Suite aux révélations sur les embassades des États-Unis dans le monde entier, cinq grandes institutions financières – VISA, Mastercard, Paypal, Western Union et la Bank of America – ont essayé d'étrangler économiquement Wikileaks . L'attaque a bloqué plus de 95% de nos dons, nous coûtant des dizaines de millions de dollars en manque à gagner. Cette attaque est entièrement politique. En fait, la seule opinion formelle ayant été exprimée, venant du Trésor Américain, expliquait qu'il n'y avait aucune raison légale à un telblocus financier de Wikileaks .
Vos dons sont vitaux pour soutenir notre combat contre cette attaque ainsi que les autres formes de censures, pour les projets de Wikileaks, l’équipe, les serveurs, et les infrastructures de protection. Nous sommes entièrement soutenus par le grand public.
Si vous souhaitez confirmer un don important, ou pour signaler toute difficulté, vous pouvez appeler le +44 7554 181 066. Ce numéro est uniquement dédié aux appels à propos des dons.
Wau Holland Foundation are the organisation in Germany that collect funds for us. They produce a transparency report each year to show how funds were spent. Please click on the below links to see these figures:
Despite Visa and Mastercard cutting off payments to WikiLeaks, we have found some ways around the banking blockade, at least for now. We currently have a way around the blockade with FDNN who are using the French banking system Carte Bleue to accept donations for us using your Visa and MasterCard. You can also use your Visa and MasterCard to donate to the Julian Assange Defence Fund and at the online shop Spreadhsirt where all profits go to WikiLeaks. You can buy the WikiLeaks CD and you can also use your credit card through our partner Flattr to donate to WikiLeaks.
Credit Card using our banking payment system
Use your Visa and MaserCard to donate to WikiLeaks. FDNN are accepting donations for WikiLeaks using Visa and MasterCard, through the French system Carte Bleue
Credit Card, to donate to the WikiLeaks and Julian Assange Defence Fund
With our partners Fundrazr you can use a Credit Card to donate to the WikiLeaks and Julian Assange Defence Fund. This fund was established to cover the legal defence fees of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks staff. Derek Rothera & Company is appointed to administer this Fund. The trust is audited and can only spend funds on Julian Assange & other WikiLeaks staff's legal defense. The terms of the tust and its trusteescan be found here. It is governed by the laws of the United Kingdom
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