

Tinnitus is noise that you hear in the ear, and may be ring or whistling, أزيزا or crackling Ohshsh, or sound waves of the sea, or the voice of moving machines, or continuous noise, even if there was not something inaudible.

The Buzz is not a disease in itself, but is opposed to a disease, or rather opposed to functional disorder is located inside the hearing device, and you could get in any part of this device, ie, in the external ear, or in the middle ear, or in the inner ear.

Tinnitus Tinnitus is a Latin word meaning noise or noise, or something ringing in the ear. The first known writings about tinnitus appeared in the sixteenth century BC ancient Egyptian papyrus. Until now scientists did not reach a knowledge of the mechanism of tinnitus accurately, but there are believed to be caused by the roar of blood in the ear, or constriction in the small muscles inside the ear, and the movement of air or fluid inside. But one hypothesis says that brain cells responsible for processing sounds in the brain are the cause, which become loose and active automatically, after a stopover for receiving adequate stream of messages coming from the ear and auditory nerve.

The major problem in tinnitus, it can have negative effects with dangerous implications for all forms of life of a person who suffers from it, including social and professional relationships. In this context, British study revealed that tinnitus affects strongly in personal relationships, and even sexual, too, that some of the respondents completely concealed the announcement of his injury so as not to affect the access to suitable employment.

The Buzz is widespread, recalling that one-third of adults suffer from it, and even children do not turn from his wickedness, but these can not be described and expression. Tinnitus happens more and more with the person's age, and women are more likely his men.

The types of tinnitus, there are constant chronic tinnitus which Eetmaog between low and high. And intermittent tinnitus which a person may be running out in the form of seizures, any patient exposed him for a while and then miss for a further period to come back again, and so forth. The mounting buzz that starts slowly, and then take on the rise with the passage of time, to reach a high level, can affect the mental condition of the injured, and even on the intellectual abilities. And may be accompanied by tinnitus hearing impairment, but may affect people with full hearing.

Causes of tinnitus

Most studies say that the causes of tinnitus is unknown. The known causes were divided Dr. Saeed Salem Bamkhir, first specialist and head of the hearing and balance at King Fahd Hospital in Jeddah, into two parts: the objective and heard only by the patient, and self. And many Buzz substantive reasons summed d. Following Bamkhir:

• hearing impairment resulting from aging, which is called "aging hearing" or ear trauma, such as temporal bone fractures, and holes in the eardrum, or sudden changes in air pressure, which have a direct impact in the ear.

• abuse prescription drugs, which have a direct impact on the ear such as aspirin, antihistamines "Alamaniocalaakoseid" vital, and some diuretics, and some chemical drugs, and the drug "quinine".

• edema disease of the inner ear, known disease "Munirz" Menieres Disease patient complain here, along with tinnitus, hearing weakness, dizziness and pressure in one or both ears.

• Exposure to harmful levels of high noise.

• incidence of certain brain tumors, especially acoustic nerve tumor, and what distinguishes this disease because it affects one ear larger proportion of his ears together.

• middle ear infections.

• waxy resin material gathered in the external ear canal, or the presence of any foreign body.

The second part of the buzz, regaining its causes - by d. Bamkhir - to the following:

• changes in blood flow through the arteries and veins adjacent to the ear as a result of anemia, and during pregnancy, and above normal activity of the thyroid gland, or to narrow or widening Bordh and blood vessels, or high blood pressure in the brain. These diseases are characterized that the patient complains of tinnitus with vibrations.

• disorders in the joints of the lower jaw with the head, or disorders of the muscles of the ear canal, and this tinnitus be similar ways hammer, or click on a wooden board, accompanied by the movement of the jaw when swallowing or yawning.


D recommended. Patient Bamkhir, who complain of tinnitus to review the doctor, who complain of tinnitus or head to review the physician, who in turn is diagnosing the disease, and then give the appropriate medication. And access to diagnosis is more than half of the treatment, and then the doctor to begin treatment that it deems appropriate. For example, the doctor prescribes antibiotics is harmful ear to treat middle ear infections, or appropriate treatment for disease ascites inner ear, or a description of headsets medical, necessary for hearing impairment, which in turn reduce the sense of tone, and known that there headphones Medical do not you magnify sounds, but works mask tinnitus, and thus mask tinnitus, or at least significantly تقلله. There are also some cases that need surgical intervention by a specialist.

There are cases of unknown causes addressed in several ways, including the treatment of alternative medicine, such as the use of certain amino acids blended بعنصري zinc, magnesium and vitamin B, which proved a great success in the treatment of some cases.

There are some cases, you need to treat sessions over a long period of rehabilitation of the injured and trained to live and cope with tinnitus sound scientific manner lead to excellent results.

D advised. Bamkhir both complain of tinnitus alarmingly review specialists with the disease, and not to neglect the same, especially those who complain of tinnitus in one ear.

In conclusion confirms doctors jurisdiction that tinnitus is not a serious disease, and does not pose any threat to life, and treatment may succeed in overcoming it may not succeed. In the latter case, do not stay in front of the patient merely forget tinnitus spam and ignored, as any viewer of the natural physical symptoms daily.

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