turns into epithelial tissue, such as skin, Visa nasal cavity and increases the size of the air passage inside the nose, the more so the stench of mucus that less quantity of a lot in this case and loses its properties and core task and tends to recession and drought and the formation of scales fish with very smelly, and this, of course, is reflected on the psyche of the patient.

Due to the outskirts of smell atrophy patient loses the sense of smell, and with the passage of time does not feel the smell, but he feels he is not acceptable to the community, as well as suffering from the troubles in the throat and respiratory tract as a whole.

Although widening the nasal cavity, the patient feels a blockage in the nose, and this is due to scale formation by blocking the nose, not the patient feels the passage of air due to the atrophy nerves, also may occur bleeding from the nose as a result of injury to the mucous membrane caused by dry crust accumulated nose.

Treatment of atrophic rhinitis:

Treatment of atrophic rhinitis Mysore, simple and guaranteed results, provided medication for a period of not less than one year, and the patient feels better after a short time of starting treatment, and generally advises the following:

- The use of alkaline lye inhalation 3 times a day at least.

- After lye alkali, using Manuka honey powder in plain water by 30 - 50% in the form of drops for the nose, and the use of points honey has amazing results and fast on the nose and pharynx, Fbmadaoma this treatment restores mucosa atrophic nature gradually, and has proven to be nasal cavity slowly begins to restore nature and even its ability to discharge and air conditioning, as well as restore the patient to psychological balance and return a smile to his lips.

- The use of stimulant drugs for the mucous glands and mucus dissolving.

- The use of tablets vitamin "A"

Allergic rhinitis

Sensitivity Alonfea very common disease, a disease similar to a large extent for asthma, but is linked to a large extent, as the patient suffers from asthma troubles nose in most cases, not only improves treatment nose.

Causes of allergic rhinitis:

Multiple allergens in the nose, such as

Pollen laden dust
Organic materials
House dust laden Balosh
Grass pollen, trees and flowers
Fungi that feed on the remains of human skin and which are also found in home animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits and farm animals cows, sheep and goats, chickens and geese.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis:

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis, sneezing when exposed to allergens, and stuffy noses, and increased strongly nominated water, cold water with a sense of burning sensation and increased tears in the eye.

Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis:

The diagnosis of allergic rhinitis to know medical history as well as a test sensitivity of the skin and nasal allergy test and analyze the mucus of the nose.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis:

Requires the treatment of allergic rhinitis to stay away as much as possible about allergens, and this is the most important part of the treatment so patients are advised to:

Get rid of the carpet and old books in a room to sleep
Put moisture-absorbent material behind the toilet to reduce the moisture in the water cycle
Resistance to the spread of the moth at home by non-use of any carpet moistened with water
Use curtains of the kind washable
Avoid keeping cosmetics chemicals in clothing cupboard chamber sleep because it may exacerbate allergic rhinitis
Also advised the use of sponge mattresses and not cotton to be covered with a thin plastic
Prefer to change the sheets and bed linen three times a week with suction dust electric mattress broom.

In the case of sensitivity resulting from the animals home, there is no safe and effective treatment only to get rid of these animals.

The drug therapy comprising the astringents of the mucous membranes, although the effect is weak because of a rebound phenomenon.

And antihistamines can be used, but for a period not exceeding two weeks in order to avoid side effects caused by them is dizziness and increased patient's need for sleep, dehydration and increase the viscosity of nasal mucus.

The recommended treatment with cortisone using a nasal spray or injection that treatment is done under the supervision of a physician.

The resort doctor for treatment sera, which depends on exposing the patient to a very small amount of allergens for long periods of up to five years and to urge the device

Lack of the sense of smell - poor sense of smell

In these cases a patient complains of loss of sense of smell, and must ascertain whether complete loss of sense of smell or that it does not exceed just weak in the sense of smell, as well as the power of smell identical on both sides of the nose or weak side more than the other.

Receives the human sense of smell through the mucous membrane lining of the upper part of the nasal cavity and the nerves that transmit rich sense sniff to special centers in the brain.

The reasons for the weakness or lack of sense of smell

May be due to lack of or poor sense of smell of organic cause nasal cavity, or a defect in the olfactory mucosa or nerves feeding him, or from causes within the brain.

(A) include organic causes nasal warp nasal septum, and allergic rhinitis, and eating disorders neurological Allrdaeh, and diet nose, and the misuse of points topical nose, and bad habits in this regard the use of lemon juice Knqt of the nose and that for the treatment of colds, as this will lead to damage to the ends olfactory nerve and therefore the permanent loss of smell as well as the increase of rhinitis.

(B) the patient may lose their sense of smell after infection with the flu and the reason is nerve atrophy feeder olfactory mucosa.

(V) may cause tumors that affect the upper part of the nasal cavity in the loss of the sense of smell.

(W) as well as the age factor is very important as the sense of smell - like the rest of the senses in humans - getting weaker with age.

(C) may be brain tumors in centers responsible for the sense of smell, or connected to, the reason for the loss of the sense of smell, and likewise that shocks to the front and epilepsy resulting from the smell center of the brain.

(H) may lose the human sense of smell as a result of mental illness such as delusions existence of a change in the smell of things known, or hallucinations (smelling odors that are not the place at all), and there may be certain scent make the patient remembers some painful events which make him feel depressed Verwdha in his subconscious mind no longer can be snorted.

Diagnose olfactory disorders:

Depends on the knowledge of medical history accurately, with briefing events associated with the beginning of the weak sense of smell or loss of sensation, or a bad smell, as well as requiring it to measure the ability of smell from the nostrils.

There are tests are complex and many, but the most important is the CT scan of the area olfactory cavity nasal and bottom of the skull, as well as the brain, so to make sure there is no benign tumors or benign (this after excluding any other reasons may be responsible for the weakness or lack of sense of smell).

About treatment of olfactory disorders:

If the reason is curvature of the nasal septum or fleshy nose surgical intervention is appropriate treatment, and the return of the sense of smell in this case semi-definite.

If the reason is nervous after exclusion of other causes return of the sense of smell often is out of the question.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the world (after skin cancer) and the most cause of cancer death.
It often affects people aged between the ages of fifty and seventy.
A disease can be prevented to a large extent _ as main danger factor is smoking _ in the past always had lung cancer is more common among men, but the gap narrowed in recent years a lot after that increased numbers of women smokers.
Also, people who spend a lot of time in an atmosphere redolent with smoke - as in bars, for example, workers - are also vulnerable to the risk of lung cancer due to passive smoking.

Signs and symptoms:

• chronic cough (continuous), sometimes contains sputum (phlegm) overprinted with blood.
• Shortness of breath.
• unexplained loss of weight.
• chest pain.
• humming.
• symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia.

And some forms of lung cancer have no symptoms until it is too late.

Can balls lung cancer very slowly, symptoms may take many years to appear, in addition to that, there are types of lung cancer does not cause any symptoms until the final stages. As a result, it can not be diagnosed with lung cancer until too late completely and become limited treatment options.

If suspected your doctor that you have lung cancer, you will be asked a radiograph of the chest - it confirms the diagnosis by shadow abnormal lung, may also be required doctor you send a sample of sputum to the laboratory for analysis and make sure whether they contain cancer cells, or may refer you to a section bronchoscopy. There, tube is passed through the mouth into the lungs to preview bronchitis.

Lung cancer treatment options:

There are three options for treatment and identifies each nature of cancer and the extent exacerbated:

• Surgery: lumpectomy only by surgery if the cancer has not spread to other organs, if there was no spread, surgeons eradicate lung and one whole or a substantial part thereof.
• Chemotherapy: following surgery is usually chemotherapy to eradicate the tumor, and this type of therapy is also used to target very malignant tumors.
• therapeutics scans: This treatment slows tumor growth but does not eliminate it completely, which is often used to treat tumors of micro - known Banakaúl Metastases that has spread from the lungs to the brain, bones and liver, and often follows the initial scans therapy chemotherapy.

The long-term outlook:

Be the chance of recovery from cancer the best for people who discover they have the disease early, where it can fully heal from it.

But the outlook remains weak overall, where it remains one person out of 20 survived after 5 years of treatment, and in cases where the prevalence of the disease, successful treatment effective only in relief and improved quality of life, but it does not prolong life expectancy.

Prevention of lung cancer

The Quit Smoking reduces the principle of risk of lung cancer.
Research has shown that ex-smokers are exposed more than just a little bit to the risk of de

Seasonal Allergy

It is known that seasonal allergies usually coincide with the solutions fall and spring is known as seasonal allergies, infecting members numerous body كالأنف and the eyes and throat, ear, lungs. Which leads to the concern of all members of the family at that time, and the importance of this issue and the most important methods of prevention and treatment ... Here this meeting, which was conducted by the magazine Clinic with Dr. Sawsan Abdul Aziz Madi Consultant Family Medicine.

Beginning we would like to view the reader of the symptoms of this disease?

Symptoms vary according to the members of the body ratio of infected patient's nose itching or burning sensation with a simple aqueous flow and frequent sneezing and stuffy sometimes. The eyes feels patient itching and tears permanent redness with a sense of sand inside the eye and the inability to full vision, and the pharynx accompanied pain during swallowing with the desire itchy Interior and dry cough, and lung symptoms are the very similar to asthma, such as shortness of breath and coughing, which begins dry then accompanied Directed by white phlegm, and There Baloznin be a sense of the presence of water inside them with the desire itchy light them and turn into pain.

What are the main causes of these allergies?

It is known that most causes of injury is pollen in the atmosphere, which are the highest in the early morning Aqraba six in the morning or evening when the sixth, as there are other reasons, such as humidity, especially with the increasing rate of the atmosphere, as well as house dust which is about an insect that lives in the carpets, curtains and upholstery and be responsible for the injury, and also pets such as dogs, cats, birds, poultry and parrot is one of the most important factors causing the kind of sensitivity, as some existing plants in home gardens lead to that.
Also considered air temperature of hot to cold suddenly and atmospheric dust, which sometimes happens are two of the most important reasons, and also speak loudly (yelling) lead to allergies, especially for pharynx, as there is a kind known allergic pulmonary or thoracic and appearing with increasing effort, especially in children during play or jogging.

What are the most important ways of treatments for this disease?

There is an important principle Guy treatment that sensitivity chronic illness and cure it is difficult and often the patient suffers from it throughout his life, but there are medicines that help to recover from their symptoms completely, and there were preventive treatment is used in the prevention of infection, but all this does not prevent re-infection by again , so must the patient to identify all drugs treatment and learn how to use it, and months, medicines for nose and pharynx are antihistamines, including modern types have no side effects Calduchh drowsiness and effect lasts throughout the day, such as grain Zyrtic and Claritin They deal flow of light water nose and sneezing frequent pain pharynx .
In the case of stuffy nose, helps to treat nasal spray, which contains a small amount of cortisone, and there are some preventive treatments such as sprays Beconase and Flexinase, and to be used for the duration of injury, and there is a drop-nosed anti-congestion such Otrovine which should not be used for more than five to seven days just as it can lead to counterproductive and can raise blood pressure in hypertensive patients, and for the eye, there drops anti-histamine and there some of prevention such as Opticrom and must be used with the beginning of allergy season, and sensitivity pulmonary dealt cure asthma completely taking into account the existence of things precautionary and preventive needed patient such as the lack of birds and animals at home when they are the main cause or remove some of the plants that may cause an allergic reaction, taking into account the need to clean carpets and upholstery always by suction vacuum and tools developed for it or replace carpet with marble or ceramic.
The patient should not go out in times of high humidity, dust, air or use masks when necessary taking into account the review of a specialist doctor when feeling any symptoms arise.

Vaginal infections

The tropical rain forests home to more kinds of life than any other site on the ground.
There is something in hot and humid environments that allow for many natural creatures that grow and prosper.
Within a woman's body there are relatively few of the organisms that also grow in a warm environment inside the vagina, and this explains why Most women get vaginal infection during the time of their lives.

Environment of the vagina often prevent infection by maintaining a balance between natural objects and those that cause infection.

There Khemiri mushroom called "Candida albicans" For example often live in the vagina.
When conditions are right, the fungus multiplies out of control and cause fungus infection.
It is estimated that about 75% at least of ladies will develop infection and at least one yeast in their lives.

Infection may occur also Baketaraa, viruses, and parasites, and the types of fungi is the type albicans. Some sexually transmitted infections, and the other occurs when succeed harmful organisms outside the body to enter inside. Infection may also produce disorders of the environment of the vagina because of antibiotics, or rinse drugs, or hormones, or tension.

Regardless of how you get the infection, vaginal infection often caused by the emergence of secretions with severe irritation and itching and odor.

Most cases of vaginal infection treated antifungal creams or antibiotics, or other drugs. Plus there are things that can be done to minimize discomfort and prevent infection again.

Home Remedies:

- Enjoy oatmeal bath:
Add colloidal oatmeal, such as Aveeno to a warm bath and sit in it for a while.
Yeast infection in particular be severe and sharp. Oatmeal bath will not stop the infection, but it will relieve the itching and burning.

- Make the air generates:
Avoid tight clothing while infection Tadjin. At home, do not wear your underwear under ردائك. You need to keep the area dry, and this will reduce the irritation

- Nami in a nightgown and by:
Sleep without underwear under pajamas allows the area to breathe, and this reduces irritability and it also makes it very difficult for yeasts or other organisms love moisture to grow.

- Use a hair dryer:
When you are infected, massage yourself with a towel for drying may be troublesome. Advised to drain yourself using a hair dryer. Of course, low-grade إجعليه

Medical options:

- Start by examining:
If you have not Tsaba infection of the vagina by the absolute, not Tfterda that your symptoms are caused by the yeast. Studies have shown that women often mistake in the diagnosis of what they think is a yeast infection, and this means that they suffer from a more serious infection need medical care.

- Recruit your medications:
If you have had a yeast infection in the past and make sure that you have, there is nothing wrong Do that use acted without prescription drugs to treat these infections.
Except for rare cases result from infection Khmer where the presence of resistant organisms in the vagina, the products that acted without prescription operate successfully.
There are many products to choose from, including: -
Creams or vaginal Alffersjat. The active substance is usually clotrimazole (like Kanstan). These products are effective for most infections Endida Albekanes. Be sure to read the label only. Different products may require you to use them for a different period of time.
For most women, treatments that last for 3 days only benefit, such as those used for days. However, women may be infected with the type of yeast can not kill him within 3 days. If the infection is not yet over 3 days, you can experience the products for the treatment of 7 days. If this does not work, you'll undoubtedly need to go to the doctor.

- Cut down on pain using topical steroids cream:
Burning sensation and itching associated with yeast infection remains sometimes for a week or more, even after the use of drugs. To ease the pain in the meantime, you can try cream contains Hedrokerazon (like Darmickort).
A doctor may prescribe you also a mixture of drugs, like Daktakort, to treat the infection and relieve the symptoms at the same time. These medications contain steroids and anti-fungal together.

- Get a prescription:
If Tak caused by a resistant strain of yeast or other organisms, it is likely that you'll need a prescription.
For trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infections due to parasite micro Mntahe, called Trichomonas vaginalis (or Alterikumanos Vaginalas), your doctor may advise you to take Mitronadazhua (Vlagel).
Bacteria infection may also address metronidazole.
Resistant strains of yeasts often die due to a drug called Gino Daktarin (miconazole).

Home remedy in the long run: -

- Wash with plain water:
Almost every one enjoy scented soap and bath oils, but you should avoid these products even when you are not infected.
Chemical irritation vulvar tissue (the internal parts of the genitals) and cause itching. This may make it easier for the infection to prove itself. Drugs used in the rinse, too, may be irritating, so if you feel your need urgent action rinse, Vastamla combination of plain vinegar and water.

- Dry your clothes allowances another:
After swimming or exercise, try to change your clothes dry clothes immediately, will make this parts of the vulva and vagina less suitable for yeasts.

- Wear cotton underwear:
Unlike nylon and other industrial Alaakecma, the cotton allows air to enter and moisture out, and this reduces the risk of infection cases.
As well as of the best to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes, and not narrow.

- Wipe microbes away:
Vaginal infection occurs when bacteria that migrate live around the anus to the vaginal area. One way to prevent this is the survey from front to back after urinating or defecating.

- Make your blood sugar under control:
Ladies patients diabetes increases overnight with portability vaginal yeast infection as the levels of glucose (blood sugar) overnight with higher than normal, and this may alter the balance of vaginal condom of العوى.
If you are infected with diabetes, make your blood sugar levels stable - by eating healthy foods and weight control and the use of medications, if necessary - be useful in preventing infection from the start.

Alternative therapies:

- Amenai infection using yogurt:
Eating yogurt will not stop yeast infection incident already, but there is some evidence to suggest that eating yogurt may reduce the risk of injury in the future.
Bacteria Alcidovils in yogurt change the pH in the vagina. In addition to this, when you eat yogurt that contains live bacterial farms, the beneficial organisms migrate to the vaginal canal and inhibit the growth of yeasts.
It might be very useful to eating yogurt while taking antibiotics. This compensates beneficial organisms that killed medicines.
One study found that lasted 6 months found that women who ate 240 Mellitra of yogurt that contains live on a farm a day were less likely to yeast infection of women who did not eat yogurt. If you suffer from frequent infections, put yogurt in your diet is a useful way

- Aamadga mushrooms: -
In a small study of mushroom Almaitk, a crow's nest delicious Japanese scientifically proven that it has the capacity to improve the immune system, showing that he had tempered annoying symptoms significantly in cases of chronic yeast infection that struck 13 Lady in the study except one.
The real culprit in cases of chronic yeast infection is a weakened immune system, I found it is a common problem for women who are subjected to constant tension.
Knows Almaitk well for its ability to increase the number and activity of immune cells. Additionally it contains compounds that inhibit or kill candida albicans, in particular, is the organism that causes vaginal yeast infection.
But Aanrsa some side effects: P Mannitol, a natural sugar present in Almaitk, causing swelling and discomfort in the intestines in some people.

Medical options: -

Take careful when your menstrual cycle:
Increased risk of developing all kinds of vaginal infection almost around the time of the menstrual cycle as the blood center is excellent for growth of organisms.
Sometimes be useful for women who develop chronic infection taking fluconazole (Diflucan) from the beginning of the session until the end, as a precautionary measure.

Three tips per woman:

- Do not use a douche at all:
The douche always bad. The change of environment of the vagina, and also increases the seriousness of injury upper genital infection. There is some evidence that it may increase the risk of ovarian cancer as well.

- Be generous when you use anti-fungal creams:
It is not uncommon for women with yeast infection and inflammation outside the vagina. When you place the Quran, you may need to put it out of the vagina as well as inside.

- Do a test for diabetes:
If you suffer from frequent infections, this is especially true if you have any of the vulnerability factors of diabetes, such as being overweight or have a family history of patients for diabetes.

When you go to the doctor?

- If you suffer from frequent infections
- If you have symptoms do not improve after treatment acted without prescription products: you may be suffering from a strain of yeast require treatment with prescription drugs. You could have also kind of vaginal infection is occurring yeast.
- If you develop a greenish or yellowish discharge color or lower abdominal pain: injury probably one of vaginal infections, and one of them called trichomoniasis.