
Difficulty breathing

What asthma? The reasons behind the rise in the number of patients? And ways to alleviate asthma attacks?

This is what we will answer it in this quick views of the subject of asthma.


A respiratory disease, a chronic disease get it lungs, where narrowing the airways any pipeline network bronchi that carry air from the lungs and it thus difficult to breathe, appears asthma symptoms in the form of bouts of coughing and shortness of breath and whistling in the chest.

In case of heart asthma find that an infected person has difficulty breathing because the air ducts hypersensitive to factors and irritants certain, and when raised these irritants inflamed airways swell and increases the excretion of mucus and contract muscles, leading all to impede the normal flow of air, and thus get an asthma attack, If they continue Nuba popular exacerbation cramping and mucus trap in the air sacs, which hampers the exchange of air, and thus uses the person who gets a heart chest muscles more to help him breath.

Types of asthma

For asthma are two main types, a person has either one or both, and these types are:

1. Asthma exogenous (sensitivity):

This type of asthma often spreads between the two categories of children and adolescents, and often disappears with age, and avoid triggering factors and irritating him.

And who experience in this type of asthma from excessive sensitivity towards irritants, as the immune system of the infected produce large quantities of antibodies; called Ameonocalobolin immune (ie GE), which cause allergic symptoms, and the primary function of these objects are highlighted certain factors exciting allergens such as pollen of some plants, فتلتصق cells physical, and thus accumulate these cells in tissues exposed to environmental factors such as the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, and if exposure infected factors excitement again, the antibodies distinguish, and alert mast cells to release histamine and chemical mediators that affect bronchial tubes, leading to excessive secretion of mucus, and a spasm of the bronchial tubes.

2. Endogenous asthma (not affected by allergies):

Spread among children aged less than 3 years, and adults aged over 30 years, and in this type of asthma are viral infections respiratory are irritants core, which affects the nerves, or the cells near the surface of endotracheal tubes, may cause constricting popularly or launch chemical media, leading to an asthma attack.

The divides asthma, depending on the severity of an asthma attack and sizzling sound (Burr: is the sound occurs when air passes in the airways narrow due to swelling and mucus and cramping PDF) and its responsiveness to the drug into four sections:

Mild asthma, and asthma average, and severe asthma, and asthma stopped breathing.

1. Mild asthma: lighter types of asthma, accompanied by a slight difficulty in breathing and wheezing sound, responding to treatment, but if not brought under control causes can be repeated twice a week.

2. Average asthma: recurring symptoms for more than two nights a month and more than twice a week, accompanied by difficulty in breathing during the rest period, and is responding to treatment as well.

3. Severe asthma: symptoms occur every day, or more than twice a week, accompanied by clear difficulty in breathing, which responds to the drug.

4. Apnea: This is the most common types of asthma unit, and the patient suffers from symptoms throughout the day in most days and nights.

Signs and symptoms of asthma

Symptoms vary from person to person, it does not feel all those with the same illness and in the same form, symptoms may differ in every crisis when the victim himself, symptoms may be simple in a severe crisis in another crisis and require medical Asaava quickly.

And can be summed up most of the following symptoms:

• dry cough and persistent, especially during the night.

• wheezing (a whistling sound during exhalation).

• shortness and difficulty in breathing.

• constriction or pressure in the chest.

• increased mucus secretion.

• widening of the nostrils.

Diagnosis of asthma

Are diagnosed asthma access to the medical history of the injured, as well as the work of a thorough examination of the injured to get to know the health status of the lung, and include diagnostic procedures as well as:

Work image of the lung using X-rays, and to test the efficiency of the lung, which is a test that measures the amount of air that comes out of the lung, and another test measures the speed of the air outside of the lung (exhale), and other tests such as sensitivity tests, and a blood test.

Asthma irritants

Asthma irritants are the factors that lead to infection with symptoms of an asthma attack, and vary these irritants among the injured, and most important of these irritants:

• factors allergens: such as feathers or animal hair, or carpet dust.

• certain foods such as peanuts, fish or eggs.

• stimuli in the air, such as cigarette smoke or grilled on charcoal smoke, or the smell of paint and fuel, or smokestacks.

• Weather changes: such as cold and dry air or high humidity, or temperature difference, or wind transporting materials allergens.

• disease: such as viral infections Karashh, colds and throat infections and sinus, and this is one of the main irritants in children.

• Medications: Some medications for asthma irritant such as: aspirin, drugs used to treat high blood pressure, migraines or glaucoma.

• Exercise: show asthma attacks after violent exercise performance for at least 5 minutes, and these exercises jogging long distances or football.

• emotional changes: it could lead laughter and tears, fear and screaming to get an asthma attack.

Factors that increase the chances of asthma

Get most people with asthma as a result of meeting a number of reasons mixed; any factors allergenic and non-allergenic, and linked to asthma occurrence problem in the airways, but the main reason for the occurrence of this problem is unknown, but the most important factors that increase the chances of asthma:

• live in the big cities.

• Exposure to chemicals of various kinds; such as those used in agriculture and plastic materials.

• Genetic factors: asthma may be due to a genetic factor.

• lack of fetal weight at birth.

• Obesity.

First aid for asthma

Can aid a person with a heart of asthma following ways:

• calm the patient.

• assist with medication if necessary.

• measuring vital signs (pulse, pressure, respiration, temperature).

• always supplied with fluid.

• give oxygen.

How can control asthma?

Asthma is one of the diseases that can be controlled, and these are some tips to help:

• Clear the dust with a damp cloth during cleaning.

• Do not leave food waste pools.

• Avoid humid places and rotten that cause the growth of fungi and parasites.

• Avoid rooms that smoke or ashtrays or places where air fresheners, paint or washing powders.

• taking the medication according to the instructions.

• good ventilation and open windows during cooking or bathing.

• Avoid going out to the parks during the spring, especially during the blossom trees.

• control emotions both when excitement or frustration.

• Avoid approaching animals and feathers and hair, especially at home.


Successful treatment plan requires the beginning of knowledge and to identify the factors and irritants that increase the severity of the disease, so as to avoid a heart Recurrent asthma, from here asthma patient can be entered factors that cause heart injury, and thus determined completely avoid.

As for the drugs used in the treatment of asthma Unfortunately there is no cure eliminates it completely, but the drugs used useful in reducing the frequency of Nubia, and the degree of severity and the length of her term.

Due to the presence of different factors related to an individual infected with asthma, so each person has a special treat and a suitable, be a combination of chemical medicines, and how to control it fit with an infected person, and drugs used in the treatment of:

• lung Extenders: (Kaltheovelin Theophylline) that reduce pulmonary contractions, which is often used to control the Nuba usury as a result of sudden physical effort athlete, working on sites called beta receptor beta-receptors that connect muscle ligaments around the bronchioles airways.

• NSAIDs Anti-inflammatory: Kalchorticosteroadat (Corticosteroids) that interfere with the activity and chemical الخلاية immune, and help relax the walls of the airways, and prevent muscle contractions that Tadhagaha because contractions pulmonary, and over time reduce the sensitivity of the airways of the materials that cause allergies popular.

But the ill effects of إستيرويدات (Kalchortazonat) get with the length of use for several years, and spoke of the use in the short term, but this preferred inhaled with Extenders people to reduce their ill effects.

Among these effects generally after use for several years acne, weight gain, and feeling of tightness in the stomach, and osteoporosis, and the appearance of cataracts (or so-called white water) eyes (any opacity in the lens of the eye), and reduce the rate of growth of the body.

• metered sprays: These devices contain gas, pushing this device laden gas required quantity of treatment when pressed, so that the appropriate dose is inhaled medication to pass into the bronchi.

• Tool Connectivity: This device helps people with the use of metered properly, which is a long tube connection one end inhalation device and the other end is dedicated to patient puts on his mouth to the required dose inhalation therapy.

• Spraying / Mrmat: It is a device that contains water spray and medication for asthma patient inhales, and uses this type of treatment for acute or when breathing stops, and most of the time used by hospitals to treat patients.

Finally remember that asthma is a chronic disease, you must concern yourself to prevent it starting to recover from

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