What is diabetes?
Is becoming a disease the patient's blood (and urine) Mahtoyan on excessive amounts of violence sugar (glucose), causing the patient a number of symptoms and complications if not treated, and that can affect adults and children.
- Is there a difference between diabetes in the urine and blood sugar
No .. These misconceptions because the presence of sugar in the urine caused by high blood sugar.
- Why blood sugar rises?
In order to identify the nature of diabetes must have to know some of the characteristics of our bodies sound particularly toward and digest the food and how to benefit from it:
The human body can likened machine that does not work unless there fuel to give the necessary energy and fuel source human is food. When we eat digest body in the intestine and consists in the end dextrose (glucose), which absorbed the cells lining the wall of the small intestine, including seeps into the bloodstream and helps hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas to enter the sugar from the blood into the cells of the body to take advantage of it and if he got there a defect in the pancreas results in a lack of insulin and thus the body loses its ability to sugar consumption and rising percentage in the blood and leak into the urine and because of that the patient suffers from frequent urination and thirst, weight loss and general weakness along with a number of other complications if the condition persists untreated, they may develop into a deep coma.
- What is the pancreas?
Is a prismatic shape gland located in the upper abdomen above the twelve section of the small intestine and behind the stomach
The pancreas gland secretes digestive juices mixed. In within the gland Alnbugraas tissue multiple islands of special tissue called Islands (Langer Hans), one of the endocrine glands which secrete the hormone insulin, which regulates the metabolism of sugary substances in the body
- Is there a difference in the cause of diabetes in children and adults?
Yes - diabetes in children caused by a shortfall in resource insulin as mentioned As adults, the pancreas still able to secrete insulin, but there is a shortage in the degree of sensitivity of the cells of the body to him and thus invalidate the effect and there are many differences in the causes and treatment of disease among adults and children.
Is diabetes contagious?
- Some say that the diabetes of infectious diseases, a claim is wrong.
- Is it caused by eating large amounts of sugars, starches?
- Are produced from psychological emotions such as anxiety, fear and other?
No .. A lot of people with diabetes claim that the disease have appeared upon exposure to psychological crisis In fact, latent infection have before exposure to the psychological crisis, but this crisis exacerbate symptoms.
Is heredity role in diabetes?
Yes - research has shown that the role of heredity in the incidence of diabetes in children and frequently possibility if there are family members living with diabetes, especially siblings and parents. It should be noted here that although the heritability big role in the incidence of diabetes. It is not the only factor as the research suggests that when incidence of certain diseases virus or exposure to some other environmental factors, and in the case of a genetic predisposition in children, this leads to inflammation of the pancreas and thus fibrosis glands Allangrhans and then lead to a lack of insulin. Produced by the body's secretion of antibodies to cells of the pancreas leading to inflammation and then cirrhosis of these cells in the pancreas. On this occasion, there are some initial research suggests that children who Erdawa of milk less diabetes compared to children who Erdawa from cow's milk.
- Does obesity lead to diabetes in children?
No - but obesity play a bigger role in the incidence of diabetes in adults than in children.
- Is there a way to prevent diabetes in children?
In fact there is no way that you can take to prevent diabetes in children at the moment, but of course, the prevention of obesity in childhood reduce the incidence of diabetes, "Type II - Non Insulin Dependent." In the years after puberty.
- How do I know if my child has diabetes - or what are the symptoms of diabetes in children?
Frequent urination quantity and number.
Extreme thirst and drink water in large quantities.
Feeling tired and lack of movement
Weight loss.
In the absence of rapid detection and non-infected treatment children with symptoms of high sugar "acetone" in the blood results in the following: - loss of appetite.
- Pain in the abdomen.
- Vomiting.
- Concern and crowing.
- Shortness of breath and an increase in respiratory rate with out the smell of "Aston" from understanding the distinct smell like apples rot.
* If you notice these symptoms in your child should consult a doctor immediately.
Diabetes in the teenage years and young people
The teenage years of the most important and the most difficult periods in the follow-up and treatment of the disease with diabetes to accompany this period of changes in the physical growth of the patient due to the secretion of various hormones in addition to changes the psychological and looked young person to create personal self and the tendency to independence and not listen easily to instructions and tips parents , love to go out a lot of the house and the tendency to spend longer times sleepless with colleagues and meals outside the home and non-compliance with dietary guidelines and not attending regularly to the doctor's office. And forget or refuse to take insulin Jraan and lead often to the difficulty of organizing sugar during this period.
And then of complications such as diabetes and high landing diabetes .. Perhaps begin at the onset of some chronic complications eye Ktather and total and squandered focus on answering some of the questions that come to the minds of parents and the patient to help everyone to skip this important period in the life of every natural person especially diabetics.
- Is it possible for a patient to grow sugar naturally and enters adulthood normally like other children?
Yes. Especially if the patient is following up the treatment on a regular basis but if the patient does not follow up treatment on a regular basis, it affects the child's development and may lead to late-onset or slow signs of puberty stages of progress.
- You come with the menstrual cycle normally and regularly for girls living with diabetes?
Yes .. Session comes to a sick girl with diabetes like other girls, but if there is irregularity in treatment may be delayed session or be irregular ... Moreover, in some cases are high in sugar just before the start of the session due to hormonal changes and you should be aware of that.
Can diabetics marriage and a normal married life?
Can sick sugar to carry and give birth to normal children?
Yes. But you should consult your doctor and gynecologist and childbirth because their diabetes and regulate blood sugar before and during pregnancy great importance in this period because irregular treatment of high blood sugar lead to affected fetus.
Is there is a change in the needs of human insulin during the period of youth and adolescence?
Yes. Vegan body needs insulin increase during the teen years of the change that occurs in hormones and thus increasing the speed of growth .. If not given sufficient doses can lead to high blood sugar and I hope to acknowledge that he can not replace insulin grains at this age as some people understand.
What the effects of smoking on diabetic?
Smoking harmful effects on everyone such as lung cancer and coronary heart disease and increases the incidence of these diseases are clearly among people with diabetes who have the habit of smoking and therefore we advise you not to smoke
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