Their health care pregnant, pregnant food, physical exercise in pregnancy
Pregnant their health care
The old Arab proverb says: "A sound mind in a sound body," and I say: "healthy pregnancy in a healthy body."
Therefore, in order to create self-reliance and a willingness to confront the full responsibilities of pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women to take care of herself and her health before anything else.
Sleep and rest:
A pregnant woman that sleeps eight hours to ten a day at night, and for an hour after lunch at noon, women feel much urgent need to sleep in the first months of pregnancy, and this is a natural phenomenon holder can sleep where as you want, but during the last months of pregnancy. It has to sleep on her back or on a Jnbhe so as not to disturb her.
Bathing and swimming:
You can shower and standing in a bathtub, and get Hadhira feet slip or fall into the bowl of the bath or on the tip, because the balance is to be fixed in the last months of pregnancy. With regard to swim, it is harmful to cradle her health condition to be sound and do not complain about the complications of pregnancy. And swimming should be engaged in quiet pools clean water in abundance would be acceptable and should not be exposure to the sun for only a very short time.
Sir Sports:
You can engage in physical exercise in the open air and walk on the most important stages at a rate of one kilometer per day. Sir for half an hour a day increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. The Sports stressful and harsh Evger undesirable. It is also a duty to refrain from lifting heavy objects weight and exposure to violent shakiness in the car and some games and amusement park.
Alcoholic beverages:
A pregnant woman should be aware that the amount of alcohol you eat whatever slim in its consideration, it quickly reaches the blood of the fetus through the placenta and affect it in another matter.
Also, a lot of alcohol addiction or because of serious complications when pregnant, such as premature birth and early abortion and diabetes.
Baltdaan take care of in preparation for breastfeeding:
Cleans breasts a day with warm water and soap throughout pregnancy, and Ameshan palliative ointments to prevent cracking of the skin and nipple. I would recommend it as exposing the breasts to the air for ten minutes a day before noon and after preparation for breastfeeding.
Pregnant teeth and Mdawatha:
A pregnant woman to take care of her teeth during pregnancy, and to consult a doctor on snorts damaged. Pregnancy does not prevent a dental drill or Achtlaa rotten ones Contrary to popular belief that it affects the life of the fetus and in danger of being dropped, but the opposite is true provided that uproots teeth only under local anesthesia. Also advise her to clean her teeth brushing twice a day and putty and eating fluoride (Fluor) throughout the duration of pregnancy.
The majority of doctors are opposed to smoking during pregnancy. It is proven that children who are born to mothers addicted to smoking are a lot less weight and size than others. The birth prematurely occur overnight with increased vulnerability for others.
Chapped skin abdomen:
Can avoid cracks abdomen which is called gestational mammals follow Nasihtin the following:
(I): must avoid overweight and obesity during pregnancy.
(II): Massage the abdominal cuticle since the start of pregnancy palliative ointments for skin and rich in vitamins of type (F, E, A) that makes the skin soft and capable of expansion, and pharmacies are full of multiple types of these ointments.
Food pregnant
It should be clearly understood that the mother eating a sufficient amount of the types of food that are in need, is more important than eating much of any food was pregnant .ually not trust the advice of anyone that they should eat twice what they eat before pregnancy, because the double not only been eating to obesity is natural that lead to birth complications.
The carrier says:
What if we, the women, are at greater appetite during pregnancy, and the need for more than the amount of food?
It is true that pregnant women appetite for food and the need to increase food a little bit about the ability of ordinary women, but that the amount of calories that you need are the same that pregnant women need is pregnant, an increase of 250 BTUs per day. They do not believe one that overeating may increase the size of the fetus or that I said to lead to weakness and death, this is a grave mistake, since pregnant women need a balanced diet to provide him the fetus with all the necessary materials needed without harmful to their health or deformation strength.
The food you eat mother go to the properties of blood, and when the materials needed to build a body found in the mother's blood, the fetus could grow natural growth, but if the mother's diet does not contain the necessary materials and vitamins may descend the fetus was severely damaged.
Therefore, I emphasize that it should not exceed the amount of food consumed when pregnant for the amount used in ordinary days or decrease it, with an increase of some minerals and vitamins necessary, and if followed pregnant this important principle in the system of feeding may have succeeded in overcoming various difficulties and problems caused by increasing or decreasing weight.
The pregnant body needs six important elements are:
1. water (fluid)
2. Azotobacteraceae (materials Synovial) (Proteins)
3 fats (Fats).
4. starches (Carbohydrates)
5. Minerals (Minerals)
6. vitamins (Vitamins)
All of these elements are essential for movement, growth and switch cells, which are found in various foods that we eat a day or less. If the food shortages of food For the pregnant diet to replace him last, and only upset the body and disrupt the growth of the fetus.
That divided the different varieties of foods to six will be addressed, namely:
Class 1 milk and dairy products:
The milk is the greatest and most beneficial food for pregnant women because it is a large amount of calcium, proteins and minerals needed to build his muscles and bones of the fetus, as it contains all sorts of vitamins necessary for the pregnant body. The required quantity of milk for a pregnant woman is one liter per day, or the equivalent of four cups unusual not to mention the cheese that contains ample amounts of calcium and phosphorus and vitamins every ounce of cheese is equivalent kilograms of milk. So you must have milk is the staple food during pregnancy.
2 vegetables:
Of the most important vegetables that should be addressed to the holder: carrots, beans, cabbage, grape leaves, spinach, potatoes, green peppers, and vegetables eaten the most important elements it is sufficient to put them in boiling water for ten minutes.
The holder can eat vegetables in salad consisting of lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage and green pepper.
3, citrus fruits:
Contain the necessary amount of vitamins to a pregnant body, is the most important vitamin (Vit .C.), Which is of great importance in feeding human cells so I would advise pregnant a meal or two servings or more of fruit per day.
4 eggs, meat and fish:
Synovial materials is that build bone and muscle, so named: Material manpower. Nor the fetus grows and grows in the womb of the mother, but if you find Synovial materials in their diet, and these are present in meat, eggs, fish, milk. It also must contain food pregnant daily eggs, and eggs have been best to solve all kinds of fish and marine animals replace meat in terms of nutrition and interest.
5.-wheat bread and cereals:
The most important types of vitamin it contained this category of foods is vitamin (b) (B) There is abundant in wheat, which is what pregnant women need more than others. In order to compensate for this carrier required quantity they should eat a loaf or more per day of brown bread because it contains wheat flour crust.
6. butter and margarine:
I would advise a pregnant not abound from eating fatty foods, especially in the second stage of the pregnancy, including butter, margarine and oils because they are only rich in vitamin (a) (A) only, located in the rest of the food, and it should reduce the intake of salt because it raises blood pressure and trap fluid in the body, which helps to pre-eclampsia, and by avoiding canned foods, sauces, pickles and condiments, such as causing stomach disorders and intractable in digestion and swelling in the abdomen and continuous nuisances.
Should be minimized as well as drinking stimulants such as tea and coffee, and not drinking too much fluid so as not to exceed a liter and a half liter of water a day.
Weight Control:
After the third month of pregnancy begins gradually growing, pregnant weight, and increases until the end of pregnancy, including about a dozen kilos. However, if the amount of weight increased fifteen kilos and above it becomes unusual and non-favorite.
You should note that the most serious threat to your health is obesity and overweight, so you control your weight down and consult your doctor to help you to develop an appropriate diet less than the calories and increase the necessities for your health and the health of your baby.
Physical exercise in pregnancy
We have experience and research has shown that the sports daily for pregnant women raises a lot of morale pregnant and earned softness, flexibility and active during the situation. Helping them to overcome the pain of childbirth easily, and to maintain the beauty and physical strength and agility, and the year after its birth.
That physical exercise - as is Marov- soften the pelvic muscles and vagina, uterus, abdomen and chest, and soften the joints of the pelvis and extremities becomes stronger and more preparation for the movement and shrinkage and work for the open, as that sport to prevent abdominal muscles and breasts of slouch and relax after birth.
In addition, the physical exercise for pregnant women to remove nightmares during sleep, and mental and neurological disorders that accompany pregnancy sometimes, it is also about cramping and jittering, neurological, and create the body as best they can to relax, which is followed by a feeling of greater comfort and reassurance.
Not physical exercise for the muscles of the body and by. But it is also, to exercise muscles that have a private matter in childbirth. Therefore, it is important to teach the mirror how and when to exercise and relaxation this muscle or those of the muscles of her pelvis, for example, until the draw in the payment of the fetus at birth, or the muscles of her abdomen to help them during the open-payment, and this requires strength and effort by the carrier.
The right to sit and breathe chore and move the body softly and lightness and ease during childbirth or by the other psychological and physical balance, is a prerequisite for the birth without pain.
But it is essential that pregnant women these exercises and to have full confidence in its usefulness does not fail to do every day and regularly permanently.
Are pregnant these exercises every morning after breakfast for an hour and a half hour, not less, or before breakfast, with the necessity of rest between each exercise and another lest increasingly rapid breathing and pulse. They should undertake this exercise on the terrace or in the room face the sun and good ventilation in order to reach the largest amount of fresh air and oxygen to the blood and the lungs.
And for each of the periods of pregnancy, a special type of exercise, so as not to harm the mother or the fetus. You should not use the jumping exercises or jogging in the early stages of pregnancy to avoid being pregnant abortion or projector.
So the doctor has to determine the type of exercise that must be carried out in pregnant each month of pregnancy ... the basis of several factors, including women's health and age and the developing fetus, and pregnancy status ... etc.
In addition to sports, there are some special exercises to facilitate the birth, which I hang them special attention. It would Train pelvic muscles and thighs in order to be more susceptible to contraction and relaxation which facilitates the birth of the child, without feeling the pain of a pregnant remember.
There is also an exercise squatting on the ground, which facilitates labor in the embryo stage to pay abroad. The last exercise is shaking pelvis, similar to the four sides of the situation as if it were a mirror you want to clear the land of the room, it softens the joints and strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.
Book / Women's Medical Encyclopedia
Written by: Dr. Spiro Fakhoury
Specialist in surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, infertility
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