

That Alabnfren and also called epinephrine self-evolution directly affects both receptors alpha and beta adrenergic nerve cells friendly, but the effect on at beta receptors to be more and especially when few doses. Effects Alabnfren in the body and which depend on the dose: • Increase the speed and strength constriction heart (low doses it leads to Ziad clicking systolic and decrease diastolic pressure because of the low resistance of the arteries terminal, but with high doses increases both (systolic blood pressure and diastolic) due to activation receptors alpha and increased resistance in the peripheral arteries. • increase blood flow to the skeletal muscle (This effect decreases with higher doses); also decrease blood flow to the kidneys, mucous membrane, and skin. • smooth muscle relaxation in the airways • hyperglycemia and increased oxygen consumption due to increased metabolic processes. Alabnfren has an important role in the treatment of allergies severe (anaphylactic) and can save the lives of patients in cases of anaphylaxis and shock Anaphylactic. It is also used when the heart stops. has used adrenaline in the treatment of severe asthma, and has no role in the treatment of chronic asthma. considered Aalabnfren treatment of choice for serious emergencies or other severe although this product contains a preservative is sodium bisulfite, and Salfit may cause serious allergic reactions

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