
Lower back pain and related fantasies

There are more than 70% of outpatient orthopedic clinics complaining of lower back pain, and many illusions wandering in their imaginations about infected Baldisek, and may lead to paralysis, according to what they think and what they hear.

The common mistake that most people believe that low back pain disc mean exactly, in spite of the diversity of reasons for this complaint. We will try here, briefly clarify this complaint and its causes and treatment methods.

Patients often reviewing physicians because of the pain position in the lumbosacral area, which increases the effort, has been disabled for work. This pain may spread to the lower limbs sometimes, pain in one of the parties, or both, or tingling, burning or numbness and ants. It also may be associated Bibush morning in the lumbar region.

Reasons to complain

To this common complaint for many reasons some of which we mention below:

Mini muscle pain:

Where a patient complains of discomfort in the lumbar region, or muscular spasm .. This pain is increasing effort and faulty postures of the spine, especially at work. He also may be accompanied by other muscular pains in the limbs, for example, as may be seen in the some febrile debilitating diseases, for example Kalkreb (influenza). The patient usually recommended comfortable for some time, and some light painkillers. The recommended some light exercise, that does not strain the lumbar muscles. May sometimes be needed to some المرخيات and tranquilizers.


The different degrees of lumbar region, ranging from minor bruises, that disappear pains comfortable for some days, with some light painkillers, and severe trauma that may be associated with fractures in one, or several paragraphs, may affect some of the spinal nerves. Here treatment varies depending on the situation, from conservative treatment to surgery.

Herniated nucleus pulposus:

Or disc, as is common, which exit the material in intervertebral disc after trauma or sudden movement. The exit of these fibrous material may put a strain on the spinal cord, or on the spinal nerves at the exits. This disease scores, and treatment vary depending on class, for which review the patient, typically ranging from conservative treatment and surgery. Usually reviewing patient complaining of severe pain lesion location, and lookalike stabbing knife, and is accompanied by muscle cramp and clear. This happens after a heavy load, or sudden movement is balanced, or after the effort and professional business, in the long term, Calcyakh and office work, and a greater proportion occurs in young people usually. This pain, which lasts for a period, can be resolved by treatment and comfort, the patient has come back bout between the period and the other, may be accompanied by pain spread radical one or both lower limbs, which directed towards radical compression lesion location. The spread is often pain or colic intramuscularly, خدرا or fill may evolve towards muscular weakness slowly, and paralysis in the very advanced stages. Here, the patient must see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment, and must correct a common mistake among people that every pain in the lower back is the disk, and thus the need for the surgical procedure. Most cases heal conservative treatment must be tested in all cases.

Sliding paragraphs:

A sliding section of the spine toward violates remainder, Calanzlaq that occurs between paragraphs: the fifth lumbar and first sacral, which is seen in most cases, due to the anatomy of the affected hand, which sets the stage for it. The weight of the body weight is an important factor, as well as ligaments Dresser also Configurator factor, and treatment usually between comfort and sustaining medical girdle, with weight reduction, to surgery Baithaq paragraphs infected hand.


Kganv which is a deformation takes the form of a concave sides of the spine, which also types, it may be morally or Hllia, and treatment usually ranges between braces and medical surgery.


The mean concentration of calcium deficiency in the meat bone, which occurs following audited diseases that lead to lying for long periods of time, which also occurs after menopause in women, and to a lesser extent in males after almost sixty years of age. The concentration of calcium deficiency in paragraphs lead to its weak, leading to fractures Anadamih small cause persistent pain. Gradually happen curvature of the dorsal forming Hump called the Shaykhiyyah. Treatment usually depends on the doses of lime with some other drugs to increase bone calcification, in addition to physical therapy.

Other diseases:

The diagnosis is usually depends on the patient's story and symptoms and the progression of the disease with him. Also supports other means, imaging scans and magnetic resonance, which affirms the diagnosis of disc, as well as other blood tests, which are very useful in dispersing some injuries on the other. When the diagnosis must be treated patient conservative treatment and surgical treatment gradually, and should be completely patient adherence to recommendations recommended.


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