
Cause facial muscles to fight against wrinkles

Entrainer les muscles du visage pour lutter contre les rides

Cause facial muscles to fight against wrinkles
Doing facial exercises is a natural way to give your face a more youthful appearance by firming the muscles and reducing wrinkles. Embed this short workout face in your daily routine and you will see the results after a few weeks.
1 Stretch 
Stretch your neck before starting your facial exercises. All these movements should be performed slowly and breathing deeply. Tilt your head down and lift it a few times. 
2 Exercise of language 
- Take out your tongue as far as she can go. 
- Hold this position for 60 seconds
3 Exercise eyebrows 
- Raise eyebrows Hold for 5 seconds. 
- Open your eyes as wide as possible. 
- Repeat 5 times. 
4.Exercise Eye 
- Open your eyes as if to make a surprised look.
- Try not to raise your eyebrows. Repeat 5 times. 
5 Exercise of mouth 
- Look at the ceiling. 
- Ridez your mouth as if you were going to kiss something. 
- Hold for five seconds and repeat 5 times. 
- Stick out your tongue 5 times while looking toward the ceiling. 
- This exercise stretches and strengthens the muscles of the neck. 
- Put your head in a neutral position and continue the exercises. 
6 Breathing Exercises 
Do breathing exercises. Every time you exhale, pucker your lips and blow as if you blow a kiss. Do this for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 
7 Stretch your face 
- Place three fingers on the top of your right cheek. 
- Press down slightly. 
- Smile to raise your cheekbones as high as possible. 
- Do the same with your left cheekbone. Repeat 3 times each time keeping the position for five seconds.

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