Is a malignancy of certain cells that proliferate randomly and can be transmitted to other organs of the body and be harmful. And is most non-cancerous breast disease, but multiple tests and the doctor is the one who determined and identifies methods of treatment. Breast cancer originates in the milk-producing glands of the breast tissue. Groups of normal glands in the tissues of the breast called lobules. The products of these glands move in the tubular system lead to the nipple. And divided depending on the type of cancer that arises where you are breast cancer, and develop some of the characteristics that are used to classify sub-types of breast cancer. The doctor determines Alomradi subtype microscopy at the time of evaluation. Pipe cancer begins in the ducts, Cancer Alvsa of pattern includes glands and lobules. Category most important in assessing the ability of tumor invasion, and this property determines disease real Xrtan. Pre-invasive cancer called to be, which means that early are not yet able to invasion. Thus, the ductal cancer Allabd
There are theories about the causes of breast cancer include:
- Genetics
- Virus
- The quality of a meal
- Radiation, drugs
- Hormones
- The early start of menstruation
- Late menopause.
But the female sex hormone estrogen is a causative basis in many cases. Oestrogen induces breast tissue cells and genital growth, and cancer is only the defect resulted from uncontrolled cell growth.
There are factors that increase the risk of exposure to this disease, which in detail:
- Age: exceed the risk of this disease, the more the age of the woman, and there are about 77% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed after the age of 55 years, while this figure is only 18% among women in the forties of the ages.
- Genetic factors: Statistics indicate that the percentage of 5-10% of breast cancer cases have genetic causes, specifically distortions in the work like a normal BRCA2 genes, BRCA1 note that these genes carried by men and women are equal, so can be inherited by the parent.
And not necessarily be infected women bearing rate of breast cancer genes because there are other factors that help the emergence of cancer.
If genetic testing positive in the sense (and a genetic defect) This indicates increased risk of breast cancer, without specifying when or the possibility of its occurrence.
It is noteworthy that the risk increases also with the presence of aunt similar to the relatives Mbeshrat (mother, sister, aunt, aunt or grandmother), in case the sister, mother or daughter infected, the risk increases twofold, but if there were two cases, the likelihood of risk increases five-fold . The presence family Qreptan or more were hit with ovarian cancer, the risk of breast cancer increases.
- Breast cancer: when exposed to breast cancer, the likelihood of the risk in the other breast rise by 3 to 4 times.
- The presence of abnormal changes in breast tissue such as Atypical Hyperplasia
- Radiation therapy to the chest: in an earlier period Radiation Therapy
- The menstrual cycle: starting menstrual cycles early (before the age of 12 years) and / or late menopause after the age of 55 years
- Childlessness or delayed first pregnancy beyond 30 years.
- Contraceptives that are taken by mouth: There is a possibility based on several studies that the use of oral contraceptives to a slight increase in the proportion of exposure to breast cancer. This rise lawless after dropping out of the use of these drugs for more than 10 years.
- The use of estrogen or progesterone: After menopause, and in this case being discuss the benefits and harms of this treatment with your doctor before you start eating.
- Breastfeeding: possible that breastfeeding reduces breast somewhat of the incidence of breast cancer especially if you continue to breastfeed for a year and a half to two years.
Studies have shown that women Almnjbat to a larger number of children and lactating women for a longer period that had higher proportion of breast cancer less than others.
- Alcohol: It is possible that alcohol increases the likelihood of injury increased by one and a half times.
- Obesity and high-fat foods: especially after menopause while obesity does not constitute an additional factor in the case found in since childhood.
- Sports: reduce the sport if exercised regularly risk of even limited to 1.25 - 2.30 hours per week as it is in this case to reduce their risk by 18%.
- Environmental pollution: by some medications deadly to insects DDE and other pollutants such as Polychlorinated biphenyls and most important of these factors exposure to radiation sources and pesticides and the use of breast planted in parts of the silicon and polyurethane made of silicon encased Bpola PUR
- Smoking: possible to increase the proportion of injury, but studies did not prove this conclusively.
Symptoms and signs
Symptoms of breast cancer:
For many breast cancer symptoms, including:
- Swelling or thickening in the breast or underarm
- Change in the shape, size or rotate breast
- The presence of secretions from the nipple (other than milk)
- A change in the color or texture of the breast
- A change in color of the nipple or visibility or nipple coup or change in the skin of the nipple (rash) or pain in the nipple
The diagnosis is made by mammography "الماموغرافي" An examination easy - safe - effective for the early detection of breast lesions. Addition to breast self-examination once a month. Examination of the breasts by a doctor annually.
Make the first radiograph Balmamograve between the ages of 35-39 years of age. - Between 40 - 50 years old breasts examined by a doctor annually.
A radiograph of the breasts once every two years.
HOW TO MAKE A breast self-examination:
- Stand in front of the mirror and look at the breast to note the following:
Change in the skin, change in shape, shrink the nipple into the breast
- Breast examination:
Examination begins to lie down comfortably with the lifting of the left arm and bend the back of the head. Examine all areas of the left side of the chest using the right hand in the form of circular motions with nipple sensitivity radial or vertically up and down to make sure there are no tumors or areas where a solid fabric. Then scan the area under the left armpit to make sure there are no lumps.
Repeated later the same process in the right breast and the area under his right armpit.
Each time being pressure on the nipple to make sure that there is no discharge.
It should be noted that it is possible to perform breast self-examination during the bathing is also where the wet hands with soap glides better on the skin.
In the event of any of the above changes, you should not enter into turmoil because 8 out of 10 breast tumors are benign tumors, but must in this case, check with your doctor at the earliest time in order to take the necessary steps.
Are breast cancer treatment - often - in many ways at the same time, if what has been early detection of the tumor was the size in the range of 3 cm, it requires treatment surgical intervention to eradicate breast but can remove the tumor itself and treat the rest of mammography to eliminate the rest of the cells that may be active . If the tumor is larger than that or it had spread to the lymph nodes, chemotherapy and is compounded by hormonal therapy context.
It is therapeutic methods for breast cancer:
Surgical intervention:
Depends on the size of the tumor and the extent of the disease. Where only the tumor is removed (if it is small) or mastectomy as a whole
Radiation therapy:
Is a topical treatment is by using the strong rays to destroy cancer cells to stop their activities.
It is a comprehensive treatment given periodically and the abuse of drugs by mouth to kill cancer cells.
Hormone therapy:
This therapeutic method to prevent cancer cells from receiving and receiving growth hormones Aldharoah It is through the use of drugs change the action of hormones or by performing surgery to remove the producer members of these hormones, such as the ovaries.
And according to the stage of the cancer therapy as follows:
- The preliminary stage (zero): one of two options:
- Resection of the existing breast cancer with part of the healthy tissues around, and be sure that during the operation examined under a microscope by a specialist tissue analysis.
- The complete removal of the breast. In both options are not remove lymph nodes under the armpit and upper arm at this stage.
First stage: radical mastectomy or eradicate the entire radical and non-cancer or partial removal of the cancer area with adequate perimeter surrounding healthy tissues to make sure there are no remnants of the cancer cells are not eradicated.
Here are the complete eradication of the lymph nodes under the armpit and upper arm.
In radical removal of the breast, is removal of the entire breast tissue and part of the overlying skin him and fatty tissue surrounding it and part of the muscle tissue underneath with a full eradication of the contract nodes under the armpit and upper arm.
Either in the complete removal and is the root of the breast, is up to remove breast tissue and fatty tissue around it with eradication of the nipple and the dark area around without any removal of a large portion of the overlying skin of the breast and without removal of tissue muscle under the breast, either remove the entire lymph nodes under the armpit and upper arm is not part From this the complete removal of the breast unlike his radical excision, where the full removed lymph nodes as an integral part of the process.
Finally, in the case of resection of the breast, is removed part of the breast where cancer and remains very much part of the breast and other tissues around it so you will not lose sick this breast, and often receive sick after this eradication treatment Akamalea radiotherapy, such processes that maintain on the breast to be selected only for small tumors that do not exceed a maximum of 5 cm, because it increased the size of this option becomes null and void.
After surgical removal at this stage the first stage given the patient a complementary treatment either in the form of chemotherapy that was the size of the cancerous tumor, which was eradicated more than one cm or hormone therapy with Altamoxvin drug Tamoxifen.
Phase II: also surgical treatment options are either radical removal of the breast or complete removal him with complete removal of the nodes under the armpit contract or partial removal of the cancer in the breast area with radiation therapy. After surgical removal at this stage are sick to treat a supplementary statement for chemotherapy and hormonal therapy with dose of radiation therapy to the contract lymph located behind the collarbone and neck down the wall rib cage hand tumor that there was more than 4 lymph nodes were discovered the cancer has spread out across examination under the microscope after surgically eradicated.
Phase III:
Options are surgical excision also confined to radical mastectomy or eradicate the entire him and the lymph nodes under the armpit or resection of the cancer in the breast area with radiation therapy.
The patient is given a complementary treatment after surgical removal in the form of chemotherapy.
* Phase IV: The option of surgery at this stage confined only option to remove the tumor as a measure aimed at reducing the symptoms of pain and exit of pus or blood and radiation therapy that same role that has been given to the affected breast.
At this stage, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy larger role
Many people believe that breast cancer is a single disease, but there is the fact that different types of him and these types as follows:
1 - cystic glandular cancer Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma,
Cancer Alorghani malignant Malignant Cytosarcoma Phylliodes,
Medullary cancer Medullary carcinoma,
Cancer tubular tubulan careinoma,
This species and other less common and less dangerous than other types.
2 - ductal cancer sedimentary Infiltraling ductal carcinoma is a cancer that originates in the lining of the milk and then channels permeates the surrounding breast tissue. About 80% of all cases of breast cancer ductal carcinoma ترسبي.
3 - Cancer Inflammatory Inflammatary Carcinoma in this type of cancer tumor originates in the lining of the milk and channels when plugging grow lymph vessels, and the skin becomes reddish and thicker, and breast very painful to the touch and looks like a hit infection. This type of cancer spreads very quickly due to the abundance of blood and lymph vessels related to the state of inflammation.
4 - indoor residual cancer channels Interductal carcinoma, a type of cancer centered where the cancer cells grow inside the channels. It may not attack other tissues.
5 - Cancer الفصيصي Lobular carcinoma is a less common type of breast cancer. And cancer الفصيصي is breast cancer that originates in the lobes and represents about 9% of breast cancers, and cancer الفصيصي occurs in the breasts together sometimes.
6 - disease Bahjt your nipple Paget disease of the nipple and happening this type of cancer when cancer cells migrate to basic nipples. The symptoms are itching, redness and burning sensation in the nipple. And Bahjt disease usually gives the signal to the presence of ductal carcinoma in principle anywhere in the breast tissue.
Stages of cancer
The international bodies and associations specialized health and cancer, to develop characterization identifies all stages of cancer. And depends determine the stage of this cancer on the so-called «determine the stage of the cancer surgically, it is not necessary to conduct surgical removal and sampling of tissue and groups of lymph nodes to be scanned are all under the microscope by a specialist tissue analysis.
Depends specialized centers treating this cancer worldwide this system in the description of the stages of this cancer is as follows:
First - the system of the tumor and lymph nodes and spread, and include: the size of the tumor, lymph nodes, and spread to distant.
Second - the system phases, namely: zero phase (a preliminary stage), the first, a second, second, a third, third, fourth (which is the final stage of the disease).
Also relies treatment centers and diagnosed with breast cancer in the world on what comes out of the centers and global bodies specialized in this cancer and what comes from the World Health Organization, these organizations and bodies to identify and characterize the stages of cancer and also to identify descriptions degrees slag, which relies degrees slag this form cells and tissues when examined under a microscope by a specialist tissue analysis and the degree of malice is placed during microscopic examination.
- Must be addressed many of the fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes, yogurt low fat and eating vegetables cabbage such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and yellow vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes and must use brown rice paddy, oats, wheat, millet and eat this whole-grain if possible.
- Make daily within your diet fresh apples, grapes, cherries, plum and all kinds of berries.
- Eating garlic and onions daily or eat garlic in the form of dietary supplements.
- Stay away from meat or animal products as meat contains saturated fat and avoid all dairy products except low-fat yogurt with unsweetened.
- Do not use caffeine and salted food, salt, sugar or white flour and Reduce intake of soy containing enzyme inhibitors.
- Use more of fiber per day, where it prevents toxic waste that absorbed into the urethra and the best fiber Alsellnom husks psyllium Husks and must always maintain colon cells as well as the intestines.
- Do not use supplements containing iron as the tumor uses iron to grow.
The best way to prevent is in the early screening on a regular basis each year., Or when you feel a knot in the breast. Or when the blood out of the nipple. Or when observing signs that did not exist previously: irregular edges or pulling on the nipple.
- Maintaining a normal weight (so that the obesity index less than 25) because fat cells, just like the ovaries, is also produces estrogen.
- Reduction of trans fatty acids. Bad fat are very harmful in breast cancer. The recent European study showed that the risk of breast cancer almost doubles when women uncover high levels of trans fatty acids in the blood. This class of fatty acids, derived from an industrial process (partially hydrogenated vegetable fat), found in processed foods, such as sweets and pizza dough and chocolate slabs. The doctors recommend not to over-consumption of these foods (2 percent maximum of the energy is taken).
- Eating fruits and vegetables. Colorful vegetables (such as tomatoes, carrots, peppers) and Crusader vegetables (such as cabbage and broccoli) are the most important, even if scientific studies proving the quality of its usefulness.
- Exercise 5 hours of physical activity per week. This would reduce the exposure of breast cancer by almost half. Are generally talking about a brisk walk, but fourteen hours of housework a week also reduce the risk of breast cancer by almost 18 percent. What is important is to combine for the effort and intensity to increase interest as much as possible.
- Having children. This would provide protection from the disease, noting that the hormone "beta Hcg" is responsible for this. Researchers at the University of Philadelphia American to describe this protective hormone for women who did not become pregnant or give birth to children.
- To choose the means of contraception. Opinions differ on contraceptive pills, but there is certainly a bit of high levels of estrogen reduces the risk of exposure to breast cancer. Are advised to consult a doctor in this regard.
1 - the spread of the disease to other organs such as the armpit, lungs, liver
2 - eradication has implications
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