

Multiple causes for hair loss in women

The problem was with one of them, it is noted an increase in the amount of suspended hairs comb after combing her hair, or an increase in the hairs scattered on the floor of a bathing place, then after a period of things do not remain as well, but those women began notes that there are areas of the head-free or covered with light of hair, and increasingly felt Bal_husrp when you see old photographs taken years ago, and comparing them with modern images show a clear Tsaqta hair.

The hair loss is a very common problem, which is not concerned with the men, but women and children are also vulnerable to hair loss.

It is true that some people accept as fact cruel to be getting them as a natural result of the impact of genetics, but it is also true that there are several things emergency health unrelated hereditary, caused when many in the loss abnormal hair, making hair loss have not «inevitably res judicata.

One of the best phrases regarding medical hair loss, is the title of that article medical researchers in the American Academy of Dermatology on women's hair loss, which stated thus: «the best medicines for the treatment of hair loss .. Be looking for a reason first.

* Causes of hair loss

* Under the title both sides «to see why .. Define means treatment », researchers say American Academy of Dermatology:« happening hair loss due to a number of reasons, the most important of pressures and tensions psychological and hair loss genetic », they add:« and also causes this problem and there is a medical condition health, such as lupus (lupus) or disease thyroid disorders (thyroid disease) or syndrome growth bags Balambayd (polycystic ovary syndrome) and others, as to what you do women during layout hair Baltsrihat different, and what is used during that of chemicals for dyeing or wrinkle or individual, all may lead to the emergence of the problem of hair loss in later stages of life, and thus must be alert to it that all of the causes of hair loss requires a different discourse in order to restore hair to natural pace of growth.

The point search of the cause, is confirmed by «National Foundation for Health» United States saying: hair loss treatment depend on to find out why, in some cases, we find that address why remove the problem of hair loss, and may require medications for reinvigorating operations hair growth, or make

* Growth and loss of natural

* And as indicated by the researchers in disorders of hair growth and hair loss in «Mayo» in the United States, because most normal people lose between 50 to 100 hairs every day, and this precipitation is natural does not affect the landscape of the scalp (scalp) with Ghalib people who exceed the average number of hairs on their heads more than 100 thousand hair, and there are those who have a greater number of hairs of the head.

In return for this precipitation natural there normal growth for the same number of hairs during the day, and the fact that the hair per scalp pass 3 stages in life, is the growth phase, and phase lie, and the stage falls, Valharh start appearing for the first time during the «growing» ( growth phase), or scientifically known as «Onagan» (anagen) hair and live one at this stage between two or three or four years, different people, and at this stage increases the length of the hair in every month about 1 to 1.5 centimeters.

Then, after the expiration of this active phase in the growth of hair, enter hair stage of sleep and lie on the side of activity growth process, any stage «developed Raqqad» (resting phase), or so-called scientifically b «Talogin» (telogen) During this phase remains along the pili on what it is, and will continue this phase between 3 or 4 or 5 months.

At the end of this phase, the hair falls automatically or by screwing factors during hair massage during washing or combing hair, and so what we see stuck comb or brush, or in the floor tiles where bathing is those hairs that end-of-life natural.

Then the hair in the same place, a new hair begins to grow, the three stages the foregoing, in the sense that once the hair fall, until you start growth in its place, and thus keeps the scalp on its natural form in the number of hairs.

However, it is also natural to get the type of precipitation normal within processes of aging and reaching stages of aging, but rainfall is as clear and natural, and that leads to either lightness cover poetic to the scalp in general, or to the emergence of places and clear away from the lid poetic,

The exposure of the American Academy of Family Physicians to list the causes of hair loss is generally in men or women or children or teenagers, they include:


* From causes of hair loss, experience the tensions psychological pressure from any source, and whatever motivated, as well as exposure to health conditions difficult, especially undergo major surgery, the researchers say the American Academy of Dermatology: «loses women amount clear of scalp hair after Traffic situations of tension and psychological distress, such as pregnancy and childbirth, and the incidence of a disease emergency or to undergo a surgical procedure or death of a loved one, as well as exposure to the differences of family and marital problems, and tensions acting career, and other factors that are affected by women more than men ».

And Aallon impact this reason that the tension forced a lot of hairs scalp to enter into phase «developed Raqqad» and activity stops hair growth, and this negative impact not only stop the increase in the length of the hair, but almost for hair loss, so the effects of traffic phases severe tensions appear after a period of time (a few months), and require more time also to back hair to its previous growth and abundance in the scalp, the researchers add to say that the good thing is that hair loss due to stress does not usually need treatment, but back hair to its previous natural state demise reasons.

There are also cases plucking involuntary hair, which is a manifestation of mental disorders is understandable medically until today adequately, and often does some people Bntf certain areas of the scalp, repeatedly, to reach out to some extent the demise or lack of cover poetic, and called this case

* Hormonal disorders

* Changes in the rates of various hormones in the body, causing problems temporary hair growth and hair loss, such as what happens during the stages of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, or after taking drugs hormonal contraception or even after you stop taking them for long periods, or during menopause , or disorders Endocrinology other body, such as those in the brain or abdomen or pelvis, especially disorders that increase the proportion of testosterone male (testosterone), the researchers say in «Mayo», naturally during pregnancy to increase the thickness of hair and Ghazarth body, and also from Common to increase hair loss during the three months following the stage of birth, may also get hair loss as a result of disease thyroid disorders, especially lazy thyroid, and here delayed hair loss about 3 months, after the entry for laziness thyroid, and addressing this laziness delayed return hair growth naturally to a similar period, and in general, the treatment of hormonal disorders and adjustable rate hormones in the body, restores vital in most cases and activity to operations growth of scalp hair.

* Therapeutic drugs and scalp

* Eating different combinations of drugs, and that the side effects of hair loss, especially the hair, such as medicines tear of blood (blood thinners), or antidepressant medications (antidepressants), or certain types of hypnotic drugs, or drugs hormonal contraceptives, or certain types of drugs treatment of cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure, or drugs treatment gout (gout) or certain vitamins pharmaceutical such as vitamin (A), or drugs cancer treatment chemicals (chemotherapy), or treat cancer radiotherapy (radiation therapy), and other than asking doctors about directly, as well as the presence of chronic diseases affecting the skin, such as diabetes or lupus or other.

* Malnutrition

* Malnutrition or fashions fevers lose weight, or processes repackaging and reduce stomach affect the hair, and hair growth naturally needs to eat sufficient amounts of protein, quality contain the kinds of essential amino acids all, also need hair to iron, and other groups of minerals and vitamins, like any tissue body nature «continued growth and continued», and therefore malnutrition, for reasons of non-availability of types of health food products, or a result of poor selection of food products covered by the person, or the presence of disorders satisfactory shift without eating enough, or failure to complete the digestion of food properly or a way that prevents the intestinal absorption of nutrients covered by one, the researchers note of «Mayo» that «fashions diet» unhealthy, which do not give the human a chance to eat a wide variety of types of foods, causing the emergence of the problem of loss hair.

* Coarse hair care

* The most important aspect is to beauty treatments for hair, which play an important role and influence on hair loss, then chemical or physical effects of the means used in hair styling and beautifying and industry layoffs different, other than care companion hair and use natural things to it, such as resorting to types dyes chemical , instead of henna or other materials used for dyeing natural hair, and like chemicals or Physical methods used to remove wrinkles hair and make it smooth straight, instead of using natural vegetable oils, as well as excessive repetition of combing hair types of combs and brushes made of synthetic materials is a natural , or exposed to hair dryers with hot air, and many women notice a difference in the use of combs made of natural wood or natural animal parts, ivory or cover turtle or other body.

For various reasons, may occur infections fungal scalp (fungal infection), which leads to hair loss in areas of the scalp, and require these cases Preview doctor examine him, and perhaps sampling of hair to the laboratory for analysis and see if there is a fungal treatment requires .

* Review your dermatologist

* Tests and analyzes of hair loss doctors advised in «Mayo» reviewing your dermatologist to complain of hair loss, when notes women get loss sudden hair, or get hair loss in places without other scalp, or when notice an increase unusual in the amount of hair outstanding comb or brush after combing hair or scattered on the floor tiles bathing place.

Although there is still no day medication cures from falling final hair by the effects of genes, it is necessary to check with your doctor to see and distinguish the cause of hair loss, especially since there are several other reasons treatable, and from which to re-activity of hair growth, and the There are several drugs with encouraging results in slowing the pace of hair loss that occurs under the influence of genetics.

Summarizes the researchers in the American Academy of Dermatology, outlines steps attempts dermatologist know the reasons for hair loss, and in 3 phases related to taking sufficient information from the person about his health, and quality of components and foods covered, and diseases that can be had, and medication are regularly or intermittently, in addition to other information related to the menstrual cycle, and previous pregnancies or current, and other aspects.

Also asks the doctor about any previous treatments for hair loss condition, both those that are under medical supervision, or which can be obtained from pharmacies or places selling cosmetics for hair care, Kalshambohat or oils that are added to the hair, laser combs or other.

The doctor examines the scalp carefully, in places where the loss and natural places, in addition to the distribution of hair in the rest of the body, also examines the doctor over the presence of symptoms and signs of a disease that causes hair loss, such as anemia or disorders hormones or other.

According to medical need, tests can be either a sample of hair or a very small piece of the skin of the head, or for blood tests and analyzes to detect any disease.

For the prevention of hair loss in general, doctors recommend in «Mayo» diligence on good nutrition which provides for the body important nutrients for hair growth, proteins and minerals, salts and vitamins, etc., as caution to the need to care gently hair, especially left to dry after bathing in a natural way, and without exposing the air temperature Hair (Ala_i_oar), and avoid making hairstyles debilitating for tufts scalp hair, and specifically says researchers «Mayo» like strands (braids) high and long, or pelletizing hair on the body cake (buns), or in the form of a horse's tail (ponytails ).

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