
Rubella (German measles) during pregnancy

Rubella (German measles) during pregnancy
German measles, or rubella Rubella viral infection causing fever and swelling in the lymph nodes and pain pivotal and rashes, and sometimes confusion between rubella and measles Rubella Rubeola, where both diseases are caused by a virus different from the other. 

The rubella are very rare in the United States, where most young children are being vaccinated against the disease by a vaccine measles, mumps and rubella, MMR, and thus the majority of women of childbearing age Mmnat against rubella, and acquires 95% of people vaccinated against the disease immunity long term against the disease. 

But in any case still occur Outbreaks small outbreaks of rubella in the United States, which means the possibility of you sick during pregnancy if were not to have immunity to it. 

Measure rubella during pregnancy 

Rubella infection are mild, but can be dangerous if I was in the course of pregnancy, it can cause miscarriage or Amlasa (born stillborn) or birth defects (congenital), and can include birth defects to growth failure and mental retardation, cataracts or problems other in-kind, deafness, congenital heart lesions and defects in other organs, and be the biggest risk to the fetus is usually in the first trimester of pregnancy, but exposure to rubella in the second trimester of it too seriously. 

Being scan immune women against rubella in the early stage of pregnancy, the're pregnant and did not have immunity against the disease, avoid contact with anyone possible that he may have been rubella, we do not recommend dpt during pregnancy, but you can get the vaccine after birth so that you have immunity against rubella in subsequent pregnancies, and if you're not pregnant, and decided to take the vaccine, it is advisable to delay pregnancy at least three months after the vaccine.

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