
Toddler's demise prompts reflection on bioengineered tissue transplants

There was troubled news throughout the weekend that the most youthful patient to ever get a bioengineered trachea seeded with her own particular skeletal substance marrow–derived undeveloped cells had perished. Hannah Warren, who was conceived without a windpipe, appropriated the fake trachea at Children's Hospital of Illinois in Peoria in April. It was just the sixth technique of its caring and the first to be performed in the US. She might have turned three one month from now. 

Specialists included in the young lady's medication told the New York Times that her expiration was not identified with the bioengineered organ. Rather, her local tissue around the throat didn't mend legitimately, requiring a different operation. She at last kicked the bucket from confusions of that second operation. "The trachea was never an issue," said Paolo Macchiarini, a surgeon at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, who headed the young lady's tracheal insert and has led the order far and wide. 

The news got me considering a characteristic article I composed two years back something like a comparable strategy in which a toddler, about the same age as Hannah Warren, gained a tissue-designed vein to amend an innate heart abscond reputed to be a 'single-ventricle anomaly'. The issue is lethal without surgical adjustment. 

The bioengineered vein, for instance the counterfeit trachea, begins as a container of plastic strands. Specialists then include a patient's own particular cells, taken from the bone marrow, and insert the build after only a couple of hours of hatching. Twenty-five individuals gained this medicine in Japan all through the late 1990s and early 2000s, however this was the first such strategy in the US. 

So how is that kid getting along today? "I am cheerful to report our first patient is as of now finishing great practically two years after her surgery," Christopher Breuer let me know in a message without much fanfare. 

Breuer and his partner Toshiharu Shinoka finished the operation in August 2011 at the Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. The two pediatric surgeons have since moved to Columbus, Ohio, where they codirect the Tissue Engineering Program at Nationwide Children's Hospital. They press on to see their one patient from the vein trial each six months and converse with her guardians on the telephone around the range of once a month. At the same time the move to Ohio has briefly deferred further study enlistment. 

They ought to be enrolling members again soon, however. "We have as of late finished development of our new offices," says Breuer, "and will confidently be enlisting more patients later in the not so distant future." 

With respect to the bioengineered tracheas, Macchiarini told the Times that he might proceed with comparative operations, incorporating one planned for Stockholm without much fanfare. It's clear that with Hannah Warren's passing, the dangers of the technique w

Tissue engineering

Rodent study shows heat stun protein ensures against listening to harm brought about by normal anti-infection

Each pill has the possibility to reason symptoms. With aminoglycosides, a gathering of anti-infectionthat incorporates those used to treat tuberculosis and different genuine co agents ntaminations, listening to misfortune can influence the same amount as 20% of individuals taking the medication. In spite of a spate of ventures, there is as of now no medicine or anticipation for the harm to tactile cells brought about by these medications. 

Ear photograph 

Nonetheless, in a paper distributed today, in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Lisa Cunningham and her partners at the US National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders in Bethesda, Maryland, indicate that the defensive impact of a hotness stun protein, Hsp70, might give another restorative choice to anticipate internal ear cells harm by these anti-toxins. 

Heat stun proteins (Hsps) are prepared by cells according to stretch, for example a sudden spike in temperature. Named 'molecular chaperones', Hsps may be best known for their stabilizing part inside cells where they help sort, divide and fold different proteins. Anyway researchers press on to uncover the defensive part that high temperature stun proteins can play outside of cells from enacting the form's protection framework to helping repair harmed muscle. With an extending research record of showing up when units get harmed, Hsp70 may be a great restorative center to deflect aminoglycoside-impelled hair cell expiration. 

"We know maladies might be brought about where there is inadequate or insufficient chaperone capacity," says Rona Giffard, a neuroscientist at Stanford Medical School, in Palo Alto, California. Provided that scientists treasure an approach to expand Hsp70 in regions where cells could be hurt, that capacity to make a 'super-response' might give us approaches to back units that are focused on and unrealistic to survive, Giffard says. "We may have the ability to push cells over the edge, to survival." 

From past rodent thinks about, Cunningham realized that inward ear units presented to high temperatures discharged Hsp70 and, under those circumstances, the hair cells in the ear that are discriminating to listening to were saved from anti-infection harm. Her group had additionally indicated that Hsp70 was vital for that security to happen. 

Right away hear this 

In the new study, she again utilized cell societies determined from rodent utricles, an organ with hair units comparable to the internal ear cells of individuals, to investigate the system behind Hsp70's defensive impact. Her group discovered that the phones that encompassed and backed the anti-microbial delicate hair cells instead of the hair units themselves—were answerable for discharging Hsp70, and giving assurance. Be that as it may all the more vitally, when the exploration group utilized utricle societies that couldn't produce their own particular Hsp70–and didn't warm stun them–but then included both an aminoglycoside and human Hsp70 to those societies, the hair units remained unscathed. 

In spite of the fact that it still isn't clear how the hair units are recovered by Hsp70, these tests show the vicinity of the protein outside the hair cells is sufficient to affect security, says Cunningham. Besides, by discharging Hsp70 according to push, the supporting units have a discriminating part in figuring out if the hair cells live or pass on. 

Further studies are requested to grasp how the hair units motion for help, and afterward how Hsp70 supervises the salvage reaction. Then again, Cunningham and her associates are additionally chipping away at the outline of a clinical trial to check whether pushing Hsp70 processing in human ears can counteract h

UAE Embassy in Tripoli exposure of a terrorist act

Fares Mohammed Mazrui said Assistant Secretary of State for Security Affairs and the military that the UAE Embassy in Tripoli was a terrorist act at five in the morning, firing shell "a RBI LG" on the embassy building.

 Mazrui emphasized that the members of the mission and embassy staff were not exposed to any harm, where the embassy to communicate with the concerned authorities in Libya to investigate the incident to find out the perpetrators opened fire on the embassy.

A specialist declines to review the ailing on the grounds that they are Muslim

 Russian powers have opened an examination in Dar era in Karelia in northwest Russia, where gynecologist declined to address the Muslim lady "due to her religion," as per a proclamation distributed Wednesday.

She Russian prosecutors said in a proclamation that "the specialist declined to see the tired on account of her religion" in creating house in the city of Petrozavodsk. She illustrated Russian electronic Gazeta daily paper that the specialist and her name Arena Sadownikova the review denied Nigora Taparova a mother of a youngster at the age of two months, since the last wears a headscarf.

The daily paper sharp out that Sadownikova told Taparova it "Jewish" and guaranteed her that her religion counteracts them from Muslim see.

The specialist responsible for obstetrics House that the specialist "and gained" on the conduct and he offered an expression of remorse for the patient, as per the Itar-Tass news organization.

Russia is in the ballpark of 20 million Muslims out of an
aggregate populace of 143 million individuals 


commends the 93 th celebration of the conception of Rosalind Franklin

Praised the celebrated around the world internet searcher "Google" on the 93 commemoration of the conception of my father uncovered that any Rosalind Elsie Franklin, who was conceived on this day in 1920, and she expired of ovarian disease on April 16, 1958 at the age of 37 years.

Zain "Google" logo today with pictures of the most essential accomplishments of the British researcher.

The physical science researcher British-conceived, and radiological imaging master Rosalind Franklin, the initially revealed the establishment of hereditary code that any folks, and have an imperative part in comprehension the structure and the manifestation of infections, coal and graphite.

Slipped Roazlend the family have a place with the well-off layer which is knowledgeable and her political action, she went to St. Paul's School for Girls in London, where she appropriated a favored training in science and physical science. She joined the University of Cambridge in 1938, where it stayed for the culmination of its research in the physical science of coal in 1945, and ended up work in a research center for the needed X-beam diffraction to study that any folks.

 nicknamed Franklin "Ms., which did not get a Nobel Prize for the revelation of the structure of DNA," as throughout the quest for the mystery of DNA er, at the Institute of King's College in London under the supervision of Maurice Wilkins, the recent to take some X-beams that picture Franklin without her learning and showed to his companions, Francis Crick and James Watson, who likewise were attempting to uncover the structure of DNA.

Likewise, allowing Wilkins and Crick and واتسون Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1962.

In any case Crick conceded later in his book that, indeed, in his exploration was dependent upon X-beam picture of Franklin for the definition of the hypothesis of the structure of DNA.

Around the most acclaimed and the most imperative of these pictures are known photograph number 51, is as of now showed in the inside of crafts and sciences Somerset Ho

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رقمي موجود هنا في هذا الموقع للتحفظ


فتاة من الشرق شاوية تبحث عن رجل للزواج

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مطلقة عذراء من برج بوعريريج

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ايميليا من فرنسا تبحث عن زوج

ميليا من فرنسا 18 سنة تبحث عن شريك حياتها

رقم هاتفها هنا

مسح الصور العارية في تطبيقات الفيس بوك

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أولا بعد الدخول إلى الرابط قم بالضغط على كلمة تطبيقاتك كما هو موضح في هذه الصورة 
بعد ذلك سوف تشاهد التطبيقات التي قمت بالسماح لها بالدخول إلى حسابك ، فإذا وجدت تطبيق غريب قم فقط بالضغط على علامة المسح  أمامه لتنهي بشكل  كامل نشاط التطبيق على حسابك كما هو ظاهر في الصورة التالية 
فمثلا الأشخاص الذي قاموا بالضغط على الروابط التي بها صور عارية قد يكونوا  شاركوا في التطبيق الذي ينشر تلقائيا نيابة عنك هذه الصور الفاضحة وأنت لا تدري بذلك ، لهذا أي تطبيق وجدته غريبا ولا تستعمله ، قم بمسحه نهائيا ، ونفس الإخوان الذين يعانون من أنهم يقومون بالتعليق في بعض المنشورات من خلال التطبيق الذي شرحته قبل يومين  ، فالحل وراء هذه المشكلة هو إزالة التطبيق الذي كنت قد شرحته في ذلك الدرس لإنهاء هذه المشكلة .
في الأخير أتمنى مشاركة هذه التدوينة بشكل أكبر حتى تصل إلى عدد كبير من الأشخاص ، لأنكم كما تعلمون تشاهدون هذه الأيام صور فاضحة ينشرها أشخاص من دون أن يدركوا ذلك .

رابط الدخول الى التطبيقات


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 فيصل من مستغانم عمره 24 سنة يبحث عن فتاة للزواج ورقمه هو 0796.90.36.30 رشيد عمره 38 سنة يبححث عن فتاة قصد الزواج من 25 الى 35 تكون عاملة قصد الحلال رقمه 0557.00.20.10

 فؤاد من الوسط عمره 35 سنة اطار في الدولة لديه سكن خاص رقمه 0670.14.52.15

 فاروق عمره 30 سنة ييد الززواج من تاة متدينة و جميلة من ولاية 44 .16.42,09 و سنها من 21 الى 26 رقمه0660.93.71.63

 أنيس من تيبازة عمه 36 سنة لديه سكن خاص و يريد فتاة مثقفة لا يتعدى سنها 27 سنة و رقمه 0771.83.33.33

 شاب عمره 30 سنة يريد التعرف الى فتاة متخلقة قصد الزواج الرقم 0798.81.99.58

 فاتح من البليدة عمره 30 سنة يبحث عن فتاة قصد الزواج رقمه 0558.73.82.45

 مراد من الجزائر عمره 36 سنة يريد فتاة للزواج لا يهم ان كانت مطلقة او ارملة المهم النية رقمه 0771.19.86.32

 كريم من تيزي وزو عمره 27 سنة يبحث عن فتاة جادة و محترمة رقمه 0551.66.78.92

 توفيق من الجزائر يبحث عن فتاة محترمة رقمه 0555.73.23.91

 الياس عمره 25 سنة من الجزائر يريد التعرف على فتاة يكون عمرهاىمن 19 الى 25 رقمه 0559.43.89.26

 فيصل من الطارف عمره 30 سنة يبث عن فتاة قصد الزواج رقمه 0796.09,37.13

 مصطفى من مستغانم عمره 27 سنة يبحث عن شريكة حياته رقمه 0773.80.01.06

 شاب من سكيكدة يريد التعرف على فتاة أنيقة و جميلة من قسنطينة.قالمة .سطيف سنها من 20 الى 24 سنة رقمه 0781.80.04.66

 أمين من تسمسيلت عمره 29 سنه يود التعرف على فتاة جميلة سنها من 25 الى 26 من ولاية 35.15 رقمه 0770.20.04.22

 سمير من الشلف عمره 27 سنة يود التعرف على فتاة للزواج لا يفوق سنها 27 سنه رقمه 0776.34.84,03

 سفيان من بجاية عمره 31 سنة يبحث عن فتاة جميلة سنها من 19 الى 25 من ولاية 06.15 رقمه 0775.36.23.51