
How eyelash extensions?

Comment faire des extensions de cils ?

How eyelash extensions
This is the secret of the stars for a glamorous look to any time of day or night: eyelash extensions. Better than mascara, more stunning than false eyelashes, with a lasting effect, here's all the explanation you need to know about eyelash extensions!
Eyelash extensions are fake lashes that are stuck on your real lashes, 1 mm of the eyelid. The material has a very natural: the feeling that you have long curved eyelashes false eyelashes and not one will; your eyes will be opened and you will daily beautiful doe eyes. 
There are 2 types of eyelash extensions: 
-The Posed by fringe: the beautician will stick on your eyelashes small clumps of false eyelashes. This technique is the least expensive but also the least durable; when the extensions fall, they leave a large void. 
-The Laying lashes one by one: the beautician glue on your fake eyelashes after eyelash false eyelash. This method is more expensive, but when false eyelashes fall over the day, it remains inconspicuous. 
How eyelash extensions? 
The eyelash extensions will last about five weeks. The first week, your lashes will be well provided, then they will fall gradually with your real lashes with a lifetime of 2.3 months. The real lashes do not fall all at the same time, the false lashes to leave as not all at the same time.

When the effect will seem sufficiently provided, you can return to your beautician to fill: it will fill the holes by putting new false eyelashes. 
Once installed, brush your lashes daily to untangle. 
Never use fat (oil or makeup remover) which dissolve the glue. 
You can makeup your eyes and your skin tone, but it will be necessary to cleansing micellar water. 

There are also special mascara for eyelash extensions, if you want to amplify the result.

How to keep her makeup when you have oily skin?

Comment faire tenir son maquillage quand on a la peau grasse ?

How to keep her makeup when you have oily skin
When you have oily skin, you tend to have skin that shines in first sunburn. This gloss is mainly due to excessive protection of the skin, which tends to produir much more sebum than normal skin. To keep her makeup despite excess sebum, here are some tips!
1 Clean your skin 
Before applying makeup, it is imperative to clean the skin with a special cleansing gel oily skin. Once dry skin after cleansing, its moisturizer is applied. Indeed, once hydrated, the skin responds better to the external aggressions without producing excess sebum. So apply your day cream with your fingers and massage well to penetrate the product. 
2 Apply the alum stone 
Very easy to use, alum stone is applied after cleansing the face. Put on your palm, a little water and rub the alum stone in order to dissolve a bit. Then move your palms on your face, do not rinse this time. 
3 Apply your foundation 
Is then applied your foundation or with fingers pressed for more, or with a brush. It spreads easily over the entire face without forgetting the neck to avoid lines. We do not put on the eyes: for the latter, using a rather basic eyelid. 
4 Take hold all thanks to mineral powder 
To fit it all off, a mineral powder utillise taking a big brush and a circular motion. The powder can suck the sebum therefore to keep the make-up. 
5 ... or talc 
Indeed, talc can suck excess oil on our face. Just apply it in place of the mineral powder when making our complexion. It is preferable to spread it with a brush as to the inorganic powder.

Cause facial muscles to fight against wrinkles

Entrainer les muscles du visage pour lutter contre les rides

Cause facial muscles to fight against wrinkles
Doing facial exercises is a natural way to give your face a more youthful appearance by firming the muscles and reducing wrinkles. Embed this short workout face in your daily routine and you will see the results after a few weeks.
1 Stretch 
Stretch your neck before starting your facial exercises. All these movements should be performed slowly and breathing deeply. Tilt your head down and lift it a few times. 
2 Exercise of language 
- Take out your tongue as far as she can go. 
- Hold this position for 60 seconds
3 Exercise eyebrows 
- Raise eyebrows Hold for 5 seconds. 
- Open your eyes as wide as possible. 
- Repeat 5 times. 
4.Exercise Eye 
- Open your eyes as if to make a surprised look.
- Try not to raise your eyebrows. Repeat 5 times. 
5 Exercise of mouth 
- Look at the ceiling. 
- Ridez your mouth as if you were going to kiss something. 
- Hold for five seconds and repeat 5 times. 
- Stick out your tongue 5 times while looking toward the ceiling. 
- This exercise stretches and strengthens the muscles of the neck. 
- Put your head in a neutral position and continue the exercises. 
6 Breathing Exercises 
Do breathing exercises. Every time you exhale, pucker your lips and blow as if you blow a kiss. Do this for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 
7 Stretch your face 
- Place three fingers on the top of your right cheek. 
- Press down slightly. 
- Smile to raise your cheekbones as high as possible. 
- Do the same with your left cheekbone. Repeat 3 times each time keeping the position for five seconds.

How to use a milk bath or a shower oil?

Comment bien utiliser un lait de douche ou une huile de douche ?

How to use a milk bath or a shower o
After showering, the skin tends to shoot. Even if one does not have dry or sensitive skin, limestone can attack the skin. So it is always good to moisturize skin after a shower. However, we do not always have the time. Here's how to moisturize your skin with a shower milk or oil, two, three movements!
The beauty industry has realized that women want to take care of it but have no time. A famous brand has released the milk shower. The principle is in the shower soaping it flushes, milk is applied all over her body and then we go out of the shower and her body is wiped gently. The skin is nourished and you can dress immediately, milk shower penetrated! 
The alternative to milk shower that has a cost, it is the oil shower. Various brands offer this oil: composed of soap and oil, it is used as a shower gel and rinse. The skin is then soft and nourished. Attention, as this oil rinses, skin absorbs less product. 

Finally, the most effective and least expensive solution is to use your own conventional oil after rinsing skin shower gel or soap. Brush your body quickly from the neck down, out of the shower and gently wipe the skin. Applied to wet skin, the oil penetrates better into the skin and nourishes after showering

How to care for curly hair curly?

How to care for curly hair curly
Comment prendre soin des cheveux bouclés et frisé ?
Curly hair curly often require special care to keep beautiful curls. To avoid frizz and pockets, it is important to handle them properly so they do not become frizzy curls and keep their natural bounce.
Curly hair or curly hair should never be brushed, combed, or trouble to dry may break, creating clumps or forks. You should use a special shampoo soft curly hair and a conditioner necessarily, dry the hair by hand and spread a styling product for loops throughout damp hair with his hands, he must then put in place and the dry naturally, avoiding touching. 
It is advisable to moisturize curly hair curly or daily to maintain the shine of your curls as this kind of hair tends to be drier than other hair types. You should use natural products containing avocado, coconut oil, coconut milk, shea butter or aloe juice are great for curly hair at least once a week . 
To style your curly or curly, avoid attaching too tight by spring or other accessories, avoid blow drying and hair irons.

How to choose a hair dryer?

How to choose a hair dryer
Comment bien choisir son sèche-cheveux ?
The hair dryer is one of the accessories that has brought great 
changes in the lives of women. 
Indeed, thanks to him, women may have a wide range of hairdressing ... 
However, this is not any hair dryer that works for everyone. 
You have to pick the ideal hairdryer.
The first thing to consider in choosing the perfect hair dryer is the right temperature and speed provides. 
Do not forget to see the control system of the hair dryer. 
Choose only the hairdryer readily available ... 
Be sure to check the button start / stop is easily accessible. 
In short, make the kinds usage tips are easy and understandable. 
Do not forget to choose a hair dryer handy, that suits the size of your hand for easy use. 
it should not be too large !!! 
Also, use a hair dryer for easy cleaning. 
In other words, easy to remove for even a novice in order to perform cleanup in the rules. 
Do not overlook the base for storage in use and storage bag for transport. 
The hairdryer ideal, and that will not damage your beautiful hair is the latest hair dryer, the "ion hair dryer." 
Indeed, it can be used even on damp hair without damaging it and also protects your hair from the temperature by spraying occasionally with a little water ...

Strawberries and almonds to take care of your beauty

الفراولة و اللوز للعناية بجمالك

Strawberries and almonds to take care of your beauty
It's good to take care of our skin greasy been or dry even maintain our beauty and Ndhartna, and in order to enjoy the natural beauty we must exploit nature's treasures of fruit and vegetables and herbs and other products variety, so we will give you Madam Eve Today the most important natural recipes that will help you take care of your skin. 
The first recipe: Oily skin care. 
8 beads strawberry. 
100 grams of honey. 
1/4 lemon juice. 
How to prepare: 
1 national crush strawberries by fork, then add the remaining ingredients and mix the batter well. 
2 Eve You can apply this recipe on the face and neck for a period of at least 2 minutes then rinse with cold water. 
The second recipe: dry skin care 
2 tablespoons of almond powder. 
  4 tablespoons of plain yogurt. 
3 tablespoons of honey. 
How to prepare: 
Dress mixing the ingredients well until the dough is homogeneous Tthsali you can apply to the face, neck, hands, arms, and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Fashion Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2015

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (1)

Fashion Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2015
Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (2)
Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (3)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (4)
Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (5)
Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (6)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (7)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (8)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (9)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (10)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (11)
Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (13)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (15)
Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (16)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (17)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (18)

Dolce and Gabbana SS2015 (20)

10 steps to get your soft skin

10 steps to get your soft skin
10 خطوات لتحصلي على بشرة ناعمة
 1Use products appropriate for your skin type: 
Whether skin or your body and your face, use a suitable preparations. 
 2Use natural recipes: 
For example, the application of national mask made ​​of honey and milk. Mix the ingredients well and then classless mixture on your face and leave for fifteen minutes. 
  Drink plenty of water:  
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin soft, supple and healthy. 
 4national remove make-up: 
National remove make-up evening to remove impurities accumulated on your face throughout the day. 
 5adapt to the seasons: 
The needs of your skin is not the same needs in summer and winter. 
6 Avoid extreme heat 
Avoid hot water more than necessary because it dries the skin. 
7 Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes: 
Avoid alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. 
8 Tkthrey not to touch your face: 
Keep your hands away from your face because they are often dirty carry germs and bacteria that can cause redness and skin imperfections. 
9 away from the sun: 
Try not to be subjected to the scorching sun. If you must can do Use a sun protection cream. 
10 Olive oil: 
Did you know that olive oil can make your skin soft, so classless drops of olive oil and leaves a little while and then rinse well.

your Luck in 2015

 your Luck in 2015 
The 2015 total is 8 digitally and this figure symbolizes thinking and seeking permanent. At the astronomer, the same applies also to speak. Thinking and the pursuit of stuff will form the most important goals for this year, but the way differ between the tower and the last. 

Some will seek and thinking back inside his house and his computer and others will be launched to the outside world for the expansion of social relationships. It is important in all of this is to communicate in the first place. 

Many of us believed that communication is limited only to share information cross-talk, writing or even signals via body language, but we do not know that communication can also be outside the scope of the outer expression, through the acts and Alaqcar. 

Whatever the desired goals on a personal level, professional or even emotional, the most important is to consolidate our language of communication throughout this year as an extension to the coming year. 

For Towers firearms (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), there are a lot of surprises that await you and that Schglk throughout this year. The existence of the planet Uranus in Aries means you will not cease to discover new things make you think deep in every event. 

Therefore, this year is characterized by intermittent pattern between work and deep thinking. Sometimes you will feel that you have a very large energy and the rush of the biggest In other cases, you'll find that you need to communicate with some of the people in order to support you in your projects large. Then, you do not know where it is, nothing will make you talk with your loved ones for a long time. All the things that you learn and share with others will increase the flavor into a beautiful and enrich your life. 

For Towers dirt (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), the year will be a distinct smoothly stemming from internal factors. Instead of intervention in tricks and risk, make your style more effective in communicating and said to be able to harvest whatever you sow properly. Despite all the external influences, you have to crystallize your thoughts on your own and you have to maintain them so as not to get lost. 

As a result, this will make in the coming days, the owner of «quiet wisdom». Even if isolated yourself from the world for a while, after a while you'll discover a return to the ideas of a very mature posed on around you. The presence of Pluto in Capricorn will make all your thoughts turn to do something real and tangible any other words, your productivity will increase. All what to do, it would be the right thing at the right time.

For Towers industries (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), communication will be building. Speaking and listening constitute the pillars of your goals task. Will not stop to sniff the smell of roses so much this year, but you certainly will not forget Raúhhha smart. 

At this time, will have to monitor your goals and achieved a personal one after the other. Outlook to the future, which will be built by a source of inspiration for many of the people around you and help them achieve their goals. Frequency may befall you sometimes, but mostly sum, the rush is. Powered communicate with friends and acquaintances. 

For Towers water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), they host two important planets Jupiter and Neptune. The buyer will be in Cancer at the beginning of the year will be either Neptune in Pisces. Ajmahma together and watched the power of expression which will generate. You have a lot to Taatcol, and a lot of listening and Hnlk a lot of work, but a little time for the application. Every word will give it, like it will take in return. 

Unlike the fiery towers and dust, you will not have much time to Tsber things. There is a lot of give and take and not enough time to mature things. The positive side is that everything that is happening to you now Cesedk knowledge and experience matters, even if I felt that nothing really happens. You gain many skills that will direct you in how to act quickly in addition to help you to take the right decisions. 

So, during this year, it will be to communicate is the key that will open all the doors closed it in front of you, or that you think that it previously closed.

Today's Horoscopes - Wednesday , October 08, 2014

Today's Horoscopes - Wednesday , October 08, 2014

Luck today 08/10/2014, horoscope on  08/10/2014 
Expectations towers today, September 08 th, 2014, your luck today 08/10/2014, Towers today Monday, 08 2014 abraj horoscope 
Share your spouse or your companion ideas about your accounts receivable. Do not take any decision on the level of work is important at the present time. Stay away from stimulants and each bit in the evening. Work is constantly evolving because of the support of stars you have to leave things as they are going because the current mainstream with you. 

If cooking a creative and effective way to express yourself, what are you waiting? Put the Overalls (Almrjul) and Start. 
Welcome to romance. If you do not have an appointment today's hot start by checking out now. And the thought of a way out of the ordinary when you plan to spend this evening, anything is preparation View or food preparation. 

Try to take a closer look. You'll find in the depths deeper issues than it looks on the surface. Risks of Bmusbandtk S_khas is brave indeed. Varadtk of Iron, and everyone recognizes you do so at the present time. Try raising some important connections instead of indulging in your social life and material, in any case, will remain to have someone who loves you. 

[22 (June-June-December) - 22 (July-July-zero)]
You're moving too fast, can not be a Ajarik. Do not look back, just went forward. 
You do not like to tell your boss or your spouse at home, where to go, questioning the authority of hate, and love starting without any restrictions, but you should not exaggerate so much. 

Gag gossip Almthertherin and extent of people chasing you. You will need to work to clarify what you are it. Ask people directly what they want and Be clear about what you want. Do not rely on complicated to explain ideas because this will make the counterparty in the case of a simple annoyance Be in the delivery of your thoughts. 

If cooking a creative and effective way to express yourself, what are you waiting? Put the Overalls (Almrjul) and Start. 
Welcome to romance. If you do not have an appointment today's hot start by checking out now. And the thought of a way out of the ordinary when you plan to spend this evening, anything is preparing Show **** or food preparation. 

Do not rely on clear communication today, but adopted to solve problems on your own. So contact you waiting and waiting, finally going to happen now. New developments in the work that you will direct you more wisdom in decision-making, there are some family problems Statistics partner helps you to solve. 

This is a good day to sympathize with a friend, do not skimp on your friend a little fondling. The others are the sources of energy for you. Be socially. And does not allow you to control convergence. You may encounter some imaginative ideas, be more realistic. At work you have a problem stubbornness must abandon it. 

It's time to put your ideas into practice great. Speakers silenced gossip about you things do not concern them and put an end to the harassment of the people you .mars some sports, and enjoy nature in order to be able to blow up your creativity suppressed. You have a chance to travel to a new country does not waste the. 

Took advantage of the current consciousness, and I look at the overall picture. See your plan again, and again thought Bastratejatk core. Whether in the field of money, work, or in matters of personal and emotional. There are new changes in the family may make you feel uncomfortable. 

Stay away from anything that would reduce your focus today you need to overcome the energy Great hesitating, and big bold leap. At what time during the day, the tension becomes unbearable. Will be trying to joke or a nice escape quickly, or both. Love you impose tough things you can try at least. 


Ladder for yourself lonesome self. The best time is consumed in meditation with yourself. The best way to get what you want today desires to live in the harbor and starting to yourself. You'll have a great time to elevate your thoughts. You have a loving family and wonderful kids you have to pay attention to them more.

Today's Horoscopes - Tuesday , October 07, 2014

Today's Horoscopes - Tuesday , October 07, 2014

Luck today 07/10/2014, horoscope on  07/10/2014 
Expectations towers today, September 07 th, 2014, your luck today 07/10/2014, Towers today Monday, 07 2014 abraj horoscope 
Share your spouse or your companion ideas about your accounts receivable. Do not take any decision on the level of work is important at the present time. Stay away from stimulants and each bit in the evening. Work is constantly evolving because of the support of stars you have to leave things as they are going because the current mainstream with you. 

If cooking a creative and effective way to express yourself, what are you waiting? Put the Overalls (Almrjul) and Start. 
Welcome to romance. If you do not have an appointment today's hot start by checking out now. And the thought of a way out of the ordinary when you plan to spend this evening, anything is preparation View or food preparation. 

Try to take a closer look. You'll find in the depths deeper issues than it looks on the surface. Risks of Bmusbandtk S_khas is brave indeed. Varadtk of Iron, and everyone recognizes you do so at the present time. Try raising some important connections instead of indulging in your social life and material, in any case, will remain to have someone who loves you. 

You're moving too fast, can not be a Ajarik. Do not look back, just went forward. 
You do not like to tell your boss or your spouse at home, where to go, questioning the authority of hate, and love starting without any restrictions, but you should not exaggerate so much. 

Gag gossip Almthertherin and extent of people chasing you. You will need to work to clarify what you are it. Ask people directly what they want and Be clear about what you want. Do not rely on complicated to explain ideas because this will make the counterparty in the case of a simple annoyance Be in the delivery of your thoughts. 

If cooking a creative and effective way to express yourself, what are you waiting? Put the Overalls (Almrjul) and Start. 
Welcome to romance. If you do not have an appointment today's hot start by checking out now. And the thought of a way out of the ordinary when you plan to spend this evening, anything is preparing Show **** or food preparation. 

Do not rely on clear communication today, but adopted to solve problems on your own. So contact you waiting and waiting, finally going to happen now. New developments in the work that you will direct you more wisdom in decision-making, there are some family problems Statistics partner helps you to solve. 

This is a good day to sympathize with a friend, do not skimp on your friend a little fondling. The others are the sources of energy for you. Be socially. And does not allow you to control convergence. You may encounter some imaginative ideas, be more realistic. At work you have a problem stubbornness must abandon it. 

It's time to put your ideas into practice great. Speakers silenced gossip about you things do not concern them and put an end to the harassment of the people you .mars some sports, and enjoy nature in order to be able to blow up your creativity suppressed. You have a chance to travel to a new country does not waste the. 

Took advantage of the current consciousness, and I look at the overall picture. See your plan again, and again thought Bastratejatk core. Whether in the field of money, work, or in matters of personal and emotional. There are new changes in the family may make you feel uncomfortable. 

Stay away from anything that would reduce your focus today you need to overcome the energy Great hesitating, and big bold leap. At what time during the day, the tension becomes unbearable. Will be trying to joke or a nice escape quickly, or both. Love you impose tough things you can try at least. 


Ladder for yourself lonesome self. The best time is consumed in meditation with yourself. The best way to get what you want today desires to live in the harbor and starting to yourself. You'll have a great time to elevate your thoughts. You have a loving family and wonderful kids you have to pay attention to them more.

Today's Horoscopes - Monday , October 06, 2014

Today's Horoscopes - Monday , October 06, 2014

Luck today 06/10/2014, horoscope on  06/10/2014 
Expectations towers today, September 06 th, 2014, your luck today 06/10/2014, Towers today Monday, 06 2014 abraj horoscope 
Beware of illusions: Stay firm in your decisions and faithful to the views of your group. Some suffer from health disorders, and you will feel tired more quickly than usual. Not too much of the discussions that you find is important because it avoids the main goal for a great love will find its way to you is not objectionable Be understanding those around you in order to Atfhmuk. 

Of the work area: Be careful in business deals! Do not overpay for venturing kidnapped or signing a contract. It is the emotional side: If you're still lonely, often hesitate to start marriage. And from a health standpoint: will be susceptible to some diseases, natural, and in particular to digestive disorders. 

Will face the risk of a fall or accident who may be serious. Must assume a new problem or changes in your business. May face some difficulties in that, so you have to be a solid and serious in carrying new responsibilities, love is the ultimate goal of life, so you have to accept that you are loved and that you love around you. 

Will attempt to strengthen the perimeter of your family; to do so, will not hesitate to raise intimate discussions in giving the word to everyone in order to solve some fundamental problems. Your affairs suffer some financial difficulties as a result of envy and harassment of those in the vicinity of your business you have to go beyond this stage patient in order to enjoy the success that will come later. 

Today there is a tendency to marital disputes; Think before you act or speak. Enjoy excellent natural energy, and your body will fight effectively against microbial and viral attacks; anyway, warns of the dangers of fanaticism and high blood pressure. Your emotional life in a stable tried to exploit this period in order to strengthen your presence within the family. 

Beyond all doubt that the nurse; forcing yourself to smile! Climate family uncomfortable; try to be more present for the closest and most expensive on the heart. Stay away from the pressures of work currently or ignored in order not to fall prey to psychological pressure and reflected negatively on those around you, in terms of money is important unexpected success will help you to improve your situation at work. 

The star is working hard to inspire you to make changes, it is not your problem. If there was a lucky person today, it's you. Your continued routinely accept criticism and suggestions of others and then you decided what we find appropriate, emotionally you're at odds with your partner may develop into a brawl try to avoid is any cause you may find disturbing or stressful. 

You are in the mood for an appropriate work very hard, you will not know laziness. Rest assured that your efforts will not go in vain, and soon the fruits of your business Stktef venerable. So do not despair of the results do not appear immediately and be positive in dealing with whatever is convenient for you and your family far from the expectations of the future, which may be somewhat distant for the time being. 

Be sure that life will come will come, including him, whatever you do so you do not strain yourself request impossible and I know that everyone he can that can be estimated on them. Emotionally, a new love might knock the door of your heart, do not shut the door today and be vigilant for any meeting this love will be a major turning point in your life in general, the level of emotional and psychological. 

It is not necessary to make a great effort for anyone because you might fall into the problems you the richness of it for people who are not worthy of it, be prepared for sudden changes that may occur to your emotional life may not be the changes you want, but this is the case there is no Ti_om and Find new love. 

You have a unique opportunity to resolve some of the issues of the past, the heart of the subject at all aspects before making a decision. Ajtag recession emotional day, do not worry it will not be long until it comes back volcano eruption. Love will be the next full-fledged, so do not try and shackled but his neighbors in order to enjoy the romance, you are physically in good shape and a bright future with a new partner. 

However, you can not surrender to the dictates of your heart and your feelings, you will impose itself on you and those around you. Try to enjoy life as it is and not as you want. You may pass the idle phase of work, but it will not drag on, do not be in a hurry to reap the fruits of your business. Stay away from everything that hurts your feelings or may not admit you in a maze out of them.

Today's Horoscope

Check your Luck today

your luck today astrology

Check your Luck today

today your lucky day

Check your Luck today

pisces luck today

Check your Luck today

my luck today

Check your Luck today

your lucky numbers today

Check your Luck today

test your luck today

 Check your Luck today

Check your Luck today

 Check your Luck today

Today's Horoscopes - Sunday , October 05, 2014

Today's Horoscopes - Sunday , October 05, 2014

Luck on Monday 05/10/2014, horoscope on Monday 05/10/2014 
Expectations towers today Monday, September 05th, 2014, your luck today 05/10/2014, Towers today Monday, 05 2014 abraj horoscope 
Taark little stars of their brightness and splendor, not because you need. You shines without pause. Today is a day of big business that you defer constantly you have to take the initiative to direct them before they fall victim to fatigue. Emotionally you have to be more positive in Astaab beloved. 

Everyone craves that attention paid in either family, friends or more than friends. You do not need because everyone knows what you can think of, do not explode when they think of an idea or a project. Abound and not talk about yourself. There is news of a new work makes you feel happy. 

Partial picture may lead you to wrong solutions take a look at the overall macro picture and start to arrange what you need to do to reach the best solution that you are looking for. Emotionally person you have a lot of rush to disclose your feelings you restrain this impulse. 

Inwardness complex problem should solve the cross-communicate with your partner, at least, you have to express your feelings or anger or love because the underlying feelings of the owner could hurt so much, you have new hopes to work outside the country, but you have to rush. 

What's all that glitters is gold, this is the truth that you should consider today when put in front of you Alakar new. There is no reason to drift with the current, but I do caution the things that you feel are important and that you need, you are emotionally disturbed by the conduct of a former lover you have to forget it and go beyond. 

Enjoy excellent natural energy, you have the mettle and accept major activity on your business optimism .sahaa strongly and have some pain in Taras go away on their own, emotionally beloved asks you some money to help him as much as the stars You could advise you to stay away from strangers now. 

Pamper yourself Aleom.almahbh in your favor today, the day that you can easily undermine your goals with a partner or group. Stars Thrsk day and give you the insight to see what others can not see it, you can take great strides as well. Be aware of the envious eyes. 

Your co-workers want you to come with something unexpected, be prepared to Vger underlying energies. You feel comfortable and look great, and there are things that can become more beautiful tonight. Fire inflame passion in your heart, do not try extinguish. 

You are full of passion and romance today, so zap Kdma.tkhaly of Tabek mood today that he will miss you a lot of opportunities, your actions may seem crazier. Take some time to arrange your thoughts. Emotionally there is an excellent chance to win the love is real. 

Taklk Sakhaddmk much. All you need is to develop a logical plan. Use your style of research and developed a plan to range farther, this applies to the work and efforts of other things on the extent of heart Soa.atefaa partner gives you all the love you do not skimp interconnected. 

Be patient and do not give in to temptation. Do not be so quick to jump to climb the heights. Others have a right to their opinions, and if mastered listening rather than pouring down the commandments on around you, you may hear some very useful rule. Emotionally heart wants you to things that do not obey Leave your mind to your heart's choice today. 


Seriousness of excessive strain the nerves you have to have some fun, everyone loves you, but everyone likes what you have, too. Sentry jealous of those around you. It's time for some serious today, proved that you can overcome the love of possession. Beyond jealousy and check your expectations, and then see what happens.

Today's Horoscopes - Saturday , October 04, 2014

Today's Horoscopes - Saturday , October 04, 2014

Luck on Monday 04/10/2014, horoscope on Monday 04/10/2014 
Expectations towers today Monday, September 04th, 2014, your luck today 04/10/2014, Towers today Monday, 01 2014 abraj horoscope 

One day was devoted this excellent day to rest or to do things differently and break the routine work. But if you want to work Valhz next to you today and Stbda in your business. In the evening you may have Aktrmen call out, which makes you puzzled by the order. 

Activity and the movement of your recipes in order to get rid of the vast amount of work facing, especially in the morning, the pressure begins to improve, starting from the afternoon, you may suddenly called out to dinner or which may entertain you a little. 

Today is trying to do some of the programs that were deferred since the period to entertain yourself, and in the afternoon some of the problems may go your way, try to solve Bzkaúk not use Aspetk, in the evening to have a social call may be happy with a lot. 

Diplomacy is the best thing you have today Vklamk slave attracts many people around you, which makes you think is acceptable, especially in the work in the afternoon beware on your relationship with the one you love or your partner because you will lose him Dblomacetk and sour mood. 

Success will escort you from the morning until the afternoon, because the luck your ally tried to exploit it by doing outstanding work and initiatives. In the evening you may have an important topic or news you might be interested and íÓÚĎß. 
Diplomacy is the best thing you have today Vklamk slave attracts many people around you, which makes you think is acceptable, especially in the work in the afternoon beware on your relationship with the one you love or your partner because you will lose him Dblomacetk and sour mood. 

Success will escort you from the morning until the afternoon, because the luck your ally tried to exploit it by doing outstanding work and initiatives. In the evening you may have an important topic or news you might be interested and íÓÚĎß. 

Do not know what to do! This is are you in this day, which will take place where a lot of events and you will Alamoralta lost, so we recommend that you be away from everything that is happening and watching things from afar, because any intervention may make you pay the price dearly. 

Day holds more than one event, so you have to warn the stars may not support you, in the morning to start your day with a good start and quiet, but in the afternoon, pushing business to you and make you tense, but in the evening may be a quarrel with the one you love is the most prominent of the end of a long day full of events. 

Today you are unwell, others were afraid to approach you, start your mood to improve gradually in the afternoon, while the afternoon, you will focus on shopping and buy what you need, pay special attention to your financial situation. The evening Vhadi, may feel some boredom. 

Good day to you then you excel in your business and your initiatives and especially if you are from the merchants and business owners today will be important for you, the good news also has a place in this day and especially in the afternoon, but be careful in the evening when your talk with a parent or a family member has Untroubled Bsatrtk. 

Today you have many responsibilities as the pressure is still going with you since yesterday, tried to arrange your time in order to satisfy all parties, whether at work or at

Today's Horoscopes -Friday , October 03, 2014

Today's Horoscopes -Friday , October 03, 2014

Luck on Monday 03/10/2014, horoscope on Monday 03/10/2014 
Expectations towers today Monday, September 03 th, 2014, your luck today 03/10/2014, Towers today Monday, 03 2014 abraj horoscope 

Women of Aries: Professionally: abound today meetings and meetings and do not you find enough time to finish your work routine. Emotionally: whether there is any bother from the beloved not hesitate to disclose it. The man of Aries: professionally: You have a lot of things that you do not like the work you have to discuss it. Emotionally: Do not test the beloved has to turn this against you. 

Women of Taurus: Professionally: have you get used to how expression of opinions quietly de emotionalism. Emotionally: someone is trying to mislead you and Ibadk beloved Connie warned. The man of Taurus: Professionally: Day pass pressure factor pushes you to fill in more of a challenge to overcome these challenges. Emotionally: Do not be callous and given another chance beloved. 

Women from Gemini: Professionally: You Taatgmin in all conditions today, and you have the ability to change all the reins. Emotionally: feel excited to meet the beloved after a period of dimension. The man of Gemini: Professionally: feel weary today and you are waiting for an important decision about the new upgrade. Emotionally: Pay attention to your actions, you are more beloved disturb without feeling. 

Women from Cancer: Professionally: change your mind a lot lately, which disturbs your colleagues at work. Emotionally: Opportunities available emotional standing in front of you but you are hesitant about it. The man of Cancer: Professionally: works by leaps and bounds every day and accomplish your work time within. Emotionally: Habib passes through tough times you have to stand at his side. 

Women from Leo: Professionally: Aliki that Ttakve your own decisions and not the views of those around Ttathrey around you. Emotionally: No Tertpka in front of the beloved and Ajhia what you want. The man of Leo: Professionally: You have to reach a message, and your point of view in a more logical. Emotionally: may occur misunderstanding between you and your lover tried to dominate it. 

Women of Virgo: Professionally: Excellent day for material gains and receive a lot of revenue from your investments. Emotionally: If you want to continue your relationship with your beloved on you to be patient. The man of Virgo: Professionally: trying to get a lot of important information which supports the project. Emotionally: You have to be more robust in the face of difficulties, accompanied by beloved. 

Women of Libra: Professionally: Taatsrven boldly unusual today and others are having their mistakes. Emotionally: Take care of the most beloved participation including care about. The man of Libra: Professionally: someone is trying to control your work in raising anger. Emotionally: Do not act carelessly you get angry beloved Ptserfatk this. 

Women from Scorpio: Professionally: today suffer from the pressures of work and trying to ask for help. Emotionally: I do not know how Taidyn your relationship with former lover to have you try hard that more effort. The man of Scorpio: Professionally: look at your goals and a clear day you know what you want. Emotionally: Do not be squeamish every word tell her beloved and assume good faith. 

Women of Sagittarius professionally: You may ever encounter some difficult circumstances today, which requires you to think in practical solutions. Emotionally: Do not talk any orientation prey to your beloved and watch for how well your words. The man of Sagittarius: Professionally: Be careful today as you say or do All eyes are focused thee. Emotionally: Do not worry about the small things and cared Baalaqtk with your beloved. 

Women of Capricorn: Professionally: You look much grumbling and complaining, which disturbs those around you. Emotionally: Turkzi not only on errors and beloved Look at the positives. The man of Capricorn: Professionally: facing some awkward questions that are trying to find a logical Aijaat. Emotionally: celebrating the occasion with a very special beloved bring you closer than most. 

Women of Aquarius: Professionally: smiling you luck today Every step you have done is calculated to your advantage. Emotionally: Do not let Vrack lasts with your beloved and call it off. Man of Aquarius: Professionally: correspond to new investors trying to convince them to work in your abilities. Emotionally: suitable conditions for the progress of the correlation step what are you waiting. 

Women of Pisces: Professionally: Aliki you to be quiet during this period and that Taatsrvi wisely. Emotionally: Do not you feel with your beloved with stability and Tantabk some feelings of anxiety. The man of Pisces: Professionally: new decisions in today's work will make you happy and be positive to your advantage. Emotionally: Do not rush and take a stand against the beloved may regret it later