Diarrhea and vomiting in children
By Issam Onjq
With the onset of summer, high temperature, children can be infected with diarrhea and vomiting. This disease is known as a change in stool recipes, and it becomes of cohesive strength to soft or fluid, and increasing the number of bowel movements. The other changes occur accompaniment, such as stool color change or smelled. Natural child shits once to twice a day, and be coherent e stools and yellow in color. In the case of diarrhea, it becomes green, or tilted to the blackness, and increase the number of times defecate more than four times a day.
The diarrhea can be either acute or chronic. And chronic diarrhea is diarrhea that lasts more than 14 days. The different causes that lead to diarrhea than those that lead to chronic diarrhea. But in some cases may turn diarrhea from acute to chronic, if not treated properly. This leads to a deterioration in the weight of the child, and then failed to grow.
The food changes occur in the skin, poems and a lack of subcutaneous fat, and getting these signs and pronounced the greater the duration of diarrhea.
As for acute diarrhea, is often caused by a child nurse infectious agents. And different pathogens causing diarrhea in the summer, for those that cause diarrhea in the winter. In winter Diarrhea often occurs as a result of injury Bhmat thoroughly cynical (viruses). In the summer of factors are causing germs, or in some cases some bacteria toxins, the so-called food poisoning situation. But Diarrhea may be seen as a result of certain parasites, such as amoebic unstable, or fungi, such as Candida albicans. As well as different recipes stool, according to the causative agent. In diarrhea caused by an infection Balhamat percolating be yellow watery stools, and has no smell and lancet, but remain smells as usual, and the case is associated with high temperature. Infection may be associated with some of the other symptoms, cough Karashh. In the summer microbial factors that cause diarrhea lead to a change in the color of the stool toward the green, and changed the smell of feces and become unpleasant. The mixed stool mucus, or strings of blood sometimes, and if invading pathogens to the intestinal wall. And is accompanied by diarrhea in this case with others, such as temperature and severe vomiting, a so-called inflammation of the stomach and intestines sharp.
Caused gastroenteritis acute pathogens entering the body through the mouth, to reach the stomach and intestines. This happens because, either food or water pollution, or contamination of the hands of those germs, which put in feces and spread of a new move to other children. The increasing proliferation of these bacteria in the summer. And diarrhea associated with increased thirst and the need to address the water, but may prevent vomiting, leading to infection by the drought, which is the most important risk factor in this case. Water is a significant proportion of body weight, especially in children, and the loss of a large amount of water by diarrhea with no possibility of compensation this loss due to vomiting, or a result of not absorb fluids from the intestine, due to injury pathogenesis where, lead to a dehydration, and therefore lack the amount of fluid in the body, leading to a decrease in blood volume, causing various disorders in the body, as a downturn in blood pressure, tachycardia. Can also be accompanied by turmoil in salts, and this leads to trouble in some of the functions of certain cells of the body.
The basic treatment in the event of an infection of the stomach and intestines sharp, be Baaadh lack fluids and salts. In cases not associated with diarrhea, vomiting, and where the loss of fluids minor or moderate, it can be compensated oral fluids. There are currently on the market contain salts conditions necessary in certain proportions solved sterile water, and given to a child. There are also ready-packed solutions and sterile can be given directly to children. In cases accompanied by severe vomiting, impedes fluids, or cases where severe dehydration and loss of many fluids, the fluid must be quick. And this is done in the hospital giving intravenous fluids, with patient monitoring well, fear of the consequences of not praise consequences.
Add to give water and salts can be given the child some medicine, as anti vomiting and antipyretics and antispasmodics, abdominal pain, and antibiotics leaves and described to the doctor, as the case may be. Many cases of gastroenteritis acute heal without giving, but in some cases you may have to give antibiotics when the infection is severe, or when a child is injured too small or has a disorder of immunity in the body, or he has malnutrition, or when the factors Nurse of the gaseous type of stomach wall. Giving antibiotics in cases which should not be given, may lead undesirable side effects.
Prevention is better than cure, and hygiene is the most important preventive means, for inflammation of the stomach and intestines sharp. Venzafah be a good بغسلهما hands after using the toilet or changing a baby's diaper, and before preparing food or eating, is an important factor in prevention. Also prevent children from eating foods exposed, vulnerable to insects, especially flies frequently in the summer, which transmits pathogens, and the poor foods helps keeping the proliferation of bacteria and pathogens, which can remain alive in preserved foods in the fridge. When exposed to heat multiply and move to the body through the digestive tract, leading to inflammation of the stomach and intestines sharp.
Some pathogens cause of diarrhea and vomiting, indirectly, by secreting toxic substances called toxins (poisons) and these substances excreted in the food and remain reserved when placed in the fridge, and when dealing with human food containing these toxins get child vomiting and diarrhea. This is called food poisoning. And different symptoms that afflict the patient, as the causative agent. The treatment so it is giving fluids and anti-vomiting, as is the case in gastroenteritis acute. Here, the infection is when a group of people ate the same food item containing the toxin pathogen.
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